Gallery: Melbourne Refugee Sanctuary rally calls out to #LetThemStay by @takvera

Thousands of people rallied as part of the refugee sanctuary movement in Melbourne on Monday. Our citizen journalist John Englart was there to capture on photo the rally and the many posters present. The rally was in response to the High Court ruling on sending refugee families back to Nauru detention. The Sanctuary movement grew […]

Anglican church offers #refugees sanctuary from @PeterDutton_MP’s “black shirts”: @jansant reports

Churches have stepped up their campaign to end Australia’s harmful refugee policies by offering sanctuary to 267 people including 37 babies, facing imminent removal to Nauru. Refugee advocates had hoped for a change in the harsh and punitive government policies under new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), this has not eventuated. The move will draw […]

Prices slashed – The Queensland Weekly Blogazine: @Qldaah #qldpol

Blogging the week in Queensland politics and news. Table of contents Jump to comments section. (November 18, 2015) – Anti-terrorism tactics for Queensland. (November 17, 2015) – LNP has been ‘denuded’. (November 16, 2015) – The Queen Street Wharf deal. (November 15, 2015) – Queensland’s oldest domestic violence women’s shelter. . (November 18, 2015) – […]

The collected rage of Chris Kenny post-Abyan interview – @Qldaah #auspol

Analysis The Australian’s associate editor and former chief of staff to Malcolm Turnbull, Chris Kenny was the first and only journalist to be granted a visa to visit and report on the Australian asylum seeker detention centres located on the island nation of Nauru. Neither the paper or Kenny would confirm if the $8,000 application fee was paid. A […]

Hastie faces #CanningVotes senior wrath over human rights abuses of Government: @Jackthelad1947 reports

The National Seniors held a forum, Monday, at the Mandurah Netball Pavilion. The Forum was opened by, Michael O’Neill CEO of the Australian National Seniors presented. There were two candidates Andrew Hastie (Lib) and, Matt Keogh (@mattkeogh) (ALP). He said that other candidates had been invited and he had received apologies from, Dr Vanessa Rauland […]

Compassionistas Vs Christianistas: Choosing refugees based on religion highly unusual – @Qldaah #auspol

The Australian’s Chris Kenny has used the word “compassionistas” to decry people of “moral vanity” who responded to the current Syrian refugee crisis yet seemingly ignored the deaths at sea under the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Government. Kenny wrote, “The moral poseurs – or compassionistas as I have called them – are at pains to show us their compassionate virtue but […]

Local #IndiTalks media slams @MirabellaSophie’s “playground politics”: @Jansant reports

Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) and Prime Minister Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) have been accused of “playground politics” during the Spirit Of Anzac launch in Wodonga on Friday, by snubbing “people’s choice” independent, Cathy McGowan MP (@IndigoCathy) and using the event to promote their party for the next federal election. The Border Mail (@bordermail) editorial said: respect for […]

Politicians ignore questions about detention of #refugees: @JulianBurnside reports

Note: This piece previously published on Julian Burnside’s website: It is a miserable thing to report, but our politicians who inflict unspeakable misery on refugees are apparently not willing to explain themselves. An Australian citizen recently wrote to six Federal MPs asking a couple of very simple questions.  Each letter was less than a […]

#CommanderInGaffe – PM bumbles his way through “Allegiance to Australia” bill: @Qldaah #auspol

Blog of media reports on the “Commander-in-gaffe” story. Check back regularly for updates.   (Jump to comments section) Introduction. (June 26, 2015)  – ASIO using Washington Post maps. (June 25, 2015)  – Questions over maps. (June 24, 2015)  – Abbott in ASIO bunker. . Introduction As his “Allegiance to Australia” legislation was about to be […]

#Aid, push factors and people smuggling #OnWaterGate – @mary_sayed comments

The latest low to which the Australian Government – current and previous – has sunk in order to push refugees out of sight and out of mind has made headline news. The major parties’ blind determination to treat refugees as inhumanely as possible seems to know no bounds. We are now refusing to allow boats […]