Results for: Garda-s-och-na

In Toys

How long is a darts oche?

from the centre of the bullseye to the throw line is usually 7ft 9 1/4 inches, but some pubs play at 8ft.
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Why does Lake Garda have a Mediterranean microclimate?

Lake Garda was formed by a huge glacier coming down from the Alps 1.5 million years ago! So why is Lake Garda so fertile? Well, the as the glacier moved through the valley, it (MORE)

Why is the symbol for sodium Na instead of S?

Certain chemical symbols on the periodic table were named not only  after the name of the element but also after the people who  discovered them. Some of their chemical symb (MORE)

Distance from Verona to Lake Garda?

Riva del Garda: - Verona 60 Km - Venezia (Venice) 160 Km - Roma (Rome) 550 Km - Milano (Milan) 190 Km
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In Italy

Distance from Milan to lake garda?

Lake Garda is located in Sirmione, Italy. The distance between  Milan and Lake Garda is 138 kilometers. If you take A4 drive time  is about an hour and 40 minutes.
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In Uncategorized

What is better the you phone 5c or 5s?

the 5s because it has better service but it dosent have diffrent  colrs just silver gold and black
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What is the Distance from Pisa to lake garda?

The closest town to Lake Garda is Sirmione, Italy. Sirmioine, Italy  is approximately 123 miles away from Pisa, Italy and a flight would  take about 45 minutes.
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