
Spot Big Tobacco’s Contradiction

“Plain packaging is not a proven policy,” she said. “There’s no credible evidence that this policy will stop people smoking, that it will stop kids, young people, taking up cigarette smoking.

Climbing Uluru and disrespect

Perhaps revelations over the last week regarding disrespectful shenanigans on top of Uluru will finally push the govt to honour the promises it made in 1983 to stop people climbing the rock?

Quickhit: Workers saying goodbye to selfish bosses

So, does any reader work for a company which has prioritised normalising promotion/pay structures for employees who made sacrifices during the GFC? Or are you one of the many being overlooked while restoring company profits for the benefit of shareholders takes priority? Or does your company actually seem to be managing the balancing act for both employees and shareholders?

Endangered Sunday: Bluefin Tuna

With stocks of Atlantic bluefin tuna down 75 per cent due to over-fishing, the European Commission said the trade ban’s rejection threatened the survival of the ocean predator. Environmental group Greenpeace also warned the vote ”sets the species on a pathway to extinction”.

Not friends again

This article in The Australian by Rosemary Neill is more a report on the lay of the land than a way forward but what it does do is spell out nicely the latest split to occur in feminism. Once again… Read More ›


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