Wednesday, March 02, 2016
Trump's Poodle
The entertaining thing last night was watching Chris Christie standing behind his new boss looking like he'd just eaten a shit sandwich.
Why Don't You Put Me On TV Instead Of Putting Me In Jail?
Good plan.
The other perps took the plea deal and got... community service. No PSAs as far as I know.
Judge Roxanne Covington will hear a resentencing motion next week for Kathryn Knott, the Bucks County woman convicted of simple assault and related charges in the 2014 beating of a gay couple in Center City.
"She's learned that words and actions have a much more far-reaching impact and effect than she ever thought possible," Brennan said. "She learned that your life can change on a dime. I think, rather than warehouse her in jail for a few months and that be the end of it, perhaps some community service or a public service announcement might be more proactive and productive in addressing the larger issues that this case dealt with."
The other perps took the plea deal and got... community service. No PSAs as far as I know.
There's a longer version of this post in my brain but it's not coming out right, so I'll just remind people that through its history the Klan wasn't just an anti-African-American terrorist organization, it was an anti-Semitic one as well.
I Was Right All Along
Maybe I'll write my epic 2016 Democratic primary post and schedule it for the day after election day and see how it holds up.
Morning Thread
I wonder if there will be any discussion of the Super Tuesday results? Nah, not really.
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right
The fate of our country is a bit more important than my feefees and eyeroll count, but I will certainly be glad when primary season is over. I just see so many people making transparently ridiculous and often contradictory arguments for their one true candidate. I'm all for hacks doing what they can do get their candidate elected, but arguing with randos on the internet about it is just about Being Right, not about actually electing your candidate. Go phone bank, knock on some doors. Anything else.
I Didn't Do It
Morning Joseph wasn't covering Trump, he was promoting him.
Now he wants to pretend otherwise.
Obviously, for the sake of journalistic integrity, MSNBC should give him 10 more hours on the air per day.
Now he wants to pretend otherwise.
Obviously, for the sake of journalistic integrity, MSNBC should give him 10 more hours on the air per day.
Bye Asshole
I've seen too many cases (not all this bad) of complete assholes who know nothing about higher ed being brought in to shake things up and they proceed to try to destroy the places.
Newman came to the Maryland campus in 2015 with plans for sweeping changes, such as boosting enrollment, shoring up the university’s finances and raising its national profile. His blunt business manner — he had been in the financial industry for his entire career — was welcome to some and jarring to others. Several people were abruptly fired and escorted off campus, and retiree benefits were cut in the fall. But the real turmoil began this year after the student newspaper, the Mountain Echo, reported that Newman had planned to cull struggling freshmen early in the semester, before a federal reporting deadline, to improve the university’s retention rate.
No students left the school as a result of the survey, but Newman’s remarks after some faculty members expressed concerns about the plan shocked many; he said a professor was thinking of the students as cuddly bunnies but that they had to drown the bunnies, “put a Glock to their heads.”
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