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Students who change schools do worse in NAPLAN

Alexandra Smith 1:10 AM   Students who change schools several times do worse in NAPLAN than their peers and are more likely to drop out of school.

Social media attacks include threats to rape and kill

Van Badham has been the target of trolling, bullying and harassment.

Natalie O'Brien 12:35 AM   "I was sent rape and death threats, had my email hacked."

Drug resistant bacteria breakthrough

Coloured scanning electron micrograph of a macrophage white blood cell (red) engulfing a tuberculosis (Mycobacterium ...

John Elder 11:38 PM   Melbourne researchers have pioneered a new approach to killing bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics. Scientists at Monash University and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute have used a locally developed experimental cancer drug to prevent infections from spreading in the body.

Booze bracelets for drink-drivers?

Serial drink-drivers could be fitted with alcohol-monitoring bracelets.

Jill Stark 11:28 PM   Abstinence orders backed up monitoring of offenders' drinking have slashed drink-driving and family violence abroad.

Australia could be the next Paris, terrorism expert warns

French fire brigade members aid an injured individual near the Bataclan following fatal shootings in Paris.

Natalie O'Brien 10:04 PM   In the battle against IS it doesn't matter how much you are in for, whether it is in for a penny or in for a pound.

How IS lights up the brains of potential jihadi recruits

University of Chicago's Professor Robert Pape says the research could lead to powerful tools in preventing future ...

Natalie O'Brien 10:00 PM   Determining what typical Aussie teenagers Abdullah Elmir and Jake Bilardi found so irresistible about IS could save others.

Where did all the expensive homes go?

One of the few ultra-prestige homes for sale is Brett Blundy's $45 million waterfront pad in Rose Bay.

Lucy Macken 8:38 PM   Hoping to buy an ultra-prestige home in Sydney anytime soon? Better get in line.

In the name of the father - the burden of the good priest in a time of shame

Parish priest Father Hien Bu, at St. Brendan's Flemington.

John Elder 5:53 PM   Pope Francis has talked about the Church as a field hospital for the wounded. It's a message with conflicting and complex resonance, not only in this time of reckoning in the paedophilia scandals – during which the clerical collar and lighted candle has become a staple of TV parody – but for an institution that has suffered through many a dark history.

Mackay cops deluge ahead of AFL match

Mackay City Council's instagram post of this week's flooding.

Lisa Yallamas 3:56 PM   Mackay's rain-sodden Harrup Park will host the pre-season AFL game between Brisbane Lions and St Kilda on Sunday - despite ex-cyclone Winston drenching the city and districts with 200-300mm over the past few days.

Resigning would be an admission of guilt: Pell

George Pell.

Marika Dobbin 4:53 AM   Bolt's one-hour interview (broadcast live from Rome) is the first for Pell since he finished four days of testimnoy at the royal commission into child sex abuse.

'Pope Francis never received request to meet sex abuse victims'

Child sex abuse survivors David Ridsdale, Phil Nagle and Andrew Collins speak to the media in Rome. The group says their ...

Lloyd Jones 4:32 AM   Child sex abuse survivors who flew to Rome to hear Cardinal George Pell give evidence to a royal commission say their request to meet the Pope was never received.

Stress-related absence from work on the rise

Access EAP data shows a 15 per cent increase in people taking stress leave.

Anna Patty 3:11 AM   Stress-related absence from work is on the rise, corporate psychologists have warned.

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Drilling for history: the act of science in Antarctica

A solar halo above the Aurora Basin North campsite, 550 kilometres inland in Antarctica.

Adam Morton 12:15 AM   Obtaining core ice samples that can help decode climate change is a herculean feat in inhospitable conditions, writes Adam Morton.

Craft beer boom means heady days for hop growers

The Galaxy Hops.

Peter Barrett    Thanks to the global rise of craft beers, Victorian hop growers are experiencing a boom of their own.

Do we really know how to be green?

Jenny Stewart

Jenny Stewart   There's more to being green than following the advice of the day.

Vatican critic has harsh words for Pell

Francesca Chaouqui also known as "Lady Vatican" at her house in Rome this week.

Nick Miller   A controversial figure at the centre of Rome's "Vatileaks 2.0" scandal claims Cardinal George Pell influenced and hurried the work of a Vatican reform commission.

Australian pressure killed off PNG plans to reintroduce death penalty

Under pressure from Australia, Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has shelved plans to reintroduce the death penalty.

Bianca Hall   Canberra's influence led Papua New Guinea to shelve a push to execute those guilty of serious crimes - especially against women.

The trouble with Snowden

 Edward Snowden on a live video feed.

Andrew Masterson 12:00 PM   Step one: book guest speaker. Step two: pay guest speaker. How hard can it be?

Department spends $4.5m on redundancies

Dr Martin Parkinson, former Secretary of the Department of the Treasury.

Henry Belot   PM&C; paid more than $4.5 million for voluntary redundancies last year.

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Did life get better for Australians last year?

Money isn't everything but it is a big factor in our wellbeing.

Matt Wade   Economic growth was strong in 2015, but what about another key measure?

Tassie's battle to keep lights on

A dam bust? Gordon Dam on Lake Gordon in Tasmania's south-west in better times.

Adam Morton   The Apple Isle is using a fleet of diesel gennies and cloud seeding to try and make it rain, but will this state run out of power?

New 'piece of MH370' found by Blaine Gibson after WA advice

Blaine Gibson

Aleisha Orr   The man responsible for finding what could be the second piece of the doomed flight MH370 aircraft headed to Mozambique on the advice of West Australian academics.

Scots College: Principal suddenly reverses decision to resign

Scots College launched a court challenge last year after Woollahra Council failed to approve its plans to convert a ...

Eryk Bagshaw   The principal of Sydney private school Scots College was going to resign in the wake of turmoil at the Bellevue Hill school but suddenly reneged on his decision on Thursday night. 

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Bangarra brings spirit and purpose to Terrain

A strong showing from Deborah Brown in Terrain.

Jill Sykes   Review: Bangarra Dance Theatre's Terrain

From little things, big things grow

Pat Dodson will become Labor's Senate candidate for Western Australia.

Tony Wright   Paddy Dodson might have been just another scared kid on his first night at boarding school ... if he hadn't been black.

CSIRO cuts spark fierce international backlash

A CSIRO scientist says the decision to axe 350 staff has caused chaos and witch-hunts within the organisation.

Ross Peake   The mood among staff at CSIRO's Black Mountain laboratories will get much worse unless Malcolm Turnbull is prepared to reverse the proposed inexplicable cuts to flagship programs on climate change and water. Fairfax Media spoke to former heads of CSIRO and other long-serving and retired staff in Canberra to gauge the implications of the cuts.

Minister takes aim at APS's 'old boys network'

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash says women in the public service have the skills to overcome entrenched male power.

Noel Towell   APS "Old boys" dominating appointments to government boards, according to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash.

Comments 23

Four days on we're still in the dark about what Pell really knew

Cardinal George Pell giving evidence this week: "this was the real Pell being slowly revealed".

Jane Lee   ANALYSIS: Cardinal's only regret is that he had not been more curious, which is tempered by his belief that others prevented him from doing more.

Pell pledges to help those 'wounded by sex abuse'

Cardinal George Pell reads a statement to reporters as he leaves the Quirinale hotel after meeting with survivors of sex ...

Nick Miller and Melissa Cunningham   Cardinal George Pell has pledged to help those "wounded by the scourge of sexual abuse", in the final act of his appearance at the child sex abuse Royal Commission.

George Pell: clergy abuse survivors want Vatican law to be rewritten

Cardinal George Pell arrives at the Quirinale hotel in Rome.

Melissa Cunningham   Ballarat clergy sexual abuse survivors want Vatican law rewritten to protect future generations of children.