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Federal budget 2015: Abbott government backs down on controversial six-month dole wait

Treasurer Joe Hockey.

Treasurer Joe Hockey. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The Abbott government is backing down on its controversial plan to make younger people seeking the dole wait up to six months before receiving welfare in a radical departure from its tough "lifter or leaner" language seen in last year's budget.

Instead of asking people under 30 to wait six months before receiving the dole, the Coalition will now seek to extend the existing one-week waiting period to four weeks for people aged under 25.

It is a major backdown from one of the harshest measures included in the Coalition's first budget but the one-month waiting period could still face a hostile response in the Senate.

Under a $330 million "Back to Work" plan to be unveiled when the budget is released on Tuesday night, the Coalition will target young people experiencing difficulty getting into work.

The plan will involve:

  • $106 million for "intensive support trials" for young migrants and young people with mental illnesses finding it difficult to enter the workforce
  • $212 million for a new "transition" program helping young people who have abandoned their studies or employment and deemed at risk of being on long-term welfare, find work
  •  $14 million for teenagers who leave school before Year 12 find a job

The government had wanted to force young people to wait for six months before signing onto the dole in an attempt to make them "earn or learn".

The measure was designed to save the budget $1.2 billion over four years but was highlighted by government critics as one of the 2014 budget's harshest measures.  It was due to begin in 2015 but was blocked in the Senate.




Speaking to the media earlier on Tuesday, Treasurer Joe Hockey foreshadowed the move when asked if there would be a change to the planned six-month wait.

"You'll see a changed version of that … you'll see it tonight," Mr Hockey said.


  • Just as I thought earlier today when commenting on the Pulse, it's still there. What's there? The attitude, that people must have it made hard for them in some way. The devil is always in the detail and there probably isn't a comb fine enough to lift all the nasties out from the depth of the budget papers. They'll be lurking there somewhere.

    Date and time
    May 12, 2015, 5:46PM
    • pluto - totally agree.
      We quoted you on Facebook page "Australia you can't seriously think making Tony Abbott PM is a good idea"

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 5:59PM
    • It's so frightening that he even suggested it in the first place.

      Everyone under 30?

      Just .... go without? What did he think the outcome of that would be?

      The processes behind the decisions are obviously devoid of any humanity. So, yeah, anything they're suggesting needs to be viewed with absolute distrust.

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 6:17PM
    • But, also, don't forget Labor suddenly decided to cut sole benefits by a third, overnight, that too was cruel, so, they unfortunately, aren't much better.

      And, "I", never got ANY paid parental leave and there are some who get TWO?


      I was just left to my own devices to get bigger and better and meaner.

      They'll get support for cutting out that perk.

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 6:24PM
    • So young unemployed have to not eat for 4 weeks instead of 6 months? I suppose that is an improvement, but it still shows a completely callous attitude. They are just as out of touch as they were last year.

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 6:33PM
    • I bet big Joe isn't dancing and smoking cigars this time, he might have grown up a bit in the last twelve months and realised there are young people out there who would love to work but the jobs are not there, his I'm all right jack approach fell over the last hurdle.

      Port Macquarie.
      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 6:34PM
    • Goodness me! Does he think that being unemployed is a lifestyle choice?

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 6:40PM
    • This will be merely a not very heartfelt apology budget. I thought being mean, devious and callous were learned behaviours but it seems to be genetic in these ideological warriors.

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 6:49PM
    • "Goodness me! Does he think that being unemployed is a lifestyle choice?"


      As Employment Minister, Tony Abbott labelled the unemployed "job snobs" and claimed people were homeless by choice.

      I suppose that includes the unemployed, disabled and homeless war veterans now that the Liberals have finished capitalising on Anzac Day with photo opportunities (but not Scott Morrison - see his Facebook page - Anzac Day's been over for 18 days Scott - stop doing a Woolworths).

      “Will work for the dole increase your chances of getting a job?”
      (ABC 7.30 28 Jul 2014)

      "TONY ABBOTT, THEN HOWARD GOVERNMENT MINISTER: People are becoming job snobs, that's to say, yes, they want to work, but only on their own terms."

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 6:54PM
    • Tony Abbott. The man with a story for every occasion and those in his own Party who know he's not a Prime Minister's bootlace. Depending on the polls of course.

      Date and time
      May 12, 2015, 7:06PM

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