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Posts Tagged ‘Operation Pandora’

Feb 29-March 6: Week in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

via contramadriz:

We call for solidarity with our comrades Monica and Francisco, the week
of February 29 to March 6, to inform and make visible their situation!


On 8, 9 and 10 March 2016 the trial against the anarchists Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar will be held at the National Court in Madrid. The two comrades are more than two years in pre-trial detention.

The charges against them are three of [property] damage, conspiracy and membership of a criminal organization with terrorist aims, which is why the prosecution calls for a sentence of 44 years in prison for each.
Their arrests were the first in a series of anti-terrorist operations in Catalonia, Madrid and Palencia, operating under the name of Operation Pandora and Piñata totaling more than 40 people charged to be part of this alleged “terrorist” organization. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Nov 14: Anti-repression solidarity demo at the Spanish Embassy in London (UK)

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

Manifestación en la Embajada de España en Londres en solidaridad con los anarquistas perseguidos a raíz de la Operación Pandora en Barcelona en los últimos meses.

Demonstration at the Spanish Embassy in London in solidarity with anarchists persecuted following Operation Pandora in Barcelona in the last months.

Saturday, November 14

Spanish Embassy
SW1X 8SB, London, UK

Solidarity to all the prisoners of the Spanish State – Destroy the Prisons.


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Posted in Social Control

Operation Ice: New repressive strike in Madrid (Spain)

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

If last week we awoke to 9 comrades arrested in Barcelona and Manresa, of which one has to stay in prison [Enrique Costoya Allegue] and the rest have been released pending trial in an extension of Operation Pandora, and the extension of preventive prison to Mónica and Francisco, yesterday, November 4, we awoke to a new beat. In this case, Operation Ice in which they have been arrested 5 companions of the collective Straight Edge Madrid. Again the state hits.

The allegations, belonging to a criminal organization with terrorist aims, damages and apology of terrorism.

The henchmen of the Information Brigade of the National Police say they have found material for making explosives, gunpowder and bomb-making manuals.

It alleges them responsible for the attack with incendiary devices against four bank branches in Madrid as well as other actions in Barcelona. In addition, as has become customary, they are accused of relations with GAC (Grupos Anarquistas Coordinados) – coordinated anarchist groups.

In this case, they have seized documents and propaganda concerning Anarchist groups, for them a confirmation of their coordinated relationship with them, referring specifically to the comrades arrested last March 30 in Operation Piñata.

So it goes in the Spanish state, operation after operation still beating us.
But whatever they do they will not get us to stop fighting.

Freedom for anarchist prisoners!
Solidarity with the repressed!
Innocent or guilty, just anarchists!

Death to the state and long live anarchy!!!!!

via ContraMadriz.

Write to Enrique:

Enrique Costoya Allegue
CP Madrid V Soto del Real
Ctra M-609, km3,5 Módulo 15
28791 Soto del Real (Madrid)

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Posted in Social Control

Solidarity posters for the arrested anarchist comrades (Spain, Catalunya)

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Some anarchist individuals take the initiative to get these posters out in solidarity with our arrested comrades in the latest blow, Pandora II, and Monica and Francis, whom the Spanish government has extended the detention for another two years. The idea was to get them out in different languages so that solidarity will spread across borders. The posters are ready to download and print. Let’s cover your walls with our solidarity!

If they search for us door to door, we will resist them shoulder to shoulder!

Neither innocent nor guilty, just anarchists!


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Posted in Social Control

Statement from the 9 anarchist comrades released from detention (Spain, Catalunya)

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

via Publicacion Refractario & Insurrection News:

On Wednesday October 28 nine of us were arrested in connection with a new anti-terrorist operation orchestrated by the Catalan Regional Police in collusion with court number 3 of the Spanish National Court. After the ransacking and looting of our homes and the Libertarian Ateneo de Sants (an anarchist social center in Sants) we were taken to different police stations on the outskirts of Barcelona. The next day we were delivered to the Civil Guard and transferred to Madrid. On Friday at noon we were brought before Judge Juan Pablo Gonzalez. The judge ordered two of us to be released with charges, 6 of us to be bailed upon payment of a bail surety and unconditional imprisonment for our comrade who is currently locked up in Soto del Real prison.

We the detainees who at present are back on the street wish to make a series of reflections and political positions:

The generic accusation against all 9 of us is “belonging to a criminal organization with terrorist aims.” Specifically we are charged with being part of ‘GAC-FAI-IRF,’ which as we all know is a concept that has been constructed by the police. A set of acronyms which they have quite calculatedly mixed together – the coordination of anarchist collectives (GAC) along with the ‘signature’ used internationally by some groups to claim acts of sabotage (FAI-IRF).

The construction of this organizational framework gives the police all of the repressive resources that the anti-terrorism laws provide: closed courts, greater legal uncertainty, much tougher sentences for comrades convicted of carrying out certain actions, isolation, special prison regimes, the criminalization of personal friendships / partners and relatives, amplified media coverage and social stigmatization etc. It is enough to say that during the whole process of our detention – from the moment we saw our homes being invaded and looted right up until we were brought before the judge – we did not even know what we were being accused of. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Barcelona: Solidarity demo with anarchists persecuted by the State – 13 June 2015 – Operation Pandora/Piñata (Catalunya)

Sunday, June 21st, 2015


An “anti-repression” demonstration brought together nearly 500 people this Saturday, June 13, 2015 in Barcelona under the slogan “if they attack us for our struggles, we will respond with struggle,” it was called in solidarity with incarcerated and persecuted comrades following operations ‘Piñata’ (two are still detained, three others released under judicial control) and ‘Pandora’ and more generally against the repression of squats, and those who struggle against the state and this society.

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Posted in Direct Action

Three of the five anarchist prisoners of Operación Piñata released + 13 June day of solidarity demo in Barcelona (Catalunya, Spain)

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

On June 1 we got the great news that three of the five comrades being held in preventive detention, accused of being part of a terrorist group under Operation Piñata (including one who was already arrested and imprisoned in Operation Pandora) are being released without bail. They still have all their charges and have to sign in frequently at court, and two of them are prohibited from leaving the country.

Operation Pandora was launched in December in Catalunya, and Operation Piñata on March 30 all across the Spanish state but focused in Madrid. The operations resulted in the arrests of 26 anarchist comrades (plus the arrests of over a dozen more for resisting the raid on a social center) on anti-terrorism charges, the raids of dozens of houses and social centers, the theft of cash, and the seizure of computers, harddrives, phones, etc.

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Posted in Social Control

“Hallucination, intimidation and control” : Letter from Chilean comrade Francisco Solar about ‘Operation Pandora’ (Spain)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

From Pubblicacion Refractario:

‘Are we persecuted? Well, it’s logical that we are persecuted because we are a constant threat for who represents the system. In order not to be prosecuted we would have to adapt to their laws, comply with them, integrate into the system, let bureaucracy penetrate our spinal cord and become perfect traitors… but is that what we want? No. So our everyday actions have to be nourished with our creative imagination. Our strength is our ability to resist. We can fail but must never bow down to anyone.’ Buenaventura Durruti.

There can be many and varied explanations for the repressive blow of December 16th, just as the general and specific causes that intertwined to create a delirious net of power leading to the arrest of our friends and comrades are many.

Perhaps one of the general causes could be the introduction of the Law on Citizens Security, known as the ‘Gag law’; this, along with the exacerbation of the penal code, which has re-introduced life sentences, creates a pattern whereby the control exercised by power is more efficient and strengthened by constant paranoia. Sentences for attacks on authorities, public disorder and disobedience have been exacerbated; at the same time social protests like those of 15M [blockade of parliament] and of PAH (a group against housing taxes) are being punished. Progressives and social-democrats say that the State is ‘leaving less space for freedom’ and that ‘the struggle for rights is being criminalized’. As you can see, the turn of the screw by the repressive-judicial apparatus is striking citizens, that is to say those who struggle for more and better laws, more and better democracy, for more participation in the management of misery. Freedom and law is inconsistent with one another. As anarchists we are aware that the more rights are granted the stronger the State becomes and as a consequence our submission grows. Not because it will cease to be such with a subtle, more democratic oppression, but quite the opposite it becomes more natural and firm in its being invisible. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Brighton: Demo – Sunday 12 April in solidarity with anarchists in Spain & Catalunya – ‘Operación Piñata’ (UK)

Saturday, April 11th, 2015

**NB: There is a demonstration organised for Brighton at the Clock-Tower on Sunday 12th at 6pm**

Last Monday (April 30th) there was a new repressive strike against the anarchist movement in Spain. Thirty-eight people were arrested in a police operation under the name ‘Operación Piñata‘. Fifteen of them are facing charges of terrorism and five are in preventive imprisonment. The raids were carried out on private homes, social centres and squatted spaces in Madrid, Barcelona, Palencia and Granada.

These police raids were carried out in a very open way, trying to create the maximum social alarm. The media have published the names of the people arrested and the groups they are involved in, presenting the fake police accusations as fact. They talk about ‘anarchist terrorism’ and organisations with leaders, hierarchical infrastructures and various ‘capitation’ methods the arrested allegedly use to ‘fund’ their ‘illegal’ activities.

These raids are a continuation of police operation ‘Operación Pandora‘, which took place last December within the context of the increasingly repressive politics employed by the Spanish government. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Barcelona/Granada/Madrid/Palencia: Operation Piñata raids (Spain & Catalunya)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

UPDATE: Operation Piñata – Five comrades imprisoned, ten conditionally bailed, address for three of the prisoners

Via squat.net:

This morning in Operation Piñata (following Pandora in December) cops have raided social centres and arrested people (at least 26) in Barcelona, Madrid, Palencia and Granada.

La 13-14 in Madrid announced it was being raided this morning.

CSOA La Redonda in Granada released a communique condemning the raids, which they said occurred without a warrant.

Centro Social (re)Okupado La Quimera in Lavapies, Madrid was evicted. It also stated no warrant was shown after its doors were smashed at 06:30 and added:

“This is just another attack on the anarchist movement with intent to criminalize and victimize our struggle.”

Other raided social centres were la Magdalena and La Enredadera de Tetuán.

In solidarity!

On squat.net:
Estado español: Zarpazo represivo, al menos 26 detenciones. Desalojan el CSOA La Quimera

La policia espanyola deté 27 persones en una operació contra col·lectius anarquistes

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Posted in Social Control