
New ID card move stirs opposition

By Tim Colebatch, Canberra
January 17, 2006

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ATTORNEY-General Philip Ruddock is about to launch a review that could pave the way for a national identity card, despite opposition from senior colleagues.

In his strongest sign that he favours an ID card, Mr Ruddock yesterday dismissed fears about the cards leading to breaches of privacy as "misplaced".

But Defence Minister Robert Hill wasted no time in making it clear that he shared those fears.

And with opposition coming from groups ranging from to the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to the Greens, the outcome of the debate is anything but a foregone conclusion.

Mr Ruddock said he would soon announce terms of reference for an inquiry into the potential for an ID card, focusing on its costs and benefits, what information should be electronically incorporated in the card, and what legal protections would be needed.

"A very large proportion of Australians have an ID card now," he told the Financial Review. "It's called a passport — and increasingly, that is going to include biometric data.

"A lot of people … say (an ID card) would be dreadful, that this would enable the Government to have access to a wider range of information … and you wouldn't want to trust government with all of that information.

"I would simply say that government obtains all that information . . . now."

But Senator Hill voiced his scepticism about the concept, floated by Prime Minister John Howard but criticised in recent months by Treasurer Peter Costello and Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.

"I don't believe governments are entitled to any more information about you than is absolutely necessary," Senator Hill said.

"I would need to be convinced that it doesn't amount to an unreasonable intrusion on the personal privacy of Australians."

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has warned that the plan would add to business costs, saying research by the London School of Economics suggests that it could cost as much as $15 billion over the first 10 years.

Labor's spokesman on homeland security, Arch Bevis, yesterday joined the attack, calling the planned inquiry a smokescreen.

"Before launching into an inquiry, the Attorney-General needs to state clearly what the purpose of a national ID card would be", he said. "What is it meant to achieve?"

The Australian Democrats and Greens have voiced opposition to the proposal on privacy grounds.

The Democrats' privacy spokeswoman, Natasha Stott Despoja, warned last week that an electronic database filled with personal information on all citizens could become a magnet for computer hackers.

Mr Ruddock told ABC radio yesterday it was unclear whether an ID card would be worth the cost. "You've got to undertake a full cost benefit analysis … and that's the task we're undertaking", he said.

But he dismissed concerns over privacy, saying the protections now applying to tax, health and other information that government collects would apply to an ID card.

An AgePoll last year found that 61 per cent of people polled were in favour of an ID card and 33 per cent opposed.

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