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People use GoFundMe to raise money online and deliver immediate financial relief to those they care about.

Flint Water Crisis Relief
An emergency was declared in Flint, Michigan, after it was discovered that there were dangerous levels of lead in the water. Many people came together to help provide safe drinking water.
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Southern U.S. Storm Relief
In December of 2015, extreme weather struck the southern U.S., including three tornadoes that left 11 people dead. Donations poured in from around the globe to help those affected rebuild.
View all 217 campaigns
Flood Relief in the Carolinas
Hurricane Joaquin brought record-breaking rainfall and disastrous flooding to the Carolinas. Fundraising relief efforts for the devastated homes, towns, families & communities are underway.
View all 164 campaigns
Nepal Earthquake Relief
In April of 2015 Nepal was struck with a magintude 7.8 earthquake. Fundraising for relief efforts is currently under way.
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Help Ferguson Rebuild
In November of 2014, several businesses in Ferguson, Missouri were damaged during massive protests. Nearly $500K has been raised on GoFundMe to help those businesses rebuild.
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Typhoon Haiyan Relief
In November of 2013, one of the strongest typhoons in recorded history devastated the Philippines. Many took to GoFundMe to aid the country's recovery.
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Colorado Flood Recovery
Heavy flooding hit many Colorado cities in September of 2013. The event marked Colorado's heaviest rainfall in recorded history - thousands of people were evacuated.
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Oklahoma Tornado Relief
Oklahoma was ravaged by a series of massive tornadoes in May of 2013 that left thousands homeless. GoFundMe users raised over $350K for relief efforts.
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Believe in Boston
Tragedy struck the 2013 Boston Marathon when two bombs exploded, killing three and injuring many others. Over $3M was raised on GoFundMe for the survivors' recovery.
View all 51 campaigns
Hurricane Sandy Relief
In 2012, Hurricane Sandy inflicted widespread damage across the U.S. Fundraising efforts on GoFundMe helped raise over $1.5M for those affected.
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