We start with the USUAL suspects. That is the Piso family that faked up the bible in the
Villa Papyri in NAPLES under
Vesuvius which exploded in 79AD. So
VIRGIL the elite PISO lived 70 years BC
. In the Holywood version & the SUSPECTS line up
Virgil Kint is the CRIPPLE who out-thinks the
POLIS and his fellow gangsters and makes off with all the LOOT by telling false tales which he just reads off the cops poster board. KEATON is the ex cop in the movie and the GODFATHER Al Pacinos wife who desserted the MAFIAfor their evil policy making.
Publius Vergilius Maro is a PISO and false news author. So the known world map with the names Galliator, Gaul and up in the Innsbruck area you find the birthplace for
HITLER and pope Benedict of
Hitler youth's birthplace.
Naples has a menagerie of dogs/GODS and first we show
Gordon Bowdens lookalike the MASTIFF. We see the VOLPINO
Romulus & Remus founders of
ROME. The biggest is the Spinone with more
BARK than bite & the word PISO in it like the CORRUPTED
GLOBAL POLIS. Then I profile how difficult it is to find innocent and committed allies in the quest to get the
REAL truth out. So
John Paterson seemed like the right stuff LIKE BOWDEN with the mastiff "
Good Looks".
Paterson is a
KRAY twin relative and the his ancestor was a boss at the BofE out of
Royal Brighton. the Kraysh Quresh families published the Quoran and on and on the LIES go. So into Naples and you can get a MEGARIDE adjacent to the
PIER which is of course the non existent
St Peter the first of the PAPAL frauds. Naples is beautiful now that Vesuvius is "DORMANT", one never knows how long that will be as the warmongers demonis
ISLAM which the Pesos also invented. The Castel D'OvO is the chicken and egg Cock Crowing jokes. So that is the Ovary/egg in which
Jesus was conceived with a pen in the virgins
Womb. The
GOD Ullyses are alleged by the story tellers to drown their lovers, in this case the beautiful PARTHENOPE, off the castel island. The FEDERATED states that are in the massive
Empire run protection rackets thousands of miles from
Rome & that becomes Blatters
The Map of the known world contains
Carnegie ,
Little Emily from
Dickens and LIVY-TITUS is another PISO author.
Gaius (
Catullus)Piso was the dad of the legendary Arrius Calpurrnius Piso (the
MAN on the golf court). So next PARMA between
Genoa &
Venice which is CANALISED to rile up the GODs and prevent their total regulation of BIBLICAL FLOODS and rewarding the good with perfect growing conditions for Agricultural regions. So I profile my
American friends in the American
PIZZA industry. Then we get on with humans JOKES at the
Gods expense on the Come By,
Cush Cush shepherds cowherds prompts to their flocks & sheepdogs. So CUMBAYA is an order for the
Obey the mortal. Quite CHEEKY demand to make of your makers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jjcxFGEysE
The Passion of the FAKED Christ is no longer anywhere to be seen on the internet since I exposed the
Cavalier Rusticana to be Jesus & the
Rusty nails but jesus is the
ASS in the PISO story so you can see why, after
2000 yrs, they are ever so nervous. The Pagliaci clown is frequently played by
Pavarotti who is best remembered for
Nessun Dorma. He died really young & everybody gets what they deserve. So the
Greeks first settled in NAPLES 2000BC. So
Publius Piso VIRGIL goes on an Oddyssey & that in the UK becomes
David Jason in the Rothschild
Yellow Van.
The Coliseum is the hub for killing slaves for diversion & the PISO,
Castell DELL OVO.....its DEVILS' Ovary/egg, this on a DEVLISH
Dell PC,
I am beginning to almost WORSHIP my
Episcopalian friends who know my power and are proving the most genial and informative & MOST POWERFUL CHURCH in the world with PISO in it and KP on the
Cedar roof. So back to transAlpine
Italy .
North Cis Alpino is Berlusconni's CELTIC Italy and trans
Alpine is DAVOS and
Basil & the
Rothschilds &
Rockefellers. The PYTHONS understand it is all a joke BUT THE PRESENTS & MERCHANDISINGare REAL £Bns
Armageddon is in
IRAQ and
James Blunt was there as a
NATO soldier.
REG is
KING and they have that in the
Pythons and
Italian place names. THE
Cardinal OBrien are the B ARRIAN JOKEs and it is all caving in. Etruscas graves are the same as the scottish graveyards with
Cocks & Fannies everywhere. Then we find the
EAGLE Icons & the
SPQR signs, used by
Russia & 19 other countries. STRABO is no longer a
Volcano and
Thales is no longer a GOD & STRABO gets it wrong when he does not mention that GODS no longer can unleash
Quakes eruptions, Landslides. The sad truth is that the GODs are now just bit parts & NOBODY worships anything but their non existent son.
REST & PICTURES here https://sites.google.com/site/profgeorgeleesrevelations/faking-the-bible-in-naples-the-piso-family/piso-naples-2-virgil-kint-suspect-cis-alpine-ovo-eggs-its-the-law-dad-st-pier-crossing-the-rubicon-t-mobile-crucifixion-mob-god-is-fiction-in-the-theatre
- published: 31 Mar 2016
- views: 44