5 Responses

  1. Dan Romesberg
    Dan Romesberg February 29, 2016 at 9:17 am | | Reply

    A reasonable assessment, I believe.

  2. Jason Schulman
    Jason Schulman February 29, 2016 at 1:45 pm | | Reply
  3. Doug1943
    Doug1943 March 1, 2016 at 3:52 am | | Reply

    ‘Worker control of enterprises’ is a meaningless concept. It’s the warm fuzzy magical phrase by which socialists hope to banish the evil genie of the market.

    But you either have a market, or you don’t. If you do, ‘worker control of enterprises’ will operate within very narrow constraints … do we come to work at 8am or 8.30? But the real ‘decisions’ will be made by the market. If you don’t have the market, then you will have Central State Planning.

    In which case, stock up now on soap and toilet paper and everything else.

  4. Jason Schulman
    Jason Schulman March 1, 2016 at 6:07 pm | | Reply

    Doug — I highly recommend reading this, which lays out a credible vision of rather comprehensive democratic planning (with a subordinate market sector):


  5. Danny Mitchell
    Danny Mitchell March 4, 2016 at 12:12 pm | | Reply

    There is a difference between a Democratic Socialist and a Democratic Marxist. A Democratic Socialist still believes in the two party system and continues to beg the liberal wing of the Democrats for more crumbs. While a Democratic Marxist uses the fight within the Democratic Party to begin the discussion of Socialist solutions to the problems with the economy. But knows that the real solution to peoples problems can only be solved by organizing the workers into a legitimate third party, a Labor Party. After the Democrats choose Hilary, lets use the momentum to begin organizing the Labor Party.

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