Young women and @HillaryClinton, what’s it all about? By @Gay_Alcorn

Oh young Americans, and young women in particular, what have you done? More than 80% of voters under 30 in the New Hampshire Democratic primary voted for an old man who wants a revolution. And women, presented with the first serious female presidential candidate in the history of the United States, rejected her. More women […]

Gallery: Melbourne Refugee Sanctuary rally calls out to #LetThemStay by @takvera

Thousands of people rallied as part of the refugee sanctuary movement in Melbourne on Monday. Our citizen journalist John Englart was there to capture on photo the rally and the many posters present. The rally was in response to the High Court ruling on sending refugee families back to Nauru detention. The Sanctuary movement grew […]

Climate science staff cuts #CSIROcuts labelled as science vandalism reports @takvera

The announced staff cuts and restructure announced by CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall have been labelled as science vandalism and an abandonment of Australia’s scientific commitments under the Paris Agreement signed by Australia less than 2 months ago. Australian climate science is essential for collecting data and provide good modelling and projections for Australia’s variable but […]

Labor probes @TurnbullMalcolm in #QT over “bullied” @ABCAustralia #NBN coverage: @Jansant comments

Last Thursday during Question Time, Jason Clare (@JasonClareMP), Shadow Minister for Communications, asked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), about his role in influencing editorial decisions the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) made in relation to its National Broadband Network (NBN) coverage. On January 21, 2016 New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation […]

Anglican church offers #refugees sanctuary from @PeterDutton_MP’s “black shirts”: @jansant reports

Churches have stepped up their campaign to end Australia’s harmful refugee policies by offering sanctuary to 267 people including 37 babies, facing imminent removal to Nauru. Refugee advocates had hoped for a change in the harsh and punitive government policies under new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), this has not eventuated. The move will draw […]

With rising emissions Australia applies Kyoto credits to meet 2020 #climate target reports @takvera

The latest analysis from Reputex energy consultancy shows that Australia will not meet our 2020 emissions reduction target, except by using carry over credits from the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period (2008-2012). Reputex highlights that the Government’s own figures indicate Australia will continue on a new upward emissions trajectory, with forecast growth of 6 per […]

Aunty through @TurnbullMalcolm’s independent looking glass of #auspol’s realpolitik: @Jansant comments

Last week, New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation between Nick Ross, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) former Games and Technology Editor, and Bruce Belsham, the Head of ABC’s Current Affairs division. They later published the full transcript. The recording made by Ross (@NickRossTech), reveals political pressure being exerted over editorial […]

Vietnam reviews #coal expansion in wake of #ParisAgreement reports @takvera

In the wake of the Paris agreement, Vietnam has announced a review of all it’s new coal power stations in the planning pipeline and under contruction. Vietnam is currently the third largest builder of coal plants in the world. In a statement (vn) released on 19th January, Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung stated the […]

Abbott handshake not enough to bring optical fibre to the bush: @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol

Out in Western Queensland a handshake is a done deal. In May 2015, the then Prime Minister Tony Abbott toured the shires of Barcoo and Diamantina in Western Queensland and inadvertently committed the Federal Government to a $16 million fibre optic project. It was sealed through a handshake with Diamantina Mayor Geoff Morton and Barcoo Mayor Julie Groves. Also present […]

Keeping #MarriageEquality off the record: @burgewords comments on #NeverMarried

It felt like a cold label for what was a beautiful love affair. WHEN the South Australian government was caught out by the world’s media for its lax approach to recognising overseas same-sex marriages on death certificates, the justifiable outrage about Marco Bulmer-Rizzi being documented as “never married” to husband David resonated with many readers. One small voice of […]