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Squats & Autonomous Spaces Action Days – 18/19 Sept 2009 (UK)

May 18th, 2009

This is a call out to people involved in squats and autonomous spaces for
2 days of direct action on the 18th & 19th of September 2009 around
housing and the creation of more autonomous spaces at this time of crisis.

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Posted in Autonomy |

Why we want the destruction of retention centers

May 18th, 2009

Here is a leaflet from the anarchist aperiodical publication Non Fides, translated from French. It was distibuted in French cities and in front of the Vincennes retention center which burned after the revolt of its prisoners.
A retention center (Centre de Rétention Administrative or CRA in French) is a prison for illegal immigrants in attempt of their eviction. There has been a lot of revolts past years inside these prisons, and outside. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in No Borders |

Italian anarchists arrested for police station attacks

March 26th, 2009

Bombs against the communal police of Parma: four comrades arrested.

In the night of 19 to 20 of October, two bombs exploded in front of the headquarters of the communal police of Parma (Italy). The damage is limited, no one of the cops who were inside got hurt. This section of the communal police was denounced lately by a student from Ghana, Emmanuel Bonsu, who made public how he was beaten and tortured. Lately, more and more denounces of migrants who are being tortured in the police stations are made public.
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Posted in Social Control |