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  1. The new “Ghostbusters” and race: Why it matters that Leslie Jones isn’t playing one of the scientists

  2. A missing Christian relic, the fall of Nazi Germany & a mystery that flummoxed historians

  3. Trump really does stand for B.S.: “Trumpery” is an old-fashioned word that’s proving useful today

  4. We’re not meant to do this alone: American individualism is destroying our families

  5. My geriatric “catfishing” cautionary tale: It's not just a young person's phenomenon

  6. Hawks for Hillary: It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry about Republicans supporting Clinton

  7. 已轉推

    Bobby "Immigration Without Assimilation Is Invasion" Jindal blames the rise of Trump on Obama

  8. 已轉推

    As many as 83 refugees the U.S. deported back to Central America from Jan. 2014 to Oct. 2015 were killed.

  9. Trump and Romney have a lot more in common than either would like to admit

  10. Is Michael Bloomberg getting serious about a presidential run? This curious move has fueled new speculation

  11. Was Bill O'Reilly drunk on TV last night? We take a sober look at the evidence

  12. Supreme Court puts hold on Louisiana abortion law that would close nearly all clinics

  13. 已轉推
  14. Conservatives bash Trump for dropping out of : "Scared that the crowd might make him cry?"

  15. “Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer”: Senator “confirmed” as notorious murderer (on Wikipedia)

  16. Studies: Feeding peanuts to babies may help protect them from developing allergies

  17. Bill O’Reilly, drunk or just awkward? An in-depth analysis of his slurry, bizarre GOP debate show

  18. The GOP establishment wants the same things as Trump. They just want to be more coy about it via

  19. This will be trolls' favorite app: Even with anti-bullying controls, “Yelp for People” still sounds like a nightmare

  20. Trump’s foreign policy heresy has put Republican hawks in nightmare scenario — backing Hillary Clinton


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