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Dennis L. Kolb Sr. replied to Jeff Dover's discussion Where Are Dole and McCain?
"@ Jeff Dover ; "I'm Sorry Is Satire Directed At Your Rush To Judgment For Not Even Opening One Link To See What Even One Contained?" "Shameful For A Person Of Whom We Should Even Blindly Accept very Thing That You…"
42 minutes ago
Dennis L. Kolb Sr. replied to Jeff Dover's discussion Where Are Dole and McCain?
"================================================== Disclaimer: "I Am Totally Against; All Of Both Political Party Insurgents, Including; All Of Those Currently Elected and Those That Have Ever Been Elected, That Are Seeking The Executive…"
1 hour ago
PC PCC replied to Judson Phillips's discussion Is Ted Cruz Eligible?
"You may not comprehend much of what you read but you certainly believe you know what you are wrong about.. I'm wondering why you practice law when you can not seem to understand the constitution. The constitution does not care what laws existed…"
1 hour ago
Jon Roland replied to Mitchell A. Meana's discussion Why I am Supporting Ted Cruz for President
"Before Blackstone, the leading authority for the meaning of constitutional language is Edward Coke, who explains in Calvin's Case, 7 Coke Report 1a, 77 ER 377 (1608), that a child born on the soil of England to a foreign national visiting the…"
1 hour ago
Lynn Bryant DeSpain commented on Seton Motley's blog post ‘Put It On Their Tab’ - It’s Time to Cut Off Washington, D.C.
"Here's a real good one! Oregon just raised its "Minimum Wage." It is going up to $15.00. Over the next three years of course, but several small cafe's are already closing, along with Mom and Pop stores of various kinds. Now for…"
2 hours ago
Lynn Bryant DeSpain replied to Lance Thate's discussion The Party is Over
"I have noticed the same thing with the guns and knives. Must be a South of the Border thing. I keep hearing about how Trump cannot win against Hillary, but then I look at the vote counts in the State Primaries. Remarkable. Where Trump wins, four…"
3 hours ago
Lynn Bryant DeSpain replied to Mitchell A. Meana's discussion Why I am Supporting Ted Cruz for President
"WOW! Sure a lot of anti Trump ranting going on. First, I'll tell you why I like him; He changes his mind. Only a fool keeps the same opinion when they get 'New Information.' Or, the same set of mind as they did twenty years…"
3 hours ago
Gail Cohen replied to Mitchell A. Meana's discussion Why I am Supporting Ted Cruz for President
"The only Kool-Aid drinkers here are the ones who think Hilary's friend Trump is a converted conservative."
4 hours ago
Dennis L. Kolb Sr. replied to Jeff Dover's discussion Where Are Dole and McCain?
"@ Jeff Dover ; Romney, McCain: Trump a danger for America's future Published:Thursday, March 3rd 2016, 3:27 am EST Updated:Friday, March 4th 2016, 12:48 am EST By STEVE PEOPLES and BRADY McCOMBSAssociated Press SALT LAKE CITY (AP)…"
4 hours ago
Lynn Bryant DeSpain replied to Jeff Dover's discussion Where Are Dole and McCain?
"You may want Trump, or Cruz, or Marco, but it comes down to what the People want, that is the conclusion. So far, they want Trump, and all of anyone's rantings, including his opponents, have not stopped the tide."
4 hours ago
Donna replied to Mitchell A. Meana's discussion Why I am Supporting Ted Cruz for President
"Go read the constitution!"
6 hours ago
Norma White liked Mitchell A. Meana's discussion Why I am Supporting Ted Cruz for President
6 hours ago



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Where Are Dole and McCain?

Started by Jeff Dover. Last reply by Dennis L. Kolb Sr. 42 minutes ago. 99 Replies

Is Ted Cruz Eligible?

Started by Judson Phillips. Last reply by PC PCC 1 hour ago. 1079 Replies

Why I am Supporting Ted Cruz for President

Started by Mitchell A. Meana. Last reply by Jon Roland 1 hour ago. 84 Replies

The Party is Over

Started by Lance Thate. Last reply by Lynn Bryant DeSpain 3 hours ago. 136 Replies

Hitler had small hands too...

Started by BLADES. Last reply by Scot Sheely 5 hours ago. 6 Replies

A Plea for Sanity

Started by Jim Delaney. Last reply by D.B.S. 7 hours ago. 176 Replies

Dump Trump

Started by Scot Sheely. Last reply by BLADES 10 hours ago. 265 Replies


Started by Scot Sheely. Last reply by Agi Yaeger 10 hours ago. 127 Replies

CPAC 2016

Started by BLADES. Last reply by BLADES 12 hours ago. 8 Replies

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