Lauren Fox

Lauren Fox is a reporter at Talking Points Memo.

Articles by Lauren

The top strategist for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) floated the idea Monday that Sanders could be a running mate for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even as he added that no one is talking about that in the throes of a primary battle.

During an appearance on Politico's Glenn Thrush's Off Message' podcast, Tad Devine suggested that one way Clinton may be able to make up ground with young voters would be to add Sanders as her running mate.

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A major schism over guns re-emerged Sunday night in the Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Clinton said she supports holding gun manufacturers accountable when crimes are committed with their products. Sanders said he did not support going after gun manufacturers when an individual legally purchased the gun.

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) opened the Democratic debate Sunday night in Flint, Michigan, by declaring that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder needed to step down or be recalled over the water crisis.

It was the first time Clinton had called for Snyder to resign. Sanders had previously called for Snyder's resignation.

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