Gun Control Blogs


Conservative political activism.

Owner: Morpheus

Listed in: Politics

Other Tags: liberty, conservativism, libertarian, freedom


News and information about gun issues, including gun control, gun rights and laws and legislation.. that affect gun owners.

Owner: DCriswell

Listed in: Politics

Other Tags: gun rights, second amendment, firearms laws, firearms legislation


View of politics and issues from swamps and bayou everyday folks

Owner: bennie

Listed in: Politics

Other Tags: obamacare, law, congress, washington


I was born in San Francisco and moved to Washington State as a small child. I grew up a hippie kid.. in the 60 s and 70 s with very liberal parents. I joined the Army at the age of 17.

Owner: strongservice

Listed in: Politics

Other Tags: political, social media, social hysteria, election

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