
We’re building an army of young people, with a mission to move Montana forward. Not left, not right, but forward.

  • Candidate training: We help forward-thinking candidates win by training them how to win elections. From field to fundraising, targeting to volunteer recruitment we teach candidates how to do it all so that they can do it on their own and teach others.


We’re making Democracy stronger by fighting for voters’ rights and holding politicians accountable.

  • Get on the Bus!: What happens when you fill a bus with volunteers, add excitement, and join with other volunteers on the ground across the state? You win. Using this unique approach Forward Montana has knocked on thousands of doors across the state of Montana. Bus trip titles included “Don’t Stop Bus-lieving”, “A Bus Runs Through It” and “I’m on a Bus”. 
  • GOTV: We mobilize the young people we engage by reminding them to vote with calls, texts, and knocks on their door before elections.


We’re using face-to-face communication to elect the next generation of young leaders in Montana.

  • City Council Elections: In the fall of off cycle years, Forward Montana works hard to educate, persuade and get-out-the-vote in municipal elections.  Knocking on doors, educating and persuading voters in small municipal districts will make a huge difference in our local city council election results.
  • School Elections: Working with teachers, parents, students, and businesses, Forward Montana words to protect funding for our schools in Missoula and Helena.

Will you Join us?

Donate your time or money today.