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Pope Francis condemns "diabolic" attack on Missionaries of Charity in Yemen

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s ‘spiritual sister’, to be canonized...

Bl. Zoltán Lajos Meszlényi: The Magyars’ martyred bishop...
Brian O'Neel
The second of five children, Bl. Zoltán was born January 2, 1892, into a strong Catholic family. His father was a teacher and a school principal. He attended grammar school in Rimaszombat and began high school at a Protestant institution before moving to Esztergom and finishing at a Benedictine high school in 1909. After graduation...

3 exorcists share their insights on sin, the occult, and the might of Jesus Christ...
Patti Armstrong
Like a houseguest who can’t take a hint, the devil fails to leave after the welcome mat is pulled in. He is simply not someone that should ever receive an invitation. In my recent article on the demolished house believed to be a site of demonic activity, Zak Bagans, host and executive producer of the TV show Ghost Adventures...

Pope replies to letter from juvenile gang member jailed in Los Angeles...

The secret rooms that were custom-built to hide England's priests...

12 facts about Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow...

5 reasons I wear a Miraculous Medal, and why you should try it too...

95-Year-Old Friar Roberto walks several miles while hearing confessions...

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards to speak at Georgetown University...

Time travel and God's prophecies...
Fr. Victor Feltes
Many science-fiction stories have explored the idea of traveling through time and changing the past. For example, 1980’s “The Final Countdown” imagined a modern-day U.S. aircraft carrier being transported back to 1941 and facing the choice of either thwarting the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor or allowing history play out unchanged...

Cardinal Pell holds "emotional" meeting with abuse survivors...

Only priests and deacons may preach. Why is that?
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Following a speculative essay in an Italian paper that women should be allowed to preach at Mass there is now a conversation going on about the issue. My blog post yesterday addresses the issue. It’s not about women or men per se, but about clergy and laity. Women are not forbidden from preaching because they’re women. They’re excluded because they’re not priests or deacons...

Magnet of truth: From Baptist to Catholic...

Mark Healey is the greatest athlete you've never heard of...

These stalwart nuns haven't stopped Eucharistic Adoration since 1878...
Brantly Millegan
In the Gospels, Jesus holds up a piece of bread and says, “This is my body.” Since the 1st century, Catholic Christians have taken him at his word. Catholics believe that Jesus is really, truly, and substantially present – body, blood, soul, and divinity – in the Eucharist. And so, though we can offer worship to him in all sorts of ways...

March 2: St. Quintus the Wonder Worker...

Vatican recognizes amazing miracle by Bl. Stanisław Papczyński...

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9 things Evangelicals would hate about 2nd century Christianity...

“I am disgusted with the world,” said Saint Katharine Drexel...
Kathryn Jean Lopez
“Disgusted with the world.” You might have had similar feelings this week, in which case, you’re in good company, as demonstrated by St. Katharine Drexel, whose feastday we celebrate on March 3. A daughter of wealth born in the City of Brotherly Love, her writings and advice are speaking to me, after Super Tuesday. In a book I picked up while at her national shrine just a train (or pricey Uber) ride from Center City in Bensalem...

The sign who was Bartimaeus...
Mark Shea
A subtle and slender thread often connects the Old and New Testaments. For instance, Jeremiah 31:7-9 prophesies a great throng of returning exiles from Babylon about 70 years after the great catastrophe of Babylonian conquest which struck Israel in 587 BC. Promising that the Lord has not abandoned Israel, he notes several details of a great moment of restoration to come...

God, Wall Street, and the new push to save U.S. Catholic schools...

The Catholic martyr who haunted Queen Elizabeth I...

“My most heartfelt and sincere apology”: In Altoona-Johnstown, prayers for mercy...
Rocco Palmo
Two days after a haunting state grand jury report leveled his south-central Pennsylvania diocese with allegations of abuse and coverup over five decades, Bishop Mark Bartchak of Altoona-Johnstown faced the local press this afternoon at his Chancery to make the following statement

From plagues to Zika: Medical care in the Catholic Church...
Thomas McDonald
Catholics have been at the forefront of medicine and medical response from the earliest days of the Church, when the Divine Physician walked the earth, and a doctor named Luke wrote his Gospel, right up to today, with the threats of Ebola and Zika. From the research of men like Albertus Magnus or Athanasius Kircher to saints of mercy like Catherine of Siena or Damien of Molokai...

The Mexican missus who was a mystic: La Conchita...

Pope Francis and contraception: A response to Christopher Kaczor...
Janet Smith
Moral theology is a trickier subject than people generally imagine. Questions like “brain death,” “adoption of frozen embryos” and the moral treatment of ectopic pregnancies are examples of contentious issues in bioethics. It is important to note that the controversy is not just between dissenters and faithful Catholics but also between those who are altogether submissive to the Church and who hold the same fundamental principles...

How to talk to your kids about socialism...

What exactly is social justice?
Carrie Gress
Few would argue that the notion of social justice hasn’t stretched the limits of sanity in the public square: So-called “Social-Justice Warriors” at Brown University are complaining that they can’t get their homework done because of the demands of their activism; bakers are being forced to bake cakes for events they don’t condone; and a group of nuns currently awaits the judgment of the Supreme Court about paying for birth control...

New Front for the New Evangelization: Dominican Friars launch free Lenten video game...

Amazing hand-operated instrument plays with the help of 2000 marbles...

Are you near Washington, DC? Join the Ordinariate for their historic first Chrism Mass on March 17...

The genius of George Gershwin, explained...

15 reasons never to attend Franciscan University of Steubenville...

St. Augustine asks the hard questions that atheists rarely do...

Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19.99...


Copyright © 2014 by Kevin Knight email Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.