Labor probes @TurnbullMalcolm in #QT over “bullied” @ABCAustralia #NBN coverage: @Jansant comments

Last Thursday during Question Time, Jason Clare (@JasonClareMP), Shadow Minister for Communications, asked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), about his role in influencing editorial decisions the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) made in relation to its National Broadband Network (NBN) coverage. On January 21, 2016 New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation […]

Aunty through @TurnbullMalcolm’s independent looking glass of #auspol’s realpolitik: @Jansant comments

Last week, New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation between Nick Ross, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) former Games and Technology Editor, and Bruce Belsham, the Head of ABC’s Current Affairs division. They later published the full transcript. The recording made by Ross (@NickRossTech), reveals political pressure being exerted over editorial […]

Abbott handshake not enough to bring optical fibre to the bush: @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol

Out in Western Queensland a handshake is a done deal. In May 2015, the then Prime Minister Tony Abbott toured the shires of Barcoo and Diamantina in Western Queensland and inadvertently committed the Federal Government to a $16 million fibre optic project. It was sealed through a handshake with Diamantina Mayor Geoff Morton and Barcoo Mayor Julie Groves. Also present […]

Training it to Melbourne’s #MarchinMarch, by @jenoutwest

By Jenny Bates  @jenoutwest, 17 March, 2014 Our journey to March in March began Sunday morning on a standing room only train to Melbourne – amazing, considering not an AFL colour could be seen. It was obvious this march was going to be big, and it was.  As more people squeezed in at each stop, a […]

Population, family and more new faces join the #GriffithVotes party @GriffithElects reports

By Jan Bowman  @GriffithElects 1st February 2014 In something of a surprise for the upcoming Griffith by-election, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) is standing a candidate new to Griffith, but not new to the KAP. Ray Sawyer stood for the KAP in the division of Fairfax in 2013, a seat that was won by Clive Palmer, […]

Abbott’s transport rear vision takes us nowhere @e2mq173 comments

By Errol Brandt  @e2mq173 13 December 2013 It’s clear that the Abbott government lacks vision. Its attack on the Climate Commission, dismantling of Gonski, ‘cheap and nasty’ NBN and its unwillingness to cooperate with Holden all bear testament to a government with a profound lack of concern for the future. The Abbott government’s next target […]

Double and triple flipskis: Abbott’s first 100 days @e2mq173 comments

By Errol Brandt When Barack Obama took office, he inherited a massive financial crisis.  His first actions as US president aimed to restore confidence and stability in financial markets.  After his first 100 days, Obama still enjoyed 65% approval.  His support was as broad as it was deep:  high-income, low-income, black, white, religious and non-religions […]

McGowan to apologise to Indi Aborigines: Transcript of her victory press conference

Margo: So it’s the end of the beginning for the member for Indi Cathy McGowan. Wayne Jansson has kindly transcribed her answers to reporters’ questions at yesterday’s victory press conference. McGowan announced that she would end the hurt created by Ms Mirabella’s boycott of the Stolen Generations apology by making a formal apology on behalf of Indi next Sorry Day. Wayne discovered […]

Jennifer Podesta inside the Indi contest: slurs, setbacks and why she came up smiling

By Jennifer Podesta September 5, 2013 The past few months since announcing my nomination as a candidate in the seat of Indi have been the most rewarding and challenging of my life.  I would like to share with you some of the highlights of that journey, reflect on how the campaign has evolved from my […]

Wills Forum ends with call for compassion and decency to be reclaimed in politics reports @takvera

By John Englart 1 September 2013 The 3rd and final meet the candidates forum for Wills was hosted by the Brunswick Uniting Church on Friday night. Five candidates attended to present their policies and to take questions from a moderator and from the audience. But it was the very last response to the very last […]