april gaede

White Supremacist April Gaede Shows Up to Counter Tolerance Rally

White Supremacist April Gaede was among the small group of armed counter-protesters James Conner writes about at today’s Flathead Memo. Photos and tweets on Gaede’s twitter account show she and others held racist signs saying that immigrants are rapists. (No signs included warnings about allegations related…

Guidelines for Cowgirl Blog Submissions

Cowgirl Blog Submission Guidelines

These are exciting times for the Cowgirl Blog, for it has grown into a destination for the writings and comments of some of the state’s top figures, newsmakers, experts and also young and up-and-coming journalists. I encourage submissions and will print as many as possible…

kristen juras

The Juras Campaign’s Barefaced Embrace

Some Montana voters and politicos pretty much ignore the Montana Supreme Court non-partisan judicial races until the very last minute, when they ask their favorite lawyer how to vote.  2016 Montana Supreme Court Candidate Kristin Juras may be betting on this trend. Anyone who is…


Bullock Bests Gianforte in Latest Fundraising Quarter

The AP is reporting this evening that Governor Bullock beat Greg Gianforte in the latest fundraising quarter. The story also makes it evident that Gianforte his still trying to push the ridiculous notion that its bad to accept money from political action committees, which are required to report their donors,…

Jim Nelson

GUEST POST: Come and Get It!

by Jim Nelson, Montana Supreme Court Justice (Ret.) The newspaper’s lead story reported a protest at our Capitol Building against the resettlement of Muslim refugees in our Country and State. And there was the striking, large color photograph of a self-anointed “blessed child of God” dressed…


Jesus & the Art of the Steal

Roughly 12 score years ago now, our founding fathers put pen to paper and codified, with a good deal of ‘rights’s and ‘shall’s, exactly the manner in which our country was to work. Since that time, we have been embroiled in an unending, sometimes violent…

Henry Nicholas, III, Marsy's Law bankroller and Broadcom Co-Founder

Beware “Marsy’s Law”

James Conner at the Flathead Memo wrote this week about “Marsy’s Law,” a ballot measure for which signatures are now being gathered in Montana.  Marsy’s Law is what is known by its advocates as a “victims Bill of Rights,” and is modeled on a ballot measure…

mary moe

GUEST POST: Hokey Pokey

by Sen. Mary Sheehy Moe (D-Great Falls) Sen. Moe can be reached at moe.mt.senate@gmail.com Follow her on Twitter  @MaryMoeMT Ah, the irony. Before the self-proclaimed “originalist,” Justice Antonin Scalia, had even been entombed, Senate Republicans were changing the Constitution’s clear directive to the President to appoint Scalia’s replacement –…

jeff bridges

Star Power: Bullock Gets Assist From The Dude 

Jeff Bridges, oscar winning actor and country musician, will be holding an Evening of Conversation and Music in Missoula to raise money for Steve Bullock’s gubernatorial campaign.  Bridges not only has a home in Montana, but has worked directly with Bullock to combat hunger and malnutrition among…

Greg Gianforte

Gianforte Gets Shamed By Whitefish Brewer

Greg Gianforte is staging what he calls a Regulation Roundup Tour, holding  local gatherings at which he tries to convince the crowd that Montana’s economy is in dire straits, and hat the cause of the problem is “too much regulation.” Steve Daines has often hit…

Ted Cruz

GUEST POST: Ted Cruz Sends Tom Baiz a Check

by Clair Baiz

Claire Baiz attended the University of Montana and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in history and political science from the University of Great Falls. Baiz, a columnist for Signature Montana magazine, has been recently published in the U.S.A. Today and Untitled Magazine. Her short fiction is featured in The J.J. Outre Review and Molotov Cocktail. 

It must have been a prank, years ago, when someone put my husband on a right-wing mailing list. I can’t bring myself to toss (or even return) them: they often provide entertaining moments on the brief walk to the recycling bin.