Author Archives

Mary is a women in tech activist, a programmer, a writer, and a sometime computational linguist. She writes at with occasional appearances at Hoyden About Town and her previous projects include co-founding the Ada Initiative and major contributions to the Geek Feminism blog. She's @me_gardiner on Twitter.

  • The 92nd Down Under Feminists Carnival

    Down Under Feminists Carnival logo

    This is the 92nd monthly Down Under Feminists Carnival. This edition of the carnival gathers together December 2015 writing of feminist interest by writers living in Australia and New Zealand.

  • Reminder: submit now for the 92nd Down Under Feminists Carnival!

    Down Under Feminists Carnival logo

    Reminder: submit now for the 92nd Down Under Feminists Carnival! Email submissions to mary-carnival [at] puzzling [dot] org. Submissions must be of posts of feminist interest by writers from Australia and New Zealand that were published in December 2015.

  • Otterday! And Open Thread (Xmas-free zone)

    text graphic over a line drawing - an otter circled into an O shape

    Please feel free to use this thread to natter about anything your heart desires. Is there anything great happening in your life? Anything you want to get off your chest? Reading a great book? Anything in the news that you’d like to discuss? Commiserations, felicitations, temptations, contemplations, speculations?

  • Xmas open thread 2015

    A table with a Xmas summer dessert feast: pavlova with strawberries and a berry sorbet pudding

    Feel free to talk services, observances, decorations, rushing, shopping, gifts, surprises, feasting and family traditions heart-warming and otherwise. If anyone making other seasonal observances wants to join the thread, please do.

  • The 92nd Down Under Feminists Carnival coming to Hoyden! Submit today!

    Down Under Feminists Carnival logo

    Hoyden is welcoming the Down Under Feminists Carnival back for the eight time in January! Please submit December 2015 posts of feminist interest by authors in Australia or New Zealand.

  • Otterday! And Open Thread

    text graphic over a line drawing - an otter circled into an O shape

    Please feel free to use this thread to natter about anything your heart desires. Is there anything great happening in your life? Anything you want to get off your chest? Reading a great book? Anything in the news that you’d like to discuss? Commiserations, felicitations, temptations, contemplations, speculations?

  • Otterday! And Open Thread

    text graphic over a line drawing - an otter circled into an O shape

    Please feel free to use this thread to natter about anything your heart desires. Is there anything great happening in your life? Anything you want to get off your chest? Reading a great book? Anything in the news that you’d like to discuss? Commiserations, felicitations, temptations, contemplations, speculations?

  • Otterday! And Open Thread

    text graphic over a line drawing - an otter circled into an O shape

    Please feel free to use this thread to natter about anything your heart desires. Is there anything great happening in your life? Anything you want to get off your chest? Reading a great book? Anything in the news that you’d like to discuss? Commiserations, felicitations, temptations, contemplations, speculations?

  • Quick link: decriminalise abortion in NSW

    A woman standing in front of the US Capitol building holds up a sign displaying a stylised uterus and reading 'Is this mine yet?'

    Greens MLC Dr Mehreen Faruqi, is campaigning for the decriminalisation of abortion in NSW. Learn more about the campaign at the Decriminalise Abortion page on Faruqi’s website.

  • Unhappy data retention day

    Surveillance cameras attached to a building exterior

    This morning, Australia’s mandatory 2 year data retention regime began. Internet activity through Australian ISPs including mobile phone providers is now recorded.


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