
Conroy (Almost) Concedes Defeat On Internet Filter

David Ramli over at ARN managed to score some one-on-one time with the Communications Minister in the final run up to the election, in which Senator Conroy made a rather startling admission:

When asked by Ramli:

On filtering, the issue is dead in the Senate regardless of who wins thanks to the Opposition, the Greens and Senator Nick Xenophon vowing to vote against it. Is there any way you would bring mandatory filtering in without a vote in the Senate?

Conroy replied:

Genuinely, I don’t believe we can, I don’t think there’s a backdoor way we could do it. I think the only way we could do it is through Parliament.

The entire interview is both fascinating and entertaining, not just for the admission from Conroy that the filter will likely never be passed through parliament, but also for the way he bluntly states that they simply won’t release or even commit to a business case or cost-benefit analysis for the NBN, calling it a “waste of time, waste of effort, waste of money”.

Head over to ARN and read the full transcript.


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