
Foco Nuevo turns 8

REMINDER: TONIGHT Foco Nuevo Turns 8! Friday, 4th March, 2016 8.00 pm Kurilpa Hall 174 Boundary Street, West End (map) When we started in 2008 we couldn’t have imagined we’d be going 8 years later. To celebrate we are inviting … Continue reading


RALLY for Food NOT Coal

Please join us on Monday to support brave farmers taking action to protect the Darling Downs.They are challenging the Acland coal mine expansion in the Qld Land Court.If approved, Acland Stage 3 will destroy 1,300 hectares of Strategic Cropping Land … Continue reading


ACTION Demand Benny Ganz deported immediately

Publisher’s Note: Australia should have a discriminatory immigration policy. The government should not invite war criminals to visit Australia. Back in the 1990s a Liberal  government permitted members of the Southern Lebanese Army to migrate to Australia. These were war … Continue reading


Hiliary and Donald

The Left should stay out of sham elections and organise among workers and the poor to resist the system that gave us Trump & Clinton. Continue reading


No to #Votefor4 !

Publisher’s Note: Democratic rights is under attack in Queensland once again, this time by ALP & LNP political parties. Under the #Votefor4 proposal a state election will be held on the last Saturday of October every four years, irrespective of … Continue reading


Let them land, let them stay


What is Trotskyism?

‘Leninism is the knowledge and ability to turn culture, i.e. all the knowledge and skills amassed in previous centuries, to the interests of the working masses. Therein lies the essence of Leninism.’ – Leon Trotsky [Publishers Note: Dear comrades, Just … Continue reading


Justice For Palestine News 2016

Dear supporters of the Palestinian People Who can believe that we are already in March 2016 and reporting on the year that was 2015. I know for us at JFP it was a busy year with lots of successful events/fundraisers … Continue reading


The Blood Vote

This gallery contains 2 photos.

100 years ago the Australian Government attempted to trick and cajole people into voting for conscription during the first world war. Billy Hughes stage managed two referenda but to the credit of the people, they voted it down on both … Continue reading

#LetThemStay Fieldnotes 2: Updates and Meeting reflections

The struggle between idealist and organizational wings of the workers movement continues unabated.

The Word From Struggle Street

carwm2uuuaeqn_9 Courtesy Kara Burns 凯拉 @karaburns (used without permission)

Since the announcement that Asha would be placed in community detention, to return to Naura at some future moment, Peter Dutton stated that ‘over the last couple’ of weeks another boat had been turned back to Sri Lanka and Julian Burnside has reported another example of the violent abuse of asylum seekers by guards on Nauru . This news of business as usual should steel us about the nature of the terrain we are on; and sharpen our diagnosis that the mandatory detention of refugees as part of an aggressive process of reinforcing the border is (rather than simply a moral failing of conservative politicians) structural and systemic to the order of society itself. (My comrades who read Agamben often quote him that the camp is the ‘biopolitical nomos of the planet’)(2000, 45).

The latest news I have heard (so…

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