
Mark Steyn

Steyn in for Rush!

Start your week with three hours of substitute-host-level excellence in broadcasting! Mark will be back behind the Golden EIB Microphone on Monday, guest-hosting for Rush on America's Number One radio show, live from 12 noon Eastern/9am Pacific. We hope you'll dial him up either on one of 600 radio stations across the land or via iHeartRadio livestream or your Rush 24/7 subscription. Monday's show falls between the weekend primaries in Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine and Puerto Rico, and ...

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In the News

Huddled Masses in Toronto

If you haven't made plans for April Fool's Day, you won't want to miss this: EIGHTEENTH SEMI-ANNUAL MUNK DEBATE ANNOUNCED HOW DO WE RESPOND TO THE GLOBAL REFUGEE CRISIS? Louise Arbour, Nigel Farage, Simon Schama, and Mark Steyn convene in Toronto, Canada, to debate the pressing issue of our time The motion is: Be it resolved, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... The global migrations underway across the planet are the great story of our time. So what ...

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Steyn on America

Super du Jour

A few horse-racey thoughts before Super Tuesday. To pre-empt the usual objections, let me emphasize that what follows concerns itself not with my personal preferences but with what is electorally likely: ~Donald Trump seems set for a pretty super day, winning at least ten of the twelve states, and more likely eleven, or possibly a full sweep. The exceptions are Ted Cruz's home state of Texas (where there is conflicting polling evidence) and perhaps, if you cling to the pre-Nevada conventional ...

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Steyn on the World

"Our Canadian Braveheart"

On Monday, for my appearance at Parliament House in Canberra, I had the great privilege of being introduced by Australia's Foreign Minister, the Hon Julie Bishop, MP. The last time she introduced me - a couple of years back in Perth - she had to sit through my version of "Kung Fu Fighting", which included me leaping off the stage and disco-wiggling down the aisle. In America, the minders would worry about the "optics" of that and advise the Secretary of State to give me a wide berth henceforth. ...

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Getting It

The debate? I dunno. Maybe if Cruz and Rubio had come out swinging that wildly at Trump last July, it would have made a difference. At this stage, the focus on Trump University, Trump tax returns, Trump foreign workers, etc, might merely reinforce the logic of those Nevada returns - that it's all about Trump. And, if it's about settling on one of the four surviving opponents as the anti-Trump, last night probably benefited Rubio at Cruz's expense. Which, given that some Cruz support would go to ...

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Steyn on the Oakley Show

The Post-Super Tuesday Arithmetic

On Wednesday morning Steyn started the day with Toronto's Number One morning man, John Oakley, live on AM640. After John's noting of the Aussie Foreign Minister's kind words about Mark, they discussed the US presidential race after yesterday's Super Tuesday primaries. Steyn noted the delegate count: Trump 285 Cruz 161 Rubio 87 Kasich 25 Carson 8 In other words: Trump 285, everybody else 281. [UPDATE: The delegate numbers have since shifted.] As Mark saw the arithmetic, there are only two ...

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Steyn's Song of the Week

Morningtown Ride

The grueling schedule of my sellout Aussie tour kept my nose mostly to the grindstone, but I did get a couple of hours off on the Victoria leg and so treated myself to a matinée of Georgy Girl: The Seekers Musical at Her Majesty's Theatre in Melbourne.

That's where the Seekers started in folk clubs and coffee houses over half-a-century back, of course, and the hometown crowd loved the show. The creators don't make the mistake of many jukebox musicals of over-complicating things, and it's a very winning cast. Ever since writing about "Georgy Girl" a fortnight back, I've been in a Seekerish vibe, and the one I've been warbling in the shower from Perth to Brisbane to Cloncurry and Mount Isa has been "Morningtown Ride", a child's lullaby that, at least for me, seems to take on deeper shades as the years roll by...

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Mark at the Movies

Hail, Caesar!

On the eve of the Oscars, here's a new film from the Coen brothers that's far droller and more genuinely subversive of Hollywood than the self-serving leaden propagandizing of Trumbo. As producers, directors, writers and pseudonymous editors, Joel and Ethan Coen have spent their careers successfully mining a contemporary seam of old-time studio forms such as screwball and noir. This time they have to be proficient at every genre - from elegant drawing-room comedy to splashy aquatic musicals. ...

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Mann vs Steyn

Football and Hockey

The Corner post that launched a lawsuit...

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