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Posts Tagged ‘SY.RIZ.A.’

CCF Escape Case: Evi Statiri and Athena Tsakalou are not allowed to attend their own trial (Greece)

Friday, March 4th, 2016

Regarding the trial for the escape plan from Korydallos prison against the members of the C.C.F. something truly incomprehensible is unfolding…

Two of the defendants, Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri cannot be present at court during the trial because of certain restrictions as part of their conditional release from pre-trial detention.

During the three times the court convened so far, the same thing happened: the judge calls their names to register their attendance and every time the exact same dialogue follows. The defence attorneys have to explain that both women are under conditional release and if restrictions are violated they will be re-arrested. These restrictions are in the form of house arrest for Athena Tsakalou who lives on Salamina island, while Evi Statiri is not allowed to cross the 1km radius from her residence. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

A-Radio: The occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens (Greece)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview
with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center
Notara26 in Athens, Greece. The comrades tell us about the origins and
ideas of their center as well as of the anarchist influence and
importance of the Exarchia neighbourhood. They also comment on the topic
of governmental (Syriza) policies and the difference of their work to
such policies. And they also mention problems encountered in this project.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)

Length: 12:36 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in No Borders

‘To Comrade Nikos Romanos and all the young fighters who are imprisoned in the jails of Troika and Syriza’ : Commission of Convicted Workers, Relatives and Friends of Las Heras (Argentina)

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

325 receives and transmits:

To Comrade Nikos Romanos and all the young fighters who are imprisoned in the
jails of Troika and Syriza,

We attach the appeal to the international day of struggle for December 12th
that we want to propel with you.
From the south of Argentina we want to send you a warm hug. You are not
alone, we are together!

Here the oil and mine imperialist companies plunder our natural sources
with impunity and get huge profits with our muscles and bones, with daily
shifts of 12 and 14 hs per day. Every time we fight for our rights they
chase us, repress us, imprison us and convict us with the government and
its justice.

Thus on December 12, 2013, the Videlist justice convicted us for fighting
in 2006 against outsourcing and against a tax on our wages that bosses and
government cinically call it “tax on profits”. It is a robbery to our low
wages, even more in the south where the cost of living is two times higher
than the rest of the country.
For this fight, four of us are convicted for life and there are six
comrades who received a sentence of 5 years. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text of Revolutionary Struggle prisoner Kostas Gournas about the hunger strike undertaken by Evi Statiri (Greece)

Monday, September 28th, 2015

It is a longstanding as well as an infamous tactic of the State — particularly of the police-judicial mechanism — to use fabricated charges against relatives so as to hold them hostage and put pressure on fighters and political prisoners. It was done in 2002 [against Angeliki Sotiropoulou, wife of 17N prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas], it was done in 2010 [against Marie Beraha, wife of Revolutionary Struggle prisoner Kostas Gournas], and it was done again in March 2015 [against Evi Statiri, wife of CCF prisoner Gerasimos Tsakalos, but also against Athena Tsakalou, mother of the Tsakalos brothers]. This is because the repressive policy applied against imprisoned members of armed organisations is an ongoing process of political extermination by any means.

After its capitulation on February 20th, the SYRIZA-led government was faced with the first class confrontation — that is, the hunger strike of political prisoners during Spring — and was compelled to vote favorably — among others – on an amendment that theoretically opened the way for the relatives of CCF members to be released. Today, after being refused her liberation six times by judicial councils, Evi Statiri, companion of an imprisoned member of the organisation, is still in prison. Her case is the clearest proof, not only of the acceptance of a state of emergency surrounding the memorandum by the government of the Left, but also of the strict application of a state of exception for political prisoners.

For those in society who had the clarity and determination to approach the ‘no’ vote in the referendum in a class manner and to oppose every memorandum, though without being able to take the next step forward, the question of an alternative way other than the one of delegation or relinquishment, which all the bourgeois parliamentary forces are charting, is more pressing than ever. And this is no other way than struggle and solidarity. Evi’s way…

on hunger strike since September 14th 2015

Kostas Gournas
September 15th 2015


via contrainfo

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Posted in Prison Struggle

EN/FR/IT/DE – ‘Concerning the New Memorandum and the Elections of 20 September’ by Nikos Maziois of R.O.- Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Nikos Maziotis – FR

Nikos Maziotis – IT

Nikos Maziotis – DE

The 3rd Memorandum signed by the SYRIZA government marks the complete political bankruptcy of the left regime and the chimerical aspirations for a more “humane” capitalism. After taking office last January, this marks the collapse of the attempted Syriza management of the defeat of the popular social movements from the period 2010-2012. For those who had no illusions, this whole period until the adoption of the 3rd Memorandum represents simply a waiting period for the predicted backtracking, where the campaign promises to repeal or renegotiate the Memorandum and partial cancelling of the debt along with a parallel policy for the relief of the poor was first followed by the agreement of February 20 which extended the second memorandum, and then came (despite the disapproval of 62% of the voters in the referendum of July 5 rejecting the proposals of lenders) the third memorandum which is much worse than the measures rejected in the referendum.

Within a few months, Syriza crossed over its “red lines” in complete retreat and acceptance of the creditors’ demands, towards the acceptance of a Memorandum far more brutal than that which was voted by the previous Samaras government.

“First time left” [note: πρώτε φορά αριστερά- a popular Syriza slogan claiming that they were for the first time a left government in Greece’s history, as if they were somehow different from PASOK] and the total humiliation of the will of the social majority to get rid of Memorandum policies that make them serfs of the markets is unprecedented. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

London: Disruption of public meeting between SWP & SYRIZA in solidarity with imprisoned comrades (UK)

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Insurrection News received and transmits:

In London on Saturday 11th July the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) hosted a public meeting attended by around 1000 people with a member of Syriza’s Central Committee.

Driven by a rejection of the SWP’s Patriarchal rape apologist authoritarian politics and to make clear to Syriza that the imprisonment of fellow Revolutionary Combatants will not go peacefully no matter what place of the world they run to, a small group of Anarchist co-conspirators made the decision to disrupt the meeting.

We successfully made it through their lines of burly ‘minders’ to reach the stage, where we unfurled a banner stating ‘Solidarity with Imprisoned Anarchists, not Syriza’ and chanted anti-prison slogans.

During our escape we were viciously attacked, one comrade had their hair pulled, the banner was stolen, we received death threats, compared to Nazis, there was damage to clothing etc.

This level of violence was unexpected, but revealed the Authoritarian nature of the SWP. Members of the crowd objected to the violence enacted on us, and hopefully this will make evident to them what kind of organisation the SWP is.

Fire to the Prisons!
No Peace for Syriza while our Comrades rot in their jails!
For Social Revolution and a People in Arms!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Statement by Nikos Maziotis to the appeals court at the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle on July 7 – Concerning the bankruptcy of the country (Greece)

Monday, July 13th, 2015

As is well known, the repressive attack by the state against Revolutionary Struggle in 2010, as an historical fact, was a counterpart to the signing of the first memorandum by the Papandreou government and bringing the country under the authority of the IMF, the ECB, and the EU. As was said at the time by a government official, our arrests prevented “a large terrorist attack that would have ended the economy,” a statement proving the dangerousness of the action of Revolutionary Struggle at a critical juncture for the regime.

The first trial against the organization was in the period of the application of the first memorandum, developments that included controlled bankruptcy proceedings and imposed a social policy of genocide and euthanasia towards segments of the population that caused thousands of deaths so far, and poverty, hunger and misery. When the first trial started in October 2011, we had stated that the trial was conducted in a period awaiting formal bankruptcy of the country, which did not happen then, because there was unveiled a controlled bankruptcy regime in order to save the lenders, the then holders of Greek bonds and to defend the Eurozone from the risk of transmission of the Greek crisis.

It is an irony of history that ultimately the bankruptcy of Greece is associated with the days of the leftist Syriza government almost four years later, which announced a referendum on the question YES or NO to the proposals of lenders for the new memorandum that they will sign. Along with the bankruptcy of the country comes the bankruptcy of the left social-democratic illusions that promised state interventions in favor of the workers and the poor of the EU inside a globalized neoliberal environment. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Interview with anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos (Greece)

Friday, July 10th, 2015

Tell us a little bit about what has happened concerning the academic leave of absence you have demanded within the new judicial framework after your hunger strike in November-December 2014.

It goes like this: I completed 1/3 of the course as required by the new regulation and I made the request for educational leave. From that point on began the theater of the absurd. The prison board decided that the new regulation cannot be put into effect, it requires a joint ministerial decision and so it sent the request to the special appellate magistrate E. Nikopoulos, in line with the previous law. Nikopoulos issued a negative response because there is no ministerial decision and one cannot get into the merits of the application as the new judicial framework annuls and takes the place of the prior one. Based on the negative opinion of Nikopoulos, the Board rejected the leave request in its turn as the decision of the trial judge is binding.

In light of this fait accompli, SYRIZA -which during the hunger strike concentrated on electioneering and brutal political exploitation on the backs of the people who made up the polymorphic solidarity movement- plays the role of Pontius Pilate, just like its predecessors. But of course this should come as no surprise since we are talking about politicians- that is to say, total bastards, political swindlers, opportunists, hypocrites and professional chameleons, who for a small time wore the costume of the humanist to serve certain political purposes. Of course there are more important reasons for that development, but I’ll keep this explanation for a later question. Concerning the progress of my case, theoretically speaking, there should be a ministerial decree to implement the new regulation, but I don’t think there is much possibility for that to happen. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Statement by Anarchist Grigoris Tsironis concerning the referendum on July 5th (Greece)

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The masks have fallen over the past five years and capital is now showing its true face. The people are dealing with a brutal attack by domestic and foreign capital and its spokesmen. Each collaborationist government willingly enforces austerity programs on the people, signing one memorandum after another in its desperate attempt to remain in power and hold on to its privileges unharmed.

The result of these policies is that we have been led to unemployment, poverty and wretchedness. Tomorrow the people are called to the ballots to give an answer to the blackmailing ultimatums of international financial capital once and for all. They have been called to decide if they will bow their heads and accept one more agreement which will make plutocracy rub its hands [in glee] or will raise their voices, stand tall and say NO to their further subjugation and wretchedness. In order to avoid such a prospect the slugs of the Media of Mass Deception carry out unprecedented propaganda and attempts at terrorizing daily, thus serving the interests of their capitalist bosses.

As an anti-authoritarian I of course do not have any illusions that social emancipation will come through governmental referendums, elections and giving authority to nation-fathers no matter what area they come from, but through mass struggles in the streets and the development of structures of solidarity, self-management and self-organization. Despite all this, I believe that in a country with a great fighting tradition it is our duty to resist and give the domestic and foreign capitalists a small example that the people are now willing to take their lives in their own hands, so that they themselves can decide about their future and not succumb to ultimatums and blackmail that mortgage their hopes and dreams.

The time has come for the people to believe in their strength and promote their dignity.

To say:
NO to subjugation,
NO to blackmail,
NO to the proposition of international usurers and their domestic collaborators,
NO to any left memorandum
And a big YES to solidarity and the struggle of the people.


Grigoris Tsironis
Trikala prisons

Ttanslated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text of Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis regarding Greece’s default and exit from the EMU – en/fr/it

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

FR: Texte de Nikos Maziotis, membre de Lutte Révolutionnaire, au sujet du défaut de paiement de la Grèce et de la sortie de l’Union Monétaire et Economique Européenne. 

The SYRIZA-led government is collapsing. The Greek default and exit from the Eurozone, as choice of the lenders, is a process that started in 2010 and currently marks the beginning of the end of the SYRIZA government. The implementation of the memoranda from 2010 was one phase in the process of orderly default that the supranational economic elite had chosen, in order to ensure the sustainability of the Euro and to cut off one member that due to the debt crisis is considered gangrened and has to be expelled. Essentially, Greece’s default has always been regarded by the supranational economic elite as a prerequisite for its salvation, without even breaking the country’s obligations to the lenders, something that was ensured by the inclusion of the country into the power of the IMF, the ECB and the European Commission.

Since 2009, Greece was already a bankrupt country and this was something known by both the then government of Georgios Papandreou and the European Union. The supranational economic elite, from 2010 onwards, followed an orderly default tactic so as to safeguard the lenders, the then holders of Greek bonds, the French, German, British and American banks.

The first aim of the memorandum was that it prohibited unilateral suspension of debt payments on the part of the debtor. On that basis, all of the Greek state-owned assets were frozen to ensure the repayment of the debt.

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Posted in Autonomy