Voices in Danger A platform for stories of journalists killed, kidnapped, jailed or threatened just for doing their jobs

A light on Aleppo

Zein al-Rifai is a 28-year-old freelance photographer and video-journalist from Aleppo. He is a Rory Peck News finalist for his coverage of daily life in the rebel-held area of the city – the former economic capital of Syria – for AFPTV.

Gaza 2014: life on the front line

Yahya Hassouna is a Palestinian cameraman living and working in Gaza.  He is a Rory Peck News finalist for work that he shot for AFP during and after the war in summer 2014. Here he looks back on that time and describes living through and filming the conflict on his doorstep.

Top Egyptian photographer in prison for over 800 days without trial

The story of Mahmoud Abu Zeid, widely known as Shawkan, shows that even after the release of Al Jazeera journalists Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, many Egyptian freelancers and local journalists remain incarcerated in appalling conditions without the prospect of a fair trial.

Thrown in prison for drawing cartoons

Cartoonist Zulkiflee Anwar Haque, or "Zunar", is facing 43 years in prison for criticising the Malaysian government. He speaks to Voices in Danger about his ongoing struggle against a regime increasingly hostile to dissenting voices 

Arrested Turkish journalist Bulent Kenes talks to Voices in Danger

The editor of Turkey’s leading English language newspaper Today’s Zaman was last week arrested for insulting the president over Twitter. The day after his release he spoke exclusively to Voices in Danger about the impending trial, the challenges of running an independent newspaper in Turkey and the intimidation faced by journalists who dare to speak out against the Erdoğan regime.