Building a just society that values the inherent dignity of all people

What We Do

The Center provides media consulting and helps build the organizing capacity of advocacy organizations at the state, local and national levels.
CNC supports organizations, journalists and academics by conducting investigative research and producing free resources in the form of reference guides, backgrounders, and in-depth reports.

March 11, 2016The largest and arguably most influential anti-Muslim grassroots organization in the United States appears to be preparing a report-card-style list of what it’s calling “Anti-American Hate Groups.” Because that’s exactly what we need in these trying times: an anti-Muslim activist group telling us who’s “anti-American.” ACT! for America, which claims to have more than 300,000 […]
March 8, 2016Paul Nachman, a Montana anti-immigrant activist and frequent contributor to the white nationalist website, has joined the advisory board of anti-immigrant group ProEnglish. ProEnglish announced Nachman’s addition to the board of advisors in its Winter 2016 newsletter. Nachman has been writing for VDARE since 2006 and has contributed more than 300 articles for the […]