Afghan Interpreters Who Helped British Army For Four Years Trapped In Burned Out Calais Jungle

Afghan Interpreters Who Helped British Army For Four Years Trapped in Burned Out Calais Jungle

An update from Refugee and Asylum Seeker Participatory Action Research (RAPAR): RAPAR’s two young Afghan interpreters who worked for the…

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An Open Letter To Nicola Sturgeon On RBS Prosecution

An Open Letter to Nicola Sturgeon on RBS Prosecution

By Kam Sandhu @KamBass Below we publish an open letter sent today by Nigel Henderson to Scottish First Minister Nicola…

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Fuel Poverty – How Are The Big Six Still Getting Away With It?

Fuel Poverty – How are the Big Six still getting away with it?

  By Lori Inglis-Hall Friday 26 February is Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, a nationwide day of action in which campaign groups…

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“We Need To Know What They Saw & Heard” – Protecting Prisoners In The #SarahReed Justice Campaign

“We Need To Know What They Saw & Heard” – Protecting Prisoners in The #SarahReed Justice Campaign

BY Kam Sandhu @KamBass Last night, a 'Protect the Prisoners' protest took place outside Holloway Prison in North London. Sarah…

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Regional Devolution – A Warning To England From The Desolate North

Regional Devolution – A Warning To England From The Desolate North

by Steven Durrant If you live outside Greater Manchester you may think that plans to give more powers to the Greater…

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‘Securing Your World’: Inequality, Brutality & G4S

‘Securing Your World’: Inequality, Brutality & G4S

By Kam Sandhu @KamBass G4S is a multinational security company, boasting operations in over 120 countries. It is the world’s…

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The Borders Of Capitalism: Nazis, Refugees And The Arms Trade

The Borders of Capitalism: Nazis, Refugees and The Arms Trade

 By Kam Sandhu @KamBass On 30th January, pro migrant and anti-fascist protesters were met with violence before they reached their…

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WATCH: Real Media talks to Aaron Bastani about the BBC and the Charter Review

  Real media's Thomas Barlow has a more in depth discussion about the BBC charter renwal. Is the BBC biased?…

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WATCH: The BBC Charter 2016 – What’s Happening To The BBC?

WATCH: The BBC Charter 2016 – What’s Happening to the BBC?

  If you want more information please check the links below. We can still influence what happens to the BBC,…

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FCA: Fit For Purpose?

FCA: Fit For Purpose?

By Kam Sandhu - @KamBass Yesterday, 4 new members were elected to the board of independent regulator, the Financial Conduct…

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Ex-Gitmo Chief Ignores French Court Summons To Testify On Torture

Ex-Gitmo chief ignores French court summons to testify on torture

The ex-chief of Guantanamo prison, Geoffrey Miller, has ignored a summons by a French court to testify over accusations of…

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Circle agrees to meet unions weekly

A housing association has agreed to hold weekly negotiations with union leaders, averting the imminent threat of large scale industrial…

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EU Unveils $750mn Fund To Counter Growing Refugee Crisis

EU unveils $750mn fund to counter growing refugee crisis

Language Undefined Announcement comes after Greece warned it could become a 'European Lebanon' unless it got help for hundreds of…

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#CleanForTheQueen – Who Really Cleans for the Queen?

As Britain's top toffs line up for smug photo opportunities as part of Clean For The Queen Aaron Bastani asks:…

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Hospital deficits are skewing NHS priorities

NHS hospitals in England are forecasting a £2.3 billion deficit by the end of the financial year. This is a…

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Being Self-employed May Well Be A Sign Of Desperation, Not Choice

Being self-employed may well be a sign of desperation, not choice

I drew attention to some new HMRC statistical data yesterday: now it is time to look at some more, just…

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Equalities Watchdog Criticises Planned Cuts To Work Support Allowance

Equalities and Human Rights Commission says cutting £30 a week from ESA benefits will disproportionately hit disabled people. more

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Bill O’Reilly Loses Custody Of His Children After Choking Wife

Bill O’Reilly loses custody of his children after choking wife

We Are Change Bill “Family Values” O'Reilly has been denied custody of his children by a New York court. The…

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Letter to all MPs about #ESACut #NoESACut #ESA #WRAG

Following last nights stay-of-execution of the Welfare Bill in the House of Lords with their voting for the Stop and…

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It’s time to call the bankers’ bluff

Barclays today announced a fall in profits for 2015, bringing results season for the UK's big banks to a close.…

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Don’t Speak Too Soon – The Freedom Of Information Fight Is Not Over Yet

Don’t speak too soon – the Freedom of Information fight is not over yet

Ministers have ruled out sweeping changes to the Freedom of Information Act, but campaigners still have concerns. There will be…

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New lobby register consultation: Will the Commission finally grasp the lobbying bull by the horns?

As the European Commission launches its public consultation on the future EU lobby transparency regime, the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency…

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Mass Action Camp: End Coal Now – April/May 2016

Mass action camp: End Coal Now – April/May 2016

As part of the Groundswell year of action and read more more

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BT Accused Of ‘Shameless Profiteering’ Over Universal Credit Helpline

Tim Farron estimates the telecoms company has made a minimum of £1.49m from calls made by people struggling with the…

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The Adam Smith Institute is now willing to argue that those on benefits are genetically different to the rest of us

The Guardian has noted that: More than 85% of fraud allegations made by the public over the last five years…

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Number Of People Sleeping Rough In England Rises By Almost A Third In A Year

An estimated 3,569 people are sleeping on streets on any one night, government figures show. more

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VIDEO: The News For Idiots – Ep5: Blue Monday & Sky News

VIDEO: The News For Idiots – Ep5: Blue Monday & Sky News

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TTIP pillar already being used to torpedo public interest laws and democracy

Regulatory cooperation under the proposed EU-US trade deal (TTIP) will strengthen corporate lobbyists’ hand in attacking public interest legislation and…

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Brussels, Big Energy, & Revolving Doors: A Hothouse For Climate Change

Brussels, Big Energy, & revolving doors: a hothouse for climate change

Conflicts of interest in the field of energy and climate policy are being ignored by EU institutions, allowing some of…

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Talking Dirty – Climate & Energy Commissioners All Ears For Big Polluters

Talking Dirty – Climate & Energy Commissioners All Ears for Big Polluters

Big energy and fossil fuel companies enjoy privileged access to Europe's top climate policy decision-makers according to a new report…

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