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but especially to democracies as against despots. What is it? Distrust." - Demosthenes
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Black Eye P.A. , IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale, Banger Brewing
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Pete's Seafood and Sandwich (5/5 stars) Only place I've ever had a better poyboy is New Orleans. Well,,,, not better, but as good. This stuff is done right.
Tostadas (5/5 stars) This place is awesome. Full stop. Ceviche is great. Prices are cheap. Fish is high quality. Sauces are delicious. Really fun space. $6 for...
Embargo Grill (5/5 stars) Huge menu and delicious food. Service was quick and friendly.
IB Street Tacos (5/5 stars) These are actually big full size tacos, not the little street tacos. But the quality is very high. Absolutely delicious. And right by the...
Himalayan Dine Inn (4/5 stars) Service was a bit odd and slow, but the food was all very good. Would certainly recommend it for good Indian food.
8Elements Perfect Indian Cuisine (5/5 stars) Our favorite place for sit-down Indian dinner.
The River Inn (1/5 stars) Do NOT stay here. Filthy. Bad management. Run down and poorly maintained. Dead bugs all over the office. Not enough parking.

Last cached on 2016-03-04 20:03:44
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    Google+ Invites? - Sep 17th, '11

    Let me know if you need a Google+ invite. I need to know what email you'll be signing up with.


    Over At Google+ Now - Jul 29th, '11

    I'm blogging regularly over at Google+ now. Here's a link to my profile. No idea whether I'll be making that the new blog home or not. But for now that's the exciting space to play in.


    Please Stop - Mar 18th, '11

    I would like the US media to please stop talking about anything related to radiation. They are too stupid. Straight up too dumb.

    Here is the reality of the chance radiation from Fukushima will threaten people's health on the west coast - Zero. Nothing. Absolutely and completely zero chance at all of anything. The chance is zero. 0%.

    And yet we have fear inducing bullshit like this being splashed all over the place.

    The only way that graphic shows meaningful amounts of radiation reaching the US is if the reactors are designed and built in a way they aren't, they melt through the containment vessel they can't melt through, they magically melt through the ground to a coal seam no one knows about, the spent fuel rods sprout legs and wander over to this hole so they can toss themselves in, and then Doctor Evil makes an explosion to somehow expose the thing to the air again. And then faeries carry the particles to us. And then we all go out in the pasture and graze for a few days.

    So rather than tell the truth - The graphic shows it can't reach us - they go with Dr Evil/faeries version.

    So.... US media...... please stay the hell away from science. You aren't ready for it, as you seem to have skipped it in high school. Real life is not a fucking video game.


    Hidden Gem - Mar 6th, '11

    1) So I find an ambiguous tip about an unknown taco shop buried way down in an Internet forum. Google has no hits for the place at all, no listing on Yelp, zero mentions anywhere. Google street view doesn't show it. Well....... might as well drive over and check it out.

    Tiny place, sign says tacos for $1, right next to a liqueur store. All good signs. Inside I see plenty of people eating tacos, I'm the only gringo. Very good sign. As I walk to the back I see a massive trompo with the heat turned up high enough it's charring the fat on the outside. Oh yes....... very very good sign. I'll have some of that.

    So for the second time I get to be the first person to post on Yelp about one of the best Mexican food places in San Diego (San Marcos in this case actually, but still...). Some people bird watch and hope to spot a rare bird. I find rare tacos. It's what i do.

    2) The taco map below is fleshed out a bit. This documents several years of taco research, and consolidates notes and maps I have from all over the place. I'll be keeping it updated.

    3) Sharon was asking on Facebook about how I find all this crap. There is no easy answer. It took a lot of stumbling around before I started finding the good stuff. And since everyone has different tastes, and the vast majority of people who post on the Internet wouldn't know real Mexican food from a California burrito, it can be frustrating.

    First of all you need to learn what people who don't know authentic refer to as authentic. In San Diego this would be burritos and carne asada fries (apologizes to Casa Grande if he reads this...). Any place that gets lots of reviewers mentioning those in San Diego is not the sort of place I'm looking for. They are good eats, but they are not the good stuff.

    Then you need to go to whatever forum the true foodies hang out at and spend a loooooong time reading. In San Diego that's Chowhound, other places might have their own food blogs, but it needs to be a forum most people don't use. You are looking for the restaurants that get repeated. Don't be afraid to ask, but also don't be surprised to be ignored. The sort of forum you're looking for will have the snobs. It's fine.

    Then go to Yelp and look up those places. Pick apart the reviews and look for the folks who know what they're talking about. Then look over on the right side for lists. The lists are a gold mine. People rarely put together a list of taco shops if they don't really care about tacos.

    Then keep doing that, round and round, for years. And eat hundreds of tacos. That's the technique I use.

    If that seems impractical, I think I would just ask. Especially If I was related to foodies who lived there. But that's just me.


    San diego Mexican Map - Mar 4th, '11

    Here it is. Best tacos in San Diego. I'll keep it updated. Still working on some of it.

    Click on the link under the map for the user friendly version.

    View San Diego Taco Map in a larger map


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