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Posts Tagged ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell’

CCF Escape Case: “The perpetual move towards freedom…” by Christos Tsakalos of the CCF / FAI-FRI (Greece)

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

“It’s like playing a game with marked cards… You know that the odds are against you, but you keep playing… What for… but in order to continue the game… And to find others in the future to win the game… This is our heritage… ”

On February 15 the trial for the escape plan of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire began. A total of 28 people are being tried, including our relatives and other people who have no connection to the case.

As Conspiracy of Cells of Fire we have taken on the responsibility for the plan and its practical/technical preparation (weapons, explosives, rockets, stolen vehicles) found in the hideouts of the organization.

But the answer to what led us to the decision to escape, the judges and cops won’t find it neither in the weapons nor in the explosives or the decrypted messages found.

Anyone can find the answer as long as he listens to the rattling of the chains worn on him, chains baptized as freedom. A “freedom” which exchanged our life with cables, devices and screens… a “freedom” wearing the mask of a happy slave… But there is nothing real behind the mask…

Life is being strangled by the blackmail of the financial tyranny, the underpaid sweat of labor dungeons, the batons, tear gas and bullets of repression…
Meanwhile, the skies are raining death with bombs that turn entire countries into mass graves, small children washed up dead on the shores of the Aegean and thousands of people deserted in concentration camps…

At the same time, the lie is turned to truth from the journalist’s propaganda, technology controls our moments and emotions, the spectacle flashily dresses our loneliness, and the Western man becomes victimizer and victim of his amnesia, as he forgot what it means to live free. This is the answer to not only why someone should escape from prison, but also to become a fugitive from the legal life of an obedient being…

These thoughts are the abettor of our getaway. If we could, we would dig the walls even with our own nails to escape and to dig up the arms for the cause of freedom and revolution. And no matter how many of those attempts fail, or how many heads break onto the prison bars, at the end the bars will bend.

Because the stocks cannot be counted neither with weapons nor with explosives but with the belief that this world must be demolished, to let freedom blossom.

Both the judges and cops know us to be stubborn… That’s why they chose to take our relatives as hostages. To blackmail us emotionally and wrest our silence. But there will never be a cease fire between us and power…

The judicial authorities in 10,000 pages of files, try to make their lie a more convincing lie and call 20 witnesses (half of them executives of the anti-terrorist service) to confirm this. They accuse my mother, Evi (wife of my brother) and Christos (brother of the comrade C. Polydoros) as members of “the terrorist organization CCF”.

Their conviction has already been ordered from the palaces of power. This is a sample of the arrogance of a power that believes it’s playing without an opponent.

This trial is a poll of the struggle… In short, we must violently interrupt the onslaught of an iron repression, which, since it can not make us kneel, aims at our people.

But the challenge is not only to subvert the judicial coup that blackmails us through the persecution of our relatives, but also to transfer the fear to the homes of the enemy. Where they think they are invulnerable. And if the tracks of repression marching are already reverberating… it’s time for our own weapons to be heard.

“One day we will have to gamble for everything”, against all our yesterdays of postponement, without hesitation to stand abreast our executioners… it’s us or them…

Absence deletes people.. but there are those who are missing in exile or confined in one kilometer of “Freedom” and are present in our hearts… People just like Athena, Evi and finally Christos, because today to remain human is by itself an act of courage..

Our day will come…

Christos Tsakalos – Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / F.A.I.

- Translated by A-politiko.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Over the last days an anti-terrorist media spectacle is unfolding in Greece. Police released a statement about an incident of attempted helicopter hijack on 21 February; a woman using a fake ID card and apparently with the description of Pola Roupa, clandestine member of R.O. – Revolutionary Struggle attempted to hijack a helicopter departing from Thebes with a pistol. The woman had booked a flight to pick up 5 people at a pre-arranged route, but caused the pilot at gunpoint to change direction towards Attica. At one point, the pilot fought back, being an ex-policeman, who claimed to have recognised Roupa through media photographs. He tried to take the pistol, leading to a struggle which ended in the helicopter being brought down with two bullet holes in the windshield and one in the instrument panel. The woman then escaped and so far has not been captured. Police recovered a pistol mag, headphones and a wig which were sent for forensic analysis. The police believe that this was an attempt to spring imprisoned member of Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis, from Korydallos Prison, and they also speak as well of anarchist comrade Antonis Stamboulos, bank robber Giorgos Petrakakos and “at least 2 to 3 members” of R.O. – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire who are suspected of participating. The police now attempt to reconstruct the “synchronisation” of the imprisoned comrades and locate the woman who made the defeated hijacking operation.

Maziotis is held in the isolation dungeon which is the basement of the Woman’s Section of Korydallos, where members of R.O. – November 17 and R.O. – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are also held. Searches by the security forces took place in all parts of the isolation basement yesterday night revealing absolutely nothing.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Korydallos Prison: Update on new repressions against CCF & Nikos Romanos (Greece)

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

Yesterday on the 20th of January another sudden search was once again conducted inside the cells housing imprisoned members of the anarchist organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) as well as anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos at Section A of Korydallos Prison.

The search was coordinated by prison official Victoria Marsioni who had previously made threats against CCF members involving disciplinary transfers to other facilities after they hung a banner in solidarity with the hunger strike of anarchist Evi Statiri.

It is most certain that Marsioni is not acting independently but receives orders from above and this recent search is merely another addition to a systematic exercise of pressure against the imprisoned members of the CCF, which is orchestrated by high ranking officials of the ‘leftist’ Ministry of Justice and Counter-Terrorism Police.

(via Athens Indymedia, Insurrection News, translated by BlackCat)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Diciembre negro acciones en Quito (Ecuador)

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

Diciembre negro
A nuestrxs hermanxs acratas:
Nos adherimos a la campaña del diciembre negro (15-20 dic) con una serie
nocturna de pintas políticas en varios sectores de la podrida ciudad de
kitu, haciendo llegar este pequeño gesto de guerra con altivez a
nuestrxs hermanxs anarquistas en todas las partes de la tierra donde la
lucha anarquista no cesa y se tensa.

Aparte adjuntamos a las pintas varios flyers que circularon en las webs
de contrainformacion para el diciembre negro, asi extendemos el lazo
solidario q nos une, el mismo q a su vez destruye los limites
territoriales, creimos necesario adjuntar dichos flyers explicativos ya
que en ecuador lxs autoproclamadxs anarquistas estan viviendo un proceso
transversal de divagaciones políticas, en el cual aun creen que puede
existir un cambio real por medio de reformas y sus plataformas. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: CCF escape case trial set for February 15th 2016 (Greece)

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

February 15th: Trial date for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan – Prosecution against relatives of political prisoners

The trial concerning the plan of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades to escape from Koridallos prisons has been set for February 15th. A total of 28 people are accused in this trial. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades have taken responsibility for the escape plan from the outset, defending their choice as a means to continue anarchist struggle.

However, this time the judicial mafia has experimented on our comrades by applying an insidious and vengeful blackmail against them.

In addition to making the heaviest possible indictment against several of the accused, whose relation with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members was solely limited to friendly contacts, they’ve prepared new guillotines.

The inquisitor Eftichis Nikopoulos (special appellate judge against terrorism) and the judicial councils that followed, have also put forward for trial relatives of political prisoners: Athena Tsakalou (the mother of CCF members Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos), Evi Statiri (the partner of Gerasimos), and Christos Polidoros (the brother of CCF member Giorgos Polidoros), on charges of “membership in the terrorist organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”!!!

Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri were originally remanded in March 2015, and then broke out of captivity.

Athena was released a month after her arrest, following the hunger strike of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members and anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou. Six months later, Evi was also released from prison, following the hunger strike undertaken by her and her partner Gerasimos Tsakalos.

During the two hunger strikes, a multifaceted movement developed against the judicial coup, expressing solidarity by means of gatherings, banner drops, occupation of buildings, acts of sabotage and incendiary attacks…

Nevertheless, after the release of Athena and Evi, the solidarity movement gained half a victory.

Judge-executioners “granted” them a crippled freedom. Athena was exiled to Salamis Island, and Evi is restricted to one kilometer from her home by a “freedom distance-meter”.

At the same time, they have been prohibited from any communication with their relatives, thus isolating them behind invisible grids.

We see this strategy of Power of isolating political prisoners being broadened, as is the case with the recent visitation ban against Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis [whose friend and comrade was recently prohibited from visiting him in prison].

Similarly, the judicial mafia continues its sorcery against relatives of political prisoners, having remanded Maria Theofilou [the partner of Giorgos Petrakakos].

On February 15th, Power will once again try to erect its guillotines against relatives of political prisoners.

They’ve made their intentions crystal clear by now. According to the accusatory dossier, which is over 10,000 pages, they’ve chosen to call only 20 witnesses to the stand (half of whom are anti-terrorist police officers), with the purpose of fast-tracking proceedings; it seems convictions have already been issued…

February 15th marks the beginning of a new wager for people in struggle, negators of Power, people in solidarity… Our wager is to nullify the Power’s vindictive plans, stand side by side with the comrades, and continue what we’ve started… To subvert the judicial coup and stand against the prosecution of political prisoners’ relatives.

Because this trial prefigures future persecutions. What is being tested today against relatives of political prisoners, tomorrow will be tested against friends, people in solidarity, people in struggle…

For this reason and all the reasons in this world, once again we are preparing to venture into new battles against the laws of cops, judges and the Power’s priesthood.

Our quiver contains many arrows, such as the recent memory of gestures against the fascist persecutions of political prisoners’ relatives, but also the fresh traces of actions for Black December, that have strayed from the silent paths of social peace.

In the face of challenges posed by the State and judicial mafia, we respond with the challenge of insurrectionist action. With the trial on February 15th as a point of encounter, to oppose the persecution of relatives, let’s make this New Year beginning our own restart – with international call-outs, assemblies, counter-information, demonstrations, occupations, acts of sabotage, attacks – for the complete overthrow of the existent. With not even a single moment wasted.

“Stone, iron, wood can be broken… but it is impossible to break a determined human being with a conscience.”

Solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades and anarchist Angeliki Spyropoulou

Against the prosecution of political prisoners’ relatives
(Christos Polidoros, Athena Tsakalou, Evi Statiri)

in Greek


via contrainfo

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Posted in Social Control

Letter by CCF member Panagiotis Argirou on the occasion of the nearing end of the Phoenix Project trial (Greece)

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015


“Only in those moments when our tension for freedom encounters with praxis do we really manage to live anarchy, here and now. Unfortunately the dream we carry in our hearts is too great to avoid the risk of finding ourselves up against the monstrous wall of authority raised in defense of the state and capital. When we really put our life at stake, inevitably we end up confronting the hardness that’s inherent in the struggle: death and prison.”
Nicola Gai; anarchist comrade held prisoner in Italy, who has assumed responsibility for his participation in the attack claimed by Olga Cell of FAI-FRI (the shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, the chief executive of Ansaldo Nucleare)

Shortly before the end of the trial of the 4th consecutive case against the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and against me personally as an anarchist who has assumed responsibility for his participation in the CCF, I’d like to say some things not to the court, but rather to all comrades whose action gave impetus and substance to the Phoenix Project.

For obvious reasons, all imprisoned members of the CCF saluted the comrades of Sole–Baleno Cell (a cell of sympraxis between Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Consciousness Gangs), a gesture which initially cost us our prosecution for incitement [in Greek, moral instigation] to 4 Acts of the Phoenix Project: explosive attack on personal vehicle of the Koridallos prison director in Athens, explosive attack on personal vehicle of a chief warden serving at Nafplion prison, incendiary attack on a hotel unit in Indonesia, and parcel-bomb mailing to a former commander of the antiterrorist police unit in Athens.

The competent authorities realised in hindsight that the accusation of inciting the attack in Indonesia, claimed by Anger Unit/International Conspiracy for Revenge FAI/IRF, would never stand up in court, so the particular charges were dropped even before the stage of court proceedings.

However, as far as the other attacks are concerned, I am offended by the incitement charges brought against me, because as an anarchist I abhor hierarchical relationships of any level; on the other hand, these charges help me understand that domination feels threatened when anarchist guerillas, even from a position of captivity, seek to make their mark and connect with the struggle outside the prison walls by saluting the hostilities waged by their comrades. Domination feels threatened when it realises that the condition of incarceration is not nearly enough to crush the combative energy of anarchist prisoners. This alone is enough for entire indictments for incitement to attacks to be drafted. In no case, however, is it enough to break my morale and my will to connect myself with all comrades holding a combative position. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“I do not regret anything…” : Political declaration of Christos Tsakalos for the third CCF trial (Greece)

Friday, December 25th, 2015

On Thursday, November 5th, I’m asked to apologize to the first court conducted for 2.5 years now against the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire . It is the trial for the 250 attacks of the organization.

In a courtroom inside the prison, full of judges, cameras, cops, secret police, anti-terror police, a few relatives and even fewer friends and comrades, they judge the actions of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

But how to fit in a room of a few square meters our actions that tried to challenge the wise and obedient history of our time…

An action which interrupted the eternal sleep of quiet ’peaceful’ people for several nights, agitated through the explosion of the enslaved silences of the metropolis and with our proclamations denied the rules of a life where the bosses’ violence is always present and we are constantly absent…

Through our attacks, we wanted to smash the tyranny of a brutal reality. We intend to overturn the balance of terror of a mechanically routine life. We tried to cancel the compromise with the death of caused by the wage slavery, the technological control, the boredom and empty relationships.

We wanted to make war with the “peace” of the banks, the judges, the rich, the cops, the fascists, the journalists, the politicians, but also with the “peaceful” citizens who instead of crying out, and being enraged and act, they’re hiding in resignation and grow old along with their furniture … These “peaceful” and law-abiding citizens are the most responsible of all, because through their “quietness” they allow ugliness to rule our lives. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Incendiary attack by Sebastián Oversluij Cell / FAI in Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

via ContraInfo:

Within the context of the call for a Black December action campaign, we organised and carried out a deed of direct action.

We reached the outside of a cop’s house in the district of Zografou, who’s a serving special guard at the Golden Dawn offices, and we set fire to his personal vehicle.

Such actions can easily be diffused and reproduced by comrades, and also contribute to creating a climate of fear and insecurity among the cowardly servants of legal order.

We don’t wait until repression comes knocking on our door; we locate the houses of uniformed bastards within the metropolis, and pay them a visit so as to attack them by all means.

Strength and solidarity to all our comrades around the world who intensify the Black December campaign with their actions, making informal coordination of multiform anarchist action a reality.

We organise anarchist cells of direct action!

For the anarchist offensive against the world of Power!

For a Black December!

Solidarity with anarchist prisoners and all comrades wanted by authorities!

With our dead brothers and sisters present in every moment of attack against domination!

Sebastián Oversluij Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF)

Source: Athens IMC

translated by Panagiotis Argirou, CCF member imprisoned in Greece

in Spanish, German

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Posted in Direct Action

Barcelona: ATMs and security companies damaged and set on fire by Individualities for the Diffusion of Chaos – FAI / FRI in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Catalunya)

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

Barcelona, Spanish State: The attack continues in the face of the blows inflicted by power

After the recent police operations against anarchist milieus, so much has been written and said; statements and opinions mainly denounce or ‘condemn’ the repression inflicted by the authorities. After the latest repressive operation and the reactions that followed, we reckon we should give our point of view.

Starting from the fact that the ongoing repression is the State’s logical response to those who consider themselves (or the State considers) its enemies, we don’t understand certain communiqués full of victimization, where in practice (and with the most appropriate words, of course) they beg the State to stop unleashing its cops ‘indiscriminately’ against anarchists. And they say that repression is unjustifiable, and of course they use and abuse the word ‘frame-up’, and say we do nothing wrong, and that they attack us because we ‘think in a different way’… They try to give a picture of ‘normality’ and endeavour with all means to make this picture clean and socially acceptable. They do their best to take distance from violent words and actions; and as they become entrapped in the game of power and use the latter’s language, they make distinctions between ‘good’ anarchists and ‘bad’ ones, thus promoting criminalization from within their ranks.

At this point some of these ‘anarchists’ don’t feel ashamed at giving pitiful interviews to the media, and what is worse they pose as spokespersons of the ‘anarchist movement’ (and then of all social movements); these would-be politicians and leaders of the masses try their best to alienate anarchism from its subversive and conflictual character, and present anarchism as a simple movement of activists, deprived of any words or actions that clash against power and the established order.

Then there are those who just talk of how terrible repression is, how all comrades are under strict surveillance, and one can’t do anything; this kind of attitudes only spread collective panic and paranoia, and these are the attitudes of those who hide their inactivity behind the pretext of ever present repression, surveillance, ‘I’m being strictly watched’, etc. Anyone who is reluctant to take responsibility can be so according to their personal decisions; but to hide oneself behind uncontrolled and often groundless fear and to spread discouraging feelings wherever one goes, is dangerous and counter-productive. This doesn’t mean that there are the ‘brave’ ones and the ‘cowardly’ ones; it’s perfectly normal to fear police checks, prison, beatings, torture and murders committed by cops and jailers…

But spreading fear leads to panic and paranoia, and in turn this leads to discouraging speeches calling for inaction, maintaining that ‘to behave’ is better for both oneself and other comrades so as not to be the objects of police investigations.

To conclude this topic it must be said that even if the State has shown us nothing more than the tip of the iceberg, this is nothing compared to what could happen; in fact it’s sufficient to look at repression currently occurring in other areas of the world (and not even that far) or in the Spanish State itself a few decades ago. It should be clear that as we stand as anarchists we live with the risk and possibility to be hit by the machine of repression, also at the margins of our practices, because, as we’ve seen, there are times when the same repressive machine tries to stir fear among the enemies and strikes everyone rather than inflict targeted blows; as a consequence anyone of us can be a target.

However, in spite of the deployment of police operations, arrests and slanders that have been carried out (and in spite of what has to come yet), power knows that there will always be individuals who cannot be controlled or frightened, no matter what, our desire to destroy everything that oppresses us cannot be put off. We are glad to see how in spite of everything, they didn’t manage to stop the attack on the existent; every day there are some who still don’t give in to fear and social submission and go on constant attack. Multiform anarchist action keeps on spreading through many neighbourhoods, cities and countries in the form of publications and militant texts, posters, graffiti, banners, sabotage, fires and explosions, roads blocked with barricades, clashes, attacks on the buildings of power and disorders during demonstrations…

Although the Spanish state prefers not to make claims known so that actions are silenced, we know for certain what’s happening, with more or less frequency. The violence of the minority will continue, and we talk about violence openly and without troubles because we are convinced that power won’t fall by itself, nor will any Messiah come from heaven with a solution.

We don’t use words such as ‘self-defence’ or ‘counter-violence’; nor do we talk of anarchist violence only in a context of mass uprising when it’s more acceptable. We’ve found out that in spite of everything, insurrectional practices and attacks are still possible; police can’t be everywhere, they don’t spy on us all or control us all, some common sense, good planning and good will are more than enough to prove that the picture of a controlled and pre-arranged world is just an illusion; it’s up to us to break this illusion of tranquility.

For in the face of the blows of power and the misery of some ‘anarchists’ who only care to give an image of good innocent boys to society in order to be safe, we arm our desires and passions, and go on the attack. To the masses and their inactivity we offer our aggressiveness, we expect nothing and throw ourselves into constant anarchist revolt.

We are the rebels who have decided to carry on and run the risk, and dare live anarchy here and now.

Words without action are dead words to us, so we take the occasion of this communiqué to claim the following actions carried out in several neighbourhoods in Barcelona: the fire on vehicles of security companies, private ones as well as State-owned ones; attacks on bank branches through damages to windows and ATMs caused by hammers, stones, paint and fire; fire and destruction of urban structures.
With this communiqué we want to give our warm greetings to our prisoners, especially Monica and Francisco, who have been in pre-trial detention for over two years always with their heads held high; to comrades Nicola and Alfredo, the comrades of the CCF and the comrades imprisoned in Chile; and we want to remember our fallen ones and greet those who day by day continue to bet on constant conflict and anarchist insurrection, and make anarchy be once again a threat.

For a Black December everywhere!
For the black international of the anarchists of action!
For the spreading of chaos and Anarchy!

Nothing ends, the war continues…

Individualities for the Diffusion of Chaos – FAI / FRI


via: croceneranarchica
Translated by act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: 27 people indicted for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan (Greece)

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Via Contrainfo:

On November 16th 2015, it became known that a total of 27 people are being indicted for the case of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire planned escape from Koridallos prisons. Persons belonging to the immediate family nucleus of captive anarchists are included among the accused; that is, Athena Tsakalou (mother of the CCF members Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos) and Evi Statiri (wife of Gerasimos Tsakalos) will also stand trial.

Meanwhile, Evi Statiri had filed a motion for the lifting of one of the restrictive conditions imposed on her after her release from prison. She had requested the lifting of the prohibition on communicating and meeting with her imprisoned partner Gerasimos Tsakalos, but her motion was rejected earlier this month (November 3rd).

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Posted in Prison Struggle