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Farmworkers, Consumers Declare National Boycott of Wendy’s
New York, NY: On Thursday, March 3, hundreds of farmworkers, religious leaders, students, and consumers will gather near Columbus Circle to launch a national boycott of Wendy’s, the world’s third largest hamburger chain. Following the boycott announcement, the protesters will march from Columbus Circle to the Park Avenue offices of Wendy’s Board Chair Nelson Peltz, Founding Partner and CEO of the activist hedge fund Trian Partners and a major shareholder in Wendy’s.
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03 Mar 2016 | Filed under: News / Human Rights : Labor
(A-Radio) Feminism and conflict resolution: the Anarchist Federation Britain and its Safer Spaces policy
As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the Anarchist Federation in Britain about their Safer Spaces policy. In this interview she tells us about the origins of this concept, the misconceptions and popular defensive strategies and also about the actual practice and constant development of this policy that deals with conflict resolution in political structures and survivor-lead processes in case of physical abuse.
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02 Mar 2016 | Filed under: Interview / Gender : International : Organizing
Albert Woodfox Released After Over 43 Years in Solitary
Albert-Woodfox_3334659b.jpgTake a deep breath everyone,

Just moments ago, Albert Woodfox, the last remaining member of the Angola 3 still behind bars, was released from prison 43 years and 10 months after he was first put in a 6x9 foot solitary cell for a crime he did not commit. After decades of costly litigation, Louisiana State officials have at last acted in the interest of justice and reached an agreement that brings a long overdue end to this nightmare. Albert has maintained his innocence at every step, and today, on his 69th birthday, he will finally begin a new phase of his life as a free man.
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19 Feb 2016 | Filed under: News / Police and Prisons : Race
Boston Anarchist Black Cross Officially Shuts Down
After over two years of inactivity, Boston Anarchist Black Cross has officially called it quits. Former members came to the conclusion that the group was not revivable, and transferred all remaining funds to the current bottomliners of Prison Action News to help cover postage and printing expenses.
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08 Feb 2016 | Filed under: Announcement / Police and Prisons
Flood the System Report Back: Still Lots of Work To Do
In May of 2015, Rising Tide North America issued a bold and ambitious invitation to organize a flood of actions “washing over, occupying, blockading, shutting down and flooding the institutions that exploit us and threaten our survival” throughout fall of 2015. The invitation recognized a need begin to organize in a way that would allow us to grow and connect social movements at an unprecedented scale and scope in order to respond to the many crises we face and shift power back to our communities. While much of the climate movement was orienting a focus on the COP21 talks in Paris, we argued that governments and corporations would only address the crisis we are facing with negotiations that propose minor changes and sustain capitalism.
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26 Jan 2016 | Filed under: Commentary / Environment : Organizing
(A-Radio) Brazil: The Passe Livre movement in Sao Paulo
The struggle for the right to the city, against the intensification of exploitation and valorization is complex and diverse. May it be people in Berlin stopping an eviction, squatting houses in Amsterdam, taking squares in Greece or fighting for free public transportation in Brazil. A state with a massive territory, huge cities and as in so many places a classist, racist and sexist division of labour that expresses itself among other ways through the public transportation system. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity to talk with an activist of the Passe Livre movement from Sao Paulo, Brazil, about their struggle.
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13 Jan 2016 | Filed under: Interview / International : Politics
Italy: Workers Operate Occupied Factory - Workshops Zero: “zero bosses, zero exploitation, zero pollution” (video 32:00 min)
Italy Zero.pngThe Youtube video -
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03 Jan 2016 | Filed under: News / Labor
In prison, the holiday season is grim – but I won't lose hope - Chelsea Manning
Free Manning.jpgHaving a birthday around the holidays was never easy and, with every successive year, it felt more and more as if celebrating my birthday got thrown into the December holiday mix as an afterthought.

But now, Decembers are becoming the hardest month of the year to endure.
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27 Dec 2015 | Filed under: News / Human Rights
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