Boris Bites Packer
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How I accidentally thwarted Sir Frank and discovered Madame Blavatsky
Water in a Geo-political Context
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Lindsay Fitzclarence on the need for alternative perspectives about water policies and the Murray-Darling Basin
Afghanistan: Gift or Grand Conceit?
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It is beyond most Westerners to understand today how offers of democracy are really much more than this: there is a widespread incapacity to grasp the social assumptions embedded in our ‘gifts’ writes John Hinkson
The Reality of TV
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Television isn’t to blame for every social ill but neither is it neutral, write Melinda Hinkson.
The State and Terror in the New Era
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Jenny Hocking: Imprecision over the language of ‘terrorism’ and its application, leads to concerns that counter-terrorist security measures will be broadly targetted in ways that are neither appropriate nor efficient, ways that may impinge upon legitimate political agitation and dissent
Them’s Fighting Words
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Douglas McQueen-Thomson: Language of War and War Through Language.