Socialist Worker

Go all out for 19 March anti-racist demos

Activists across Britain are building for monster demonstrations on Saturday 19 March to say refugees are welcome.

Sixth form teachers prepare to strike against Tory education cuts

NUT union members in sixth form colleges across England are set to strike on Tuesday 15 March. They are fighting the impact of Tory funding cuts on teachers’ conditions—and want to stop the assault on education.

Domestic violence survivor speaks out against cuts - I wouldnt be here today without Doncaster Womens Aid

women, domestic violence, Doncaster, Yorkshire, cuts, protest, demonstration,

Doncaster Women's Aid faces closure after losing its funding after 40 years in the South Yorkshire town. Emma, a survivor of domestic violence, will be joining a protest in the town tomorrow, Saturday, against the closure. She told Socialist Worker that the service saved her life - and that women will be in greater danger if it goes.

Activists rally for refugees as EU leaders ramp up racist clampdown

The European Union (EU) president Donald Tusk has issued a threat to desperate refugees trying to get into Europe. “Do not come to Europe—it is all for nothing,” he said in an attack aimed at “potential economic migrants”.

Indian students march against governments war on democracy

A wave of protests has gripped India since the arrest of students’ union leaders in the capital, New Delhi, last month. With a march to the parliament planned for today, Wednesday, Kavita Krishnan explains what is at stake

Elections reveal anger and divisions in Iran

Early election results from Iran have indicated large gains for the List of Hope, the “reformist” wing of the Islamic Republican regime’s ruling class.


The EUs ‘internationalism’ is a liberal myth

It’s not really that surprising that in the Brexit debate the European Union (EU) is portrayed as somehow embodying internationalism. After all, xenophobic Little Englanders such as Tory minister Iain Duncan Smith and Ukip leader Nigel Farage dominate the Leave campaign.

What would anti-austerity economics look like?

Dave Sewell looks at alternatives to the policy of cuts, and asks whether Labour’s plans go far enough

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