- published: 10 Sep 2016
- views: 19493
M40 or M-40 may refer to:
In transportation:
In science:
In firearms and military equipment:
In military and law enforcement terminology, a special application sniper rifle is a crew service, man-portable, high precision, shoulder-fired rifle used to ensure more accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than other small arms. It is a common misconception that any scoped rifle is a sniper rifle, and while certain long guns are more suited for the application than others, it is the act of using a firearm weapon strategically as a sniper qualified-specialist that designates it as such.
A typical sniper rifle is built for optimal levels of accuracy, fitted with a telescopic sight and chambered for a military centerfire cartridge. The term is often used in the media to describe any type of accurized firearm fitted with a telescopic sight that is employed against human targets, although "sniping rifle" or "sniper's rifle" is the technically correct grammatical term for such a rifle.
The military role of a sniper (a term derived from the snipe, a bird which was difficult to hunt and shoot) dates back to the turn of the 18th century, but the true sniper rifle is a much more recent development. Advances in technology, specifically that of telescopic sights and more accurate manufacturing, allowed armies to equip specially trained soldiers with rifles that enable them to deliver precise shots over greater distances than regular infantry weapons. The sniper rifle itself could be based on a standard rifle: it's hard to define a sniper rifle by the fire modes as some latest designed sniper rifles are semi-automatic fire, for example the M110; however, when fitted with a telescopic sight, it becomes a sniper rifle.
Bolt action is a type of firearm action in which the weapon's bolt is operated manually by the opening and closing of the breech (barrel) with a small handle, most commonly placed on the right-hand side of the weapon (for right-handed users). As the handle is operated, the bolt is unlocked, the breech is opened, the spent cartridge case is withdrawn and ejected, the firing pin is cocked (this occurs either on the opening or closing of the bolt, depending on design), and finally a new round/cartridge (if available) is placed into the breech and the bolt closed. Bolt-action firearms are most often rifles, but there are some bolt-action shotguns and a few handguns as well. Examples of this system date as far back as the early 19th century, notably in the Dreyse needle gun. From the late 19th century, all the way through both World Wars, the bolt-action rifle was the standard infantry firearm for most of the world's militaries.
In military and law enforcement use, the bolt action has been mostly replaced by semi-automatic and selective-fire firearms, though the bolt action remains the dominant design in dedicated marksman rifles. Bolt-action firearms are still very popular for hunting and target shooting. Compared to most other manually operated firearm actions, it offers an excellent balance of strength (allowing powerful cartridge chamberings), ruggedness, reliability, and potential accuracy, all with light weight and much lower cost than self-loading firearms, and can also be disassembled and re-assembled much faster due to fewer moving parts. The major disadvantage is a slightly lower practical rate of fire than other manual repeating firearms, such as lever-action and pump-action firearms, and a far lower practical rate of fire than semi-automatic weapons, but this is not a very important factor in many types of hunting, target shooting, and other precision-based shooting uses.
Marines Train With Remington M40 Sniper Rifles
► M40 SNIPER RIFLE! - Battlefield: Through The Ages
Sweet Looking M40 Rifle in 6.5 Lapua Review
Unboxing Tamiya's New 1/35 M40 155mm SPG
Remington Model 700 History The M40 Sniper System
Ultimate Weapons- M40 | Sniper Rifles
アメリカ海兵隊スナイパー訓練 M40スナイパーライフル(レミントンM700) - USMC M40 Sniper rifle
M40 6.5 Lapua - 1000 yard Review
Airsoft GI - APS M40 Bolt Action Spring Sniper Rifle
Iraqi PMU use M40 recoilless rifle on "Safir" 4x4 to target an ISIS position
U.S. Marine Corps Snipers fire the Remington M40A6/7 Sniper Rifle during Exercise Agile Spirit 16 in the country of Georgia on September 3, 2016. Film Credits: Sgt Kirstin Merrimarahajara
Today we look at the trusty M40 Sniper Rifle! One of the most iconic snipers ever to enter the Battlefield franchise! :D ► SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/WestieSub ► MUSIC: Zach Hemsey - The Way (Instrumental) Connect with me on other social sites: ► TWITTER: http://bit.ly/WestieTweet ► INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/InstaWestie ► FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/WestieFB ► TWITCH: http://bit.ly/WestieTwitch ► My PC Specs: http://bit.ly/WestiePC TheWestie4321 Westie MrProWestie ====================================== Well done for reaching the bottom of the description! :D
This is a 1/35 new tool (2016) kit and will soon be out in stores soon. This particular kit is on the way out to a reviewer already, but we do have other sample kits available for review if you want to get into doing that sort of thing.
For more, visit http://military.discovery.com/videos | This unique bullpup sniper rifle boasts supreme ergonomics and balance and is capable of converting between a 300 Winchester Magnum and the 338 Lapua Magnum.
M40スナイパーライフル:アメリカ海兵隊が「レミントンM700」スナイパーライフルをベースに改良・開発したモデル チャンネル登録はこちら→http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=UsaMilitaryChannel
Bob talks about the APS M40 Bolt Action Spring Sniper Rifle and all its amazing features that you would not find on another sniper. This is a great rifle to start off with if you are looking into quickly becoming a sniper on your team. The price is amazing and hard to beat. -APS M40 Bolt Action Spring Sniper Rifle http://www.airsoftgi.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=APS+M40+Bolt+Action&categories;_id=&x;=0&y;=0&inc;_subcat=1
Iraqi fighters of "Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba" use a M40 recoilless rifle on "Safir" 4x4 to target an ISIS position. The "Safir" is an Iranian 4x4 multipurpose military vehicle built by Fath Vehicle Industries. || Angehörige der irakischen Volksmobilisierung feuern mit einem rückstoßfreien Geschütz vom Typ M40 auf eine Stellung des "Islamischen Staates". Das Geschütz befindet sich auf einem im Iran hergestellten Allradfahrzeug vom Typ "Safir".
When you walked into my world
I was someone else's girl
Every time you look in my eyes
All that I felt somehow dies
No no no no
Can't you see what you're doing to me
No no no no
Don't look at me with that smile
Don't act like everything's fine
Stop putting dreams in my head
When I should've thought of him instead
When you say the things you do
It makes me want to be with you
And every time that he kisses me
You are always what I see
No no no no
You make me forget about him
No no no no
No no no no
Can't you see what you're doing to me