Again!!!! Broken bones…

I used to believe myself unbreakable. Then, THIS happened, deeply shaking this conviction. But crashing into the wall feet first on skates at full speed, breaking a few bones is probably standard.

However, after managing to break my big toe yesterday while playing futbol (first ball touch of the day, kicked the ground), Im starting to think that the bones in my right leg are made of a material probably stronger than sand, but somewhat more fragile than porcelaine.

It is of course nothing serious compared to last years crisis (although, in the most unpleasant moment of the day…the first doctor who looked at the X-Ray proposed a „small surgery“), but still…3-4 weeks cast, cant really walk, 6 weeks no sports, no swimming, and so forth. And once thats done with, I get to work on getting all the muscles and tendons around the the right ankle working well again (rehabilitation Nr. 2, to get ready for surgery, and then do rehabilitation again!) so that they are in good enough shape for….the next surgery. The fun never ends.

Whatever, shit happens, and no complaints as long as all is well that ends well. But do expect more posts and a fair amount of whining and moaning.

Hospital anecdote highlights…

-The Polish doctor telling me that his uncle also lived in Argentina, „he went there after World War 2 when the communists came. He fought with Germany against the communists so he was afraid.“ Nice.

-In the room next to me, guy who clearly looked like he got the worst part of a fight somewhere talking to the hospital psychologist.
Psychologist: „Did the alcohol have something to do with you getting in this fight?“
Battered Guy: „No.“
Psychologist: „But youre blood alcohol level was 2.6 promille!“
Guy: „Yes, but I normally drink about the same amount and dont always get in fights…“


8 Antworten auf „Again!!!! Broken bones…“

  1. 1 afa hamburg 14. Juli 2010 um 18:09 Uhr

    ach mensch, nicht schon wieder! gute besserung.

  2. 2 db0 15. Juli 2010 um 11:14 Uhr

    Aw sucks. Get well soon mate.

  3. 3 Villa Crespo Anti-21 15. Juli 2010 um 13:07 Uhr

    Sos un desastre nene! Basta de romperte. Asi no vamos a ningun lado…

  4. 4 Administrator 15. Juli 2010 um 13:17 Uhr

    Wow, one in each language…not bad! Just missing french now. :-)
    Ill stick to English as the common one.

    And I agree, so geht es nicht weiter. Today 3 hours doctor again, Tuesday CT scan, Friday doctor again.

    Depending on outcome of the CT, best case 3 weeks, worst case 6-8.

    Nightmare, patience ending…

  5. 5 Eric 16. Juli 2010 um 12:49 Uhr
  6. 6 Administrator 16. Juli 2010 um 13:25 Uhr

    Yes, I saw this shirt in preview at the Bright fashion show in January and tried to buy it directly at the end of the show….but they refused. Im definitely getting it, although my fracture is better than all of those! :-)

  7. 7 hh-lisbon 16. Juli 2010 um 14:40 Uhr

    nós esperamo-lo batente que fere-se e começ vivos e retrocedendo outra vez logo

  8. 8 Mode Michelle 23. März 2012 um 12:21 Uhr

    Oh nein.. gute besserung.

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