Occupation of #Santos #Pilliga #CSG site by traditional owners, local farmers reports @takvera

Santos plans for a Coal seam gas field in the Pilliga region of western NSW has met stiff opposition from local farmers and traditional owners. A Santos test site was occupied today by 120 people in a mass civil disobedience action. 120 people joined traditional owners from the Gamilaraay / Gomeroi mob in occupying the […]

Everyone wants prompt government response to CSG Review : #environment @richardsheggie reports

The long-awaited Independent CSG Review The Final Report of the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW was released by the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer (CSE) on September 30, 2014. The technical, business and academic qualifications and experience of the Chair of the CSG Review, Professor Mary O’Kane, make her eminently suitable to […]

A crash course in CSG’s courtship of farmers: @Thom_Mitchell reports from #Pilliga #leardblockade

“IF the people of Narrabri think they’re going on a date with the handsome new stranger in town, they’re going to go home and find they’ve been raped,” president of People for the Plains, Hugh Barrett, said as we strained to hear. Hugh was giving an interview to ABC radio Tamworth. He was referring to […]

Repair and hope for the #Pilliga Forest, by long-time campaigner Iris Ray Nunn

  By Iris Ray Nunn 18th March 2014 Margo: Iris covered the battle to save the Pilliga State Forest from Santos CSG for the No Fibs CSG Citizen Journalism project late last year. It seemed hopeless, then… I know big business has not pulled their CSG operations out of the Pilliga, Yet, but, also, as well […]

Fancy a holiday in the gas fields? @1EarthMedia comments

By Mark Anning  @1EarthMedia 17th January 2014 In assessing AGL and Panagea Resources’ plans to place gas wells on farms and near residences in the Gloucester Basin and Manning Valley, it is difficult not to conclude that the industrialisation of farmland in the region is incompatible with existing sustainable industries. Many millions of dollars has been […]

Show us the #CSG data on health and wellbeing: Mark Doyle reports

By Mark Doyle What are the risks of coal seam gas mining on the health and wellbeing of people and their communities? I am a facts and figures kind of person. When people claim health benefits for coffee or chocolate, or health risks from eating saturated fats, my response is, ‘show me the data!’ Such […]

The crocodile is rising: Iris Ray Nunn reports from the Pilliga

  By Iris Ray Nunn An historical event in the East Pilliga forest on the weekend saw farmers, environmentalists and overseas visitors come together with local Gomeroi Elders and their descendants to learn about the sacred significance of the Leard and Pilliga (Billiga) forests, and why it is of vital importance to protect these sites […]

#CSG pilot project winds up: @stephaniedale22 reports

By Stephanie DaleNo Fibs CSG editor The pilot No Fibs CSG citizen journalism project is winding up. It’s been an absolutely wonderful project to be involved in – in just four weeks we’ve harnessed the talents of 13 new citizen journalists and triggered the interest of many more. We’ve introduced new writers and showcased new […]

Who locks the gate in a state forest? by Pilliga reporter Iris Ray Nunn

  By Iris Ray Nunn “We could make some money out of this pipeline Quincy.” This is what Narrabri grazier David Quince’s neighbour said to him back in 2010. The neighbour had been visited by a consultant for Eastern Star Gas. The company chairman at the time was former deputy Prime Minister John Anderson. In November […]

An uneasy truce: Sally MacKinnon reports

  By Sally MacKinnon I live on top of a mountain on the edge of Lamington National Park, the largest protected subtropical rainforest in the world. It is on the eastern edge of the Scenic Rim region, a Local Government Area (LGA) in south-east Queensland covering 4256 square kilometres. It is home to approximately 39,000 […]