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Posts Tagged ‘GAC (coordinated anarchist groups)’

Last day of the trial against anarchist comrades Mónica and Francisco (Spain)

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

Also see reports for days 1 & 2.

Today, Thursday, March 10, the third and final hearing in the trial of our comrades Mónica and Francisco took place. There was mainly the summing up of the lawyers for both the defence and the prosecution, and that of the Public Prosecutor.

The hearing began with the expert witnesses called by the defence, who submitted reports on the comparative study of DNA from a number of objects found after the explosion, and DNA of Francisco and Mónica extracted from objects taken from their cells. They confirmed what had already been exposed in the reports: there is absolutely no correspondence.

Subsequently, the judge asked whether the parties confirmed their initial conclusions, a question to which the lawyer of the specific accuser, the woman who was in the Pilar at the moment of the explosion, confirmed wanting to maintain the charges of “damage” and “injury”, but asked for the charges of membership and conspiracy to be dropped, significantly lowering the request to 12 years and a day for each and asking for compensation of 102,000 euro. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Action outside the embassy of Spain in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Greece)

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

On Tuesday evening, March 8th 2016, we went with banners, flyers and sprays outside the Spanish Embassy in Athens (on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, in the Makrygianni district) in a minimum display of solidarity with captive comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who stand trial in Madrid.

The banners read: “All laws are terrorism – Freedom for Mónica and Francisco”; and: “A life of combat – Prisoners to the streets – Freedom for our bodies – Madrid, 8-9-10/3/16”. Walls of the embassy building were tagged with: MONICA Y FRANCISCO LIBRES (“Mónica and Francisco free”). Among the slogans shouted (mostly in Spanish) were the words “Mateo Morral: Presente” – as well as “Javier Recabarren: Presente” in view of the week of actions in Chile in memory of the 11-year-old comrade. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Feb 29-March 6: Week in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

via contramadriz:

We call for solidarity with our comrades Monica and Francisco, the week
of February 29 to March 6, to inform and make visible their situation!


On 8, 9 and 10 March 2016 the trial against the anarchists Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar will be held at the National Court in Madrid. The two comrades are more than two years in pre-trial detention.

The charges against them are three of [property] damage, conspiracy and membership of a criminal organization with terrorist aims, which is why the prosecution calls for a sentence of 44 years in prison for each.
Their arrests were the first in a series of anti-terrorist operations in Catalonia, Madrid and Palencia, operating under the name of Operation Pandora and Piñata totaling more than 40 people charged to be part of this alleged “terrorist” organization. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Against Democracy’ by GAC – Coordinated Anarchist Groups (Spain)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

Title: Against Democracy
Author: Coordination of Anarchist Groups.
Translator: Anonymous, 2015.
First edition: 2013.

Please copy and distribute these texts, citing the source, for noncommercial purposes.

This work is free but it took effort, time and money to make, so any contributions will be welcomed. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Prosecutors request 44-year sentence against anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Thursday, December 24th, 2015

Prosecutor Teresa Sandoval, of the Audiencia Nacional, has submitted the prosecution’s demand to the 6th tribunal of the Audiencia Nacional, a demand that reflects the investigators’ thesis on comrades Monica and Francisco’s lives.

In their thesis the powerful falsely maintain that GAC (Grupos Anarquistas Coordinados) are an action group responsible for several explosive and incendiary attacks, which the group allegedly claimed. The inquisitor in charge is trying to take advantage of the antiterrorist hysteria caused by the attacks perpetrated by ISIS religious fascists in Europe, remarking that ‘the insurrectional affinity groups, like the jihadist cells, are perfectly clear about their generic enemy and therefore need no superior command in order to set an attack in motion.’

The prosecutor acknowledges that before the attack on the Basilica del Pilar a warning telephone call was made to a nearby beauty centre so that the authorities were alerted. As the receivers believed it was a joke they didn’t alert the authorities and the device detonated while people were inside the building; as a result a person suffered ear damage.

Following this rambling on terrorism, the sentence demanded against the comrades is 44 years each, comprising:

Belonging to a terrorist organization: 9 years

Ear damage caused to a victim: 12 years

Terrorist attack (the explosion at the Basilica del Pilar): 18 years

Conspiracy to commit similar attacks (alleged reconnaissance of the Basilica de Montserrant in Barcelona): 5 years

The threat of stratospheric sentences is nothing new to the comrades: at the trial for the ‘Caso Bombas’ in Chile the prosecutors’ request was 20 years for Monica and 25 for Francisco. It won’t be the threat of years in prison made by the Spanish State that will stop insurrection or the will to struggle.

International and insurrectional solidarity for the destruction of all sentences!

Eternal love in revolt for the comrades… Always ready for action, not a step back!


via actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Minneapolis: Solidarity rally for arrested anarchists in Spain (USA)

Monday, November 9th, 2015

Updated: Here’s the reportback.

Almost a year ago, the Spanish State began a campaign of repression against anarchists, arresting dozens, including nine in late October, and five more in November of this year. Their imprisonment is justified with the invention of a fictional terrorist group, the GAC-FAI-IRF. No attack has ever been claimed with this set of acronyms, and the GAC (Coordinated Anarchist Groups) are only the authors of a recent book, Contra la Democracia (eerily similar to the Tarnac Affair and The Coming Insurrection in France, 2008).

On Saturday we will rally in solidarity with those arrested, at 6:00pm at the corner of E Lake St & Minnehaha Ave in Minneapolis.

More info here: Efecto Pandora & Conflict MN.

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Posted in Social Control

Operation Ice: New repressive strike in Madrid (Spain)

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

If last week we awoke to 9 comrades arrested in Barcelona and Manresa, of which one has to stay in prison [Enrique Costoya Allegue] and the rest have been released pending trial in an extension of Operation Pandora, and the extension of preventive prison to Mónica and Francisco, yesterday, November 4, we awoke to a new beat. In this case, Operation Ice in which they have been arrested 5 companions of the collective Straight Edge Madrid. Again the state hits.

The allegations, belonging to a criminal organization with terrorist aims, damages and apology of terrorism.

The henchmen of the Information Brigade of the National Police say they have found material for making explosives, gunpowder and bomb-making manuals.

It alleges them responsible for the attack with incendiary devices against four bank branches in Madrid as well as other actions in Barcelona. In addition, as has become customary, they are accused of relations with GAC (Grupos Anarquistas Coordinados) – coordinated anarchist groups.

In this case, they have seized documents and propaganda concerning Anarchist groups, for them a confirmation of their coordinated relationship with them, referring specifically to the comrades arrested last March 30 in Operation Piñata.

So it goes in the Spanish state, operation after operation still beating us.
But whatever they do they will not get us to stop fighting.

Freedom for anarchist prisoners!
Solidarity with the repressed!
Innocent or guilty, just anarchists!

Death to the state and long live anarchy!!!!!

via ContraMadriz.

Write to Enrique:

Enrique Costoya Allegue
CP Madrid V Soto del Real
Ctra M-609, km3,5 Módulo 15
28791 Soto del Real (Madrid)

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Posted in Social Control

Statement from the 9 anarchist comrades released from detention (Spain, Catalunya)

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

via Publicacion Refractario & Insurrection News:

On Wednesday October 28 nine of us were arrested in connection with a new anti-terrorist operation orchestrated by the Catalan Regional Police in collusion with court number 3 of the Spanish National Court. After the ransacking and looting of our homes and the Libertarian Ateneo de Sants (an anarchist social center in Sants) we were taken to different police stations on the outskirts of Barcelona. The next day we were delivered to the Civil Guard and transferred to Madrid. On Friday at noon we were brought before Judge Juan Pablo Gonzalez. The judge ordered two of us to be released with charges, 6 of us to be bailed upon payment of a bail surety and unconditional imprisonment for our comrade who is currently locked up in Soto del Real prison.

We the detainees who at present are back on the street wish to make a series of reflections and political positions:

The generic accusation against all 9 of us is “belonging to a criminal organization with terrorist aims.” Specifically we are charged with being part of ‘GAC-FAI-IRF,’ which as we all know is a concept that has been constructed by the police. A set of acronyms which they have quite calculatedly mixed together – the coordination of anarchist collectives (GAC) along with the ‘signature’ used internationally by some groups to claim acts of sabotage (FAI-IRF).

The construction of this organizational framework gives the police all of the repressive resources that the anti-terrorism laws provide: closed courts, greater legal uncertainty, much tougher sentences for comrades convicted of carrying out certain actions, isolation, special prison regimes, the criminalization of personal friendships / partners and relatives, amplified media coverage and social stigmatization etc. It is enough to say that during the whole process of our detention – from the moment we saw our homes being invaded and looted right up until we were brought before the judge – we did not even know what we were being accused of. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Comrades arrested accused of terrorism (Catalunya)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

Update: 8 released on bail.

10 comrades arrested in Barcelona and Manreza (Cataluña, Spain) accused of membership of GAC (anarchist coordinated groups). At the moment the information comes from state media.

[Urgente] Compañeros detenidos en Barcelona y Manresa con acusaciones de terrorismo.

Desde las seis de la mañana los Gossos* d’Esquadra (policía autonómica
catalana), bajo órdenes de la Audiencia Nacional, registran locales y
viviendas de compañeros/as anarquistas en Barcelona (barrios de Gracia,
Sant Andreu y Sants) y en Manresa. Según los medios de intoxicación de
masas, los arrestos son la continuación de la “operación pandora” contra
lo que la policía y los jueces creen que son los GAC (Grupos anarquistas
Coordinados), a quienes acusan de ser los responsables de los ataques
reivindicados por grupos anarquistas durante los años 2012 y 2013
(habría que recordar que según la Fiscalía General del Estado desde el
año pasado el anarcoterrorismo ya no tiene capacidad para atentar).
Según la prensa del patrón, hay ya 9 o 10 detenidos/as, y otros tantos
registros, entre ellos, el del Ateneo Libertario de Sants.
Seguiremos informando.

¡El Estado es el único terrorista!
¡Libertad anarquistas detenidos!

* Juego de palabras: Gosso en catalán es perro. El cuerpo policial se
llama Mossos d’Esquadra.

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Posted in Social Control

State and Media Intoxication in the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (Spain)

Friday, August 28th, 2015

The Spanish Interior Minister of State fears an anarchist attack against prison officials this week.

From contramadriz via freeonline; in the context of the official report, the anarchist comrades F.Solar and M.Caballero were also referenced.

Spain: A digital media site of disinformation has “uncovered” a Prisons Circular recently distributed to its workers demanding extreme measures to protect themselves against possible suspicious packages received between 23 and August 30th. The reason for this is the “discovery” by the Information Service of the paramilitary Civil Guard of the international call for solidarity with anarchist prisoners from 23 to 30 August.

According to these coppers, the poster ismuch more aggressive than the last year’s In fact, you can read the legend “fire to the prisons and jailers”, which leads them to conclude that the “main objective of the anarchist movement” at the moment are Prison Officers “or any persons related to the facilities of the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions”. All because someone added “and the Jailors” to the traditional “Fire to The Prisons” slogan. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control