Open Thread 2-22

Whenever I hear about NextDoor, it always seems problematic. I’ve never used it, so maybe it’s not just a hub for people to complain whenever they see a Black person or a poor person in a wealthy neighborhood. But that’s the impression I’ve got of them. It could be a distorted picture, but kicking a reporter out doesn’t help.


  1. 2

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    @ 1

    Delegates awarded to Trump: 67

    Delegates needed for GOP nomination: 1,237.

  2. 4

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @2 Here’s the rest:

    Cruz: 11
    Rubio: 10
    Kasich: 5
    Carson: 3

    Bottom line: Trump has over 6 times as many delegates as his nearest competitor and 70% of the total awarded so far. Who do you expect to knock him off his perch? We’ll see how this looks after Super Tuesday.

  3. 5

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @3 Still believe the path to prosperity is below-subsistence wages and subhuman living conditions, huh? I understand now why you’re a radiologist. The economics department didn’t want you.

  4. 6

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    I’m not familiar with NextDoor, but if it’s being used by public officials to discuss public policy, then it seems to me there should be no expectation of privacy with respect to what’s being said.

    As for “people [who] complain whenever they see a Black person or a poor person in a wealthy neighborhood,” this video is awesome:

  5. 7

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    Meanwhile another truth appears…

    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s charge that corporate CEOs earn 300 times more than their workers isn’t just wrong. It hides another very real wage gap: She earns more in just one speech than the average American CEO in a year.

    PuddyCommantariat: This will be fully exploited when Heilary is coronated in the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) by the DUMMOCRETIN establishment R senile! Her speeches will not be made public as the Republican candidate will remind everyone that wall street owns Heilary’s short hairs. Puddy proffered the link two weeks ago from Goldman Sucks CEO where he was fully against Bernie Sanders and his candidacy rhetoric. If you missed it being as senile as evah, you could ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a replay. Butt being the balls-less senile wabbit you are this request will never happen. Why? FACTS scare you R senile; hence no balls!

    At least the Republican voter is objecting to the Republican establishment. The DUMMOCRETIN voter only has WHITE PRIVILEGE offerings from the DUMMOCRETIN establishment.

    In other words… your side sucks with WHITE PRIVILEGE R senile! That’s all DUMMOCRETINS have to offer in 2016.

  6. 8

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    As for “people [who] complain whenever they see a Black person or a poor person in a wealthy neighborhood,” just think about how DUMMOCRETINS react in Mercer Island or Broadmoor area!


  7. 9

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    MSNBC headline to come:

    “Racist GOP Congressman attacks and nearly kills DOE minority career civil servant, forcing early retirement”

    The Education Department’s chief information officer is stepping down just weeks after a grueling questioning by Congress about potential misconduct.

    Danny Harris is leaving his post at the end of the month to prevent “becoming a distraction to the department’s critical ongoing cybersecurity work,” according to a statement from Education Department Press Secretary Dorie Turner Nolt.

    Harris had been the subject of investigation by the Office of the Inspector General, which surfaced allegations that he was operating side businesses without disclosing the income on tax forms, and also that he maintained a close personal relationship with the president of a federal technology contractor, among others.

    Harris collapsed and was taken to the hospital immediately following a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing in early February, during which members including Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah., analyzed Harris’ actions in great detail.

    Chaffetz had argued that “by virtually every metric, [Harris] is failing to adequately secure the department’s systems,” which he said has a 10 percent turnover rate for IT staff. He also pointed to Education’s poor performance in a federal “cyber sprint,” an effort to improve cyber practices after the Office of Personnel Management fell victim to a massive data breach.

  8. 10

    Ima Dunce spews:

    Maybe we could make the rich love the poor and bring down rents, too. Just tax empty rental units with more than a month without occupancy at ten times the monthly rent. Than forgive the tax if they rent to low income tenants.

  9. 12

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:


    This comment from the link is precious!

    They place incompetent boobs in as CIO, then we wonder why our information is compromised?

    – which he said has a 10 percent turnover rate for IT staff.

    Maybe Danny Harris is getting the best and brightest… Puddy is qualifying that in the snark to work for those special side projects he didn’t declare!

  10. 13

    Distant Replay spews:

    at this point it seems very clear that you would be disappointed to see Trump win the Republican nomination and would, perhaps, prefer to see Rubio. In all sincerity, I’m curious to understand this a little better. Aside from the usual primary political rivalry, many Republicans who oppose Trump seem to do so for specific reasons having to do with Trump himself, as much (or more so) than their preference for some other candidate.
    I’d like to understand better what it is about Trump that you regard as being specific to Trump, and that makes him so undesirable either as a nominee or as President. And I’d also like your analysis of how it is that he has performed so well in gathering such a large base of support from among other Republican voters. Are you able to comprehend his appeal to all those other Republican voters? If you are, what is his appeal to them?
    I’ve read and listened to lots of establishment Republicans dismiss Trump (and Cruz) for various reasons. But always without much in the way of consideration for his success with Republican voters. It’s almost as if Trump’s continuous and consistent dominance of the polls week after week and month after month somehow never happened or doesn’t count for anything. And yet here we are. He’s sweeping up large majorities of the delegates. The polls may have erred slightly. But not nearly enough to account for Trump’s dominance. And of course now that shopping season is over and it’s time to buy, the polling error is narrowing. I don’t think it’s reasonable to assert that Trump’s poll results are not (or will not be) reflected in ballot results. As a Republican voter, are you able to assign any meaning to those results?

  11. 14

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:


    Sure is amazing how all the HA DUMMOCRETINS want to talk about Donlad Trump and the opther Republican candidates.

    Must be that WHITE PRIVILEGE being offered by Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie and the DNC just isn’t cutting it. Usually by now the HA DUMMOCRETIN crew would be bragging about their candidate. We know deep down ther are some dark clouds on Heilary’s horizon that no amount of “vast right wing conspiracy” screaming can bear out since the FBI works for Obummer!

  12. 15

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    Really, the only surprising thing about this latest find is that it took so long. Biden’s been a dumbass at least since the 1988 election season.

    CSPAN ✔ ‎@cspan
    Sen. Joe Biden in 1992 says President Bush should “not name a nominee until after the November election…” #SCOTUS

    I know how much y’all hate anything that has anything to do with that ping-pong ball poppin’ Michelle Malkin. But really, she started the site that has grown to support numerous people smart enough to point out gems like this:

    Update: If you’re keeping score, this means that the current president, current vice president, current Senate minority leader, and incoming Senate minority leader have all gone on record in the past in favor of obstructing a Supreme Court nominee.

    Only reason Pelosi’s not on that list is because the House isn’t in a position to obstruct SCOTUS nominees.

  13. 16

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    Ahhh yes butt will the national press regale this new Joe BiteME SCOTUS information to the public or bury it to keep the mASSes of dumb ASSes as LIVs?

    Puddy suggests the latter! Butt it did make it out in time for Rush Limbaugh’s show so it could have gotten some airtime!

  14. 17

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    This has to make the DUMMOCRETIN far left wrong whackjob leftists skin crawl.

    Even so, I see benefits in searching for common ground and greater civility during this overly negative campaign season. That’s why, in spite of the fact that he often misrepresents where I stand on issues, the senator should know that we do agree on at least one — an issue that resonates with people who feel that hard work and making a contribution will no longer enable them to succeed.

    PuddyCommentariat: DUMMOCRETINS take lying to new levels in the political silly season. So of course Bernie Sanders would parrot some worthless lines and lies! That’s called the ends always justifies the means!

    Butt from the left wrong libtard sites used here by HA DUMMOCRETINS you’d never know the Koch Brothers are against crony capitalism. Never know that from the Harry Reid lies in the senate well. The DUMMOCRETIN establishment is liking the Koch Brothers a little more this silly season because Sanders wants to destroy the DNC gravy train!


  15. 18

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    Well, that @ 3 didn’t take long. Four hours, two minutes.


    I guess I got my answer. For the past several months we’ve been bombarded by the spin of seemingly every Seattle restaurant that’s opened with some snarky variation of “Damn you minimum wage!!!!!” by Goldy et al.

    Then suddenly out pops some employment data that doesn’t go Goldy’s way, differentiates Seattle from surrounding metropolitan areas, and covers a not-insubstantial length of time beginning shortly after the imposition of the new minimum wage.

    What are we told? Why, we’re told See, those rubes employable types out there without jobs? They’re not unemployed. They’re really just carefully considering their options as well, waiting for just the right job at the right salary and the right perks to come along.

    Hey, HA libbies, look at the bright side. At least the left got well past the first Tuesday in November before the unemployment turd dropped.

    That crap sandwich? You voted for it, HA libbies. Now enjoy every morsel.

  16. 19

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    The problem with focusing on metrics like the unemployment rate is that you end up prioritizing those things that are easiest to measure rather than those that best reflect outcomes. (Link @ 18)

    Sez a guy who just spent more than nine months selling us retweeting a weekly focus on Seattle NAICS restaurant data.

  17. 20

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    Ummm Travis,

    This FACT was posted last night in the Friday Night Comix thread. The Seattle libtards had over night to contemplate their putrid and silly response.

    Actual Obummer BLS data be DAYUM’d!

  18. 21

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    Here is one for TPPS…

    Once a politician or any HA DUMMOCRETIN fool like TPPS labels the truth as hate speech, can anyone trust him to speak the truth afterward?

    Here are three for HA DUMMOCRETIN morons…

    We have Heilary and Bernie claiming to help the poor. So if a politician gets elected by the poor on a promise to eliminate poverty, wouldn’t fulfilling his promise destroy his DUMMOCRETIN voting base?

    Wouldn’t he/she rather benefit from the growing numbers of DUMMOCRETIN poor people to keep the government gravy train alive for votes?

    Isn’t this an obvious conflict of interest for DUMMOCRETINS?

  19. 22

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    @ 20

    I did see that, Puddy – you were first out of the gate. But we’ve been told that a lot of what we post isn’t read by the moderators. So I just sorta figured that Goldy mighta missed it. I hear he’s really popular at Capitol Hill restaurant opening nights, and there might have been a few of them over the weekend.

    I assume he’s at the higher-end openings, at least. Because limited-service restaurants, which numbered 1,917 in March of last year, are down to 1,843 as of today.

    Which sort of makes his example a bit hard to swallow. Those recently put out of work following the minimum wage increase might not so much be the techies who were making $150k and have a few months’ salary saved for their unemployment. They might be the unskilled, poorly educated types who used to work at one of those 74 limited-service restaurants no longer on the books. In fact, I’d say that’s likely. But what do I know?

  20. 23

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    @ 18, 19, 22

    You know, I might be a bit hard on Goldy.

    He might not truly believe everything he has to publish.

    I mean, if you work for a billionaire who pens stuff like this:

    If you want to know the truth about Seattle’s economy, you’ll stop following @Q13FOX on social media and start following @TBPInvictus. That’s where all the real news is happening.

    would you really feel free to write something contradictory?

  21. 24

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    Just as a refresher, I once posted this link:

    in which the City of San Francisco predicted a loss of 2% of that city’s private-sector jobs would be lost because of the minimum wage increase there. Curiously, they called them job losses rather than people considering their options and waiting for just the right next great job to come along.

    Goldy and I had a nice exchange in this

    thread last May.

  22. 25

    Distant Replay spews:

    “If you’re keeping score, this means that the current president, current vice president, current Senate minority leader, and incoming Senate minority leader have all gone on record in the past in favor of obstructing a Supreme Court nominee.”

    playing with semantics again. This doesn’t help you. By constantly whinging on and on about this, using semantic back-flips to try and excuse it, you only further draw attention to it and re-initiate the conversation.

    Bork was “obstructed”. That’s it. That’s the closest thing you’ve got. (Here’s the historical record) And the process was fully played out. His nomination was presented. He got a full vote on the floor. And considering Bork freely admitted that he purchased his own future nomination from Nixon by agreeing to The Saturday Night Massacre, seems like a pretty good call, historically speaking. All us filthy hippies think trading criminal conspiracy for a seat on the court would be a bad precedent. Reagan nominated him. The Senate voted and rejected him. ‘Cause he was a crook. And also ’cause he was a shitty judge unsuited to the job.

    And that’s really the point, isn’t it? Because that has absolutely nothing to do with what McConnell and (depending on the lunar phase) Grassley are promising to do: refuse to hear or consider any Supreme Court nomination regardless of qualification in the last 12 months of any President’s term of office. Call it anything you want, it’s still bullshit. Claiming it’s tradition is bullshit. Claiming turn about is fair play is also bullshit.
    It’s bullshit. Senate Republicans are bullshit. That’s the “brand” you establish with this. Well done. Please, whatever you do, don’t stop pleading your excuses to the media. See you in November.

  23. 26

    Distant Replay spews:

    I also think it’s worth pointing out, to illustrate the historical deference given a President in these and related matters:
    Bork’s nomination to the DC Circuit was confirmed unanimously, in spite of his political (and as it turned out, criminal) history.

  24. 27

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @7 Your source — the Washington Examiner, a rightwing propaganda sheet — just cites some guy who works for a rightwing think tank, and doesn’t even say what data he’s using. Any owner of a dry cleaning establishment or pasty shop can call himself a CEO. Hillary’s numbers are right for the S&P 500 companies. No, she isn’t paid more for each speech than an S&P 500 CEO makes in a year; they get millions, she gets a couple hundred thousand. So your comment is bullshit.

  25. 28

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @8 Very lame. What about all the Democrats who don’t live in Mercer Island or Broadmoor? The latter hardly represent our party.

  26. 29

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @13 In a nutshell, the GOP bigshots tried to ride a tiger, then discovered the tiger’s in charge.

  27. 30

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @18 How much are you willing to work for? $250 an hour? Careful now, machines can read xrays better than you. But you don’t care, because you’re gonna retire soon, and live off the fat of the land like me. Right?

  28. 31

    Distant Replay spews:

    If that’s the case then I guess I’d like to hear one of them talk about the tiger a little bit. Who are these people? Where did they come from? Have they always been involved in the party? What made them step out and seek to gain control of the nomination process now?
    Every Republican I encounter insists that they don’t support Trump, they won’t vote for him no matter what, and they don’t know anyone who would. Who are these 35% of base, primary voter Republicans who support Trump? What do they want that the establishment candidates can’t or won’t give them?

  29. 32

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    @ 31

    You have an Aaron Sorkin deficiency.

    “People want leadership. And in the absence of genuine leadership, they will listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone.”

  30. 33

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    R senile is being senile again… And a real lying jackASS as always!

    Gotta move those goal posts… Hillary’s numbers are right for the S&P 500 companies.

    Where is the S&P 500 in the article R senile? Your standard BULLSHITTIUM doesn’t work with Puddy. So you don’t like the comparison. Awwww cry Puddy a river! Talk to the hand!

    Puddy isn’t your wabbit ASS sniffing sycophant like Hanging Human TeaBag Licker or the Oregon moron. The article has the average CEO. Since Heilary loves to use average worker wages then use average CEO.

    Good try R senile. EPIC FAYLE as always!

  31. 34

    Better 2 spews:

    @30 that’s bob. He got his, so he’s all for pulling up the ladder so nobody can “take” from him.
    Or kids, so he’s got no stake in the future past him.

  32. 35

    Ima Dunce spews:

    I predict Hillary will take any incursion by Isis into Libya personally and involve us in old fashioned colonialism. Troops and all. It will be her tar football if it goes bad.

  33. 36

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    @ 35

    It will be her tar football if it goes bad.


    You mean when it gets worse. Or you’ve been in a coma for a few years.

  34. 37

    Ima Dunce spews:

    @36 Good point. Yeah, I mean worse. And it will because they know they can draw her in.

  35. 38

    Distant Replay spews:

    If all it took to govern effectively were trite aphorisms, Jed Bartlet would still be President.

  36. 39

    Steve spews:

    “People want leadership. And in the absence of genuine leadership, they will listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone.”

    Trump playing to the simpletons who want to see America ruled with an iron fist isn’t exactly what I’d call “genuine leadership”.

  37. 40

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    A brief selected history of Civic Skunk Works blog post titles.



    And yet, since the higher Seattle minimum wage took effect, CSW posted items with these titles:




    There certainly seemed to be a reason to talk about Seattle’s unemployment rate not so long ago. I’m sure it’s merely coincidence, but each of the three pieces in which the word ‘unemployment’ was in the title were published prior to the first Tuesday in November.

    Low Seattle unemployment was worth talking about when it was beneficial to Goldy, Hanauer, Sawant, et al.

    But now that Seattle’s unemployment rate is 1% higher since the city’s minimum wage increase took effect, while the nation’s rate is a half-percent lower over the same timeframe, CSW wants to talk about something else for a change.

    Go figure.

  38. 41

    Teabagged Again spews:

    @32 very telling that the GOP doesn’t have anyone with any leadership skills, I’d agree with you there.

  39. 42

    Teabagged Again spews:

    Bob I agree with you on something else, that Ribio’s wife is pretty hot. But I think Trumps third wife is hotter.

  40. 44

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @31 Trump appeals to middle-aged-or-older, lower-middle-class, blue-collar workers, many of whom have been non-voters, and they’re coming out of the woodwork to support him. Generally speaking, these are the people who have been left behind by globalization, and haven’t integrated into the technology economy. They’re angry, frustrated, and looking for a pied piper. They’re not deep thinkers. They’re more like a pitchfork mob.

    The demographic profile of Trump’s followers is eerily similar to that of the Nazi Party’s early years. I don’t think Trump is planning to embark on world conquest or set up death camps, but like Hitler, he’s a demagogue with a certain ability to mesmerize what you might call the non-intellectual elements of society.

  41. 45

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @33 ROFLMAO! You didn’t even bother to move the goalposts to get the numbers you wanted. You just cited some article with no numbers, no sources or references, no links, not even a description of the data being used. What they call a “60 second term paper” in college because that’s how long it takes to write it. It wouldn’t get a passing grade in any college class, and it doesn’t here, either.

  42. 46

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @39 Simpletons who believe Mexico will pay for a wall if he tells them to, and Putin will comply with his demands because Putin “respects” him. If you want to know what really happens when countries rattle sabers, read up on 1914. Except now both sides have nukes.

  43. 48

    Teabagged Again spews:

    Not sure what is happening to David Frum, he goes on TV without shaving now. Maybe somebody should take up a collection for him, so he doesn’t have to use cardboard for shelter.

  44. 50

    Teabagged Again spews:

    @44 unfortunately I think there are some people who think of themselves as Republicsns but really Democrats that are supporting him.

    He might be the exception but I have one friend, whom I mentioned here before, that he and his wife are educated and make a great salary and CPA’s that support him. I haven’t talked to him lately, so I’m not sure if he got turned off on Trump when Trump came out and accused W on knowingly lying about WMD’s and Sending thousands of troops to thier death (I know if any democrat made that same accusation he would have disagreed). But like Trump said he could shot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters.

    Then I asked another friend of mine who is a Kasich supporter and would like him to be the next President, but whom also says he voted for Obama, whether he would vote for Cruz or Sanders or Hillary. He answered by saying he wouldn’t vote for Cruz but he would vote for Sanders over Trump but Trump over Hillary. And he is college educated and has a well paying six figure job.

    I have no plan to vote for Trump but I’d rather see him get the nomination over Crud, Rubio, the Quack, Kasich, or Bush. I see The Duck as the least evil Republican. I wonder if many educated moderate republicans feel the same way.

  45. 52

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    You just cited some article with no numbers, no sources or references, no links, not even a description of the data being used.

    DAYUM R senile you are soooooooooopid as evah! Perry used the BLS average salary for all CEOs, not just the top ones Heilary likes to cite on purpose.

    Stay stooooooooooopid R senile. That way you can slide under the radar!

  46. 53

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    Heilary appeals to middle-aged-or-older WHITE PRIVILEGE workers and blacks who have no clue!


  47. 54

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:


    Lessee under Obummer,

    North Korea tests nuclear weapons
    China puts weapons on a man-made island
    Russia walks into the Middle East and we watch
    Russia annexes Crimea
    Russia annexes Eastern Ukraine
    ISIS takes over much land in many countries

    Any questions?

  48. 55

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    Roger senile head explodes @47


  49. 56

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    Once again libtards are the Nazis and Fascists…

    Free Speech only happens when libtards are speaking. Tim Wise, Dr. Cornel West and Angela Davis appeared without the need for a conservative counterbalance.

    Libtards, can’t win on ideas so they cry and whine about free speech!

  50. 57

    Sloppy Travis Bickle spews:

    No bitching at Mark Perry from Goldy. No snide comments directed at AEI. Nothing deriding the statistics in the piece @ 3.

    We’re just not supposed to think about unemployment (or, by implication, employment) while the numbers are going down.

    Meanwhile, the job losses in Seattle were during Phase I of the minimum wage increase. We’re only just starting Phase II.

    Perry must have some pretty good shit this time.

  51. 58

    Teabagged Again spews:

    @54 all trumped by W lying deliberately and invading the wrong country and marching thousands of American soldiers to thier deaths after allowing thousands to die in NYC. And if that wasn’t enough he then destroyed the economy.

    Mission accomplished!

  52. 59

    Willy Vomit spews:

    @ The Schizo @ 54:

    Lessee under Obummer,

    North Korea tests nuclear weapons
    China puts weapons on a man-made island
    Russia walks into the Middle East and we watch
    Russia annexes Crimea
    Russia annexes Eastern Ukraine
    ISIS takes over much land in many countries

    Any questions?

    Yeah, just one.

    What would you expect the President to do about any of that? I mean, the first apparent nuclear device detonated by North Korea may have been either an outright fraud, or a very weak and poorly designed device. In any case, their first apparent “nuke” was detonated in October of 2006. As I recall, George “Dubbiya” Bush was President at the time, and he didn’t do diddly jack shit about it. He was too busy prosecuting his lucrative little venture in Iraq at the time, while pointedly ignoring the individual who had actually taken responsibility for the act that everyone was using for the excuse for that venture. Hell, even the people that followed their orders and played the most direct role in prosecuting it say that it was a horrible mistake, something they couldn’t say at the time, as it is specifically illegal for them to do so.

    But, as you have already clearly indicated, you and SnideShow Bob don’t seem to have any problem with a few thousand (or a few ten thousand) young American men being sent off to kill and die for someone’s corporate venture. You’ve already stated, in no uncertain terms, that there just aren’t enough young American men coming home in rubber bags with “Members Missing” stenciled on the side. It makes you proud to be an American, to see a 25 year old man in a wheelchair sitting on a sidewalk with a little cardboard card asking for money. After all, if they were genuinely good Christian Americans, they’d go out and get a job, amiright? It makes you proud to see a 22 year old with his face burned off trying to pick up on girls in a nightclub, while trying to maintain his balance on a pair of crutches. It gives you all such warm and fuzzy feelings, doesn’t it.

    Oh, by the way, speaking of Republicans:

    “In fact, if you really want to be quite frank about it, how does somebody else owning a slave affect me? It doesn’t. If I don’t think it is right, I won’t own one, and people always say ‘well if you don’t want to marry somebody of the same sex, you don’t have to, but why tell somebody else they can’t. Uh, you know if you don’t want to own a slave, don’t. But don’t tell other people they can’t.”

    Of course, the slave in question here has no real say in how he or she is owned, or by whom.

    You wouldn’t have any personal issues with that now, would you.

  53. 60

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    “allowing thousands to die in NYC”

    When Human Hanging Teabag Licker’s IQ reaches 50, he should sell.

  54. 61

    Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:

    vomit producer…

    Seems you are the king of anecdotal people. When Puddy presents real issues regarding Obummer you got nutzo. Then you find an anecdote and use that to smear all people…

    Remember correctnotbright? Those were his comments on anecdotes.


  55. 62

    Roger Rabbit spews:

    @59 Puffybutt keeps ranting about “FACTS.” You just gave him some. Now watch his head explode!

  56. 64

    Mark Adams spews:

    Sometimes I do wonder about whether the President understands politics. Right now he’s got the Republican’s laying down a poker chip and hoping he just accepts their bs on nominating a guy for the Supreme Court. He should be putting his big chip down and telling the Republicans here is my nominee now get to work. I realize a candidate has to be vouched, but he has a short list. The only reason he wouldn’t have a candidate today is he’s asked the potential candidate and they turned him down. Which they may do, and they realize they may only get one shot at the court and maybe this is not the time. Still the President should realize this is a power grab and a power game (and yes ld statements you make when your Senator can come back to haunt you). He should tell the Senate here is my candidate get the process going and if you don’t get it going don’t plan on taking any time off until you do the business you are required to do. If you take off on vacation I’ll appoint him to the court while your on break. Thirty three Senators are up for election and the majority of them are Republicans. And use bully pulpit like Reagan did his last two years on getting his guy appointed.

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