Only local images are allowed.Newswire is a 4 column, table-less, fixed width theme for Drupal 6.x. Newswire has many additional regions ideal for displaying standard size banners or any other content.

The fixed width is 960 pixels and the main content column width is dynamically set depending on what columns you have enabled.

Newswire also comes with many color options for the nav bar, blocks, block styles and more.


  • Supports 1, 2, 3 or 4 column layouts
  • Uses a CSS reset and separate stylesheets for forms, layout, html elements & styles
  • Includes a default user picture/avatar
  • Suckerfish drop menus built in
  • Skinr module styles for block borders and backgrounds (requires the Skinr module).
  • Selectable "color" stylesheets - mix and match header/nav colors and page/block/border colors using theme settings

6.x-4.x Updates

This new 6.x-4.x release of Newswire brings in a new direction and style updates for the theme.

The nav bar styles have been updated to a more modern look and the CSS has been improved for better cross browser compatibility, in particular the Suckerfish drop menus and IE8.

The fieldset issues that plagued IE has been fixed, hooray!

Imagecache user pictures are now supported also - double hoorray!!

The color options style sheets have been split up and you can now mix and match navigation/header colors and the page grays or tans. There are new theme settings to support this new feature. There are couple of new colors including Green and Brown (the original Red, Blue, Gray and Orange color options are included also).

The biggest change is with the block styles - instead of hard coding block styles by region the theme now uses the Skinr module to deliver many configurable block styles. This is a big improvement, but, they are not support for IE6 (no borders will appear in IE6), please see the project page for the justification for this.

All the code was reviewed and many small tweaks have been made - improvements in code semantics and accessibility in particular.

Suckerfish drop menu:

To have your Suckerfish menu just drop a fully expanded Drupal menu block into the suckerfish region and viola, instant drop menu (see the README for full instructions).

Example sites using Newswire:

#D7CX I pledge that this theme will have a full Drupal 7 release on the day that Drupal 7 is released.

#D7AX - I pledge to make this theme as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue.

Newswire is designed, built and maintained by Adaptivethemes.

Project Information
