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Palestinian civil society coalition urges McGill students to uphold support of divestment February 25, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

The vote in support of divestment from companies that are directly involved in war crimes against Palestinians at McGill is a principled decision that stands in stark contrast to the cowardly decision by the Canadian parliament to vote to condemn the BDS movement and protect Israel’s regime of occupation, colonialism and apartheid

Palestinians welcome Academy distancing itself from Oscars gift bag February 17, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Palestinians: Israel boycott ban similar to Thatcher’s support for apartheid February 15, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Palestinians call on Oscar nominees to reject Israel propaganda trip February 10, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Palestinians welcome United Methodist Church divestment January 13, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Solidarity with the Palestinian popular resistance! Boycott Israel now! October 10, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Dirty Profits report highlights role of Israeli banks in settlement construction February 24, 2016 by Article 1

Israeli banks play a central role in all aspects of Israeli control over the territories it has occupied and colonised since 1967

Israeli arms manufacturers look to cash in on the war in Gaza December 11, 2014 by Dan Cohen at Mondoweiss

Why is the ICRC helping defend Israeli war crimes? December 9, 2014 by Charlotte Silver at Electronic Intifada

On Gaza and global rage August 19, 2014 by Haidar Eid at Middle East Eye

What’s behind the rise of BDS? August 8, 2014 by Sherry Wolf at International View Point

U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel, or Let Others Broker Peace August 5, 2014 by Noura Erekat at New York Times


Brian Eno satirical invite to Oscars nominees…#SkipTheTrip February 27, 2016 by #SkipTheTrip campaign

These actions are part of an ongoing campaign urging Oscar nominees to #SkipTheTrip being offered by the Israeli government in swag bags distributed by Distinctive Assets, a Los Angeles-based marketing company.

More than 50 people joined a demonstration outside the G4S shareholders meeting at which the company announced plans to end its role in Israel's prison system, but only by 2017

G4S loses major contract in Colombia after BDS campaign February 25, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Crepes & Waffles, a major restaurant chain in Colombia, has decided to end a contract with G4S after a year-long BDS campaign against the multinational security company in the country

Letter for signature by UK students – UK Students resist attacks on Palestine solidarity February 23, 2016 by UK student activists

The National Union of Students and more than 30 student unions have voted to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The student movement will not be intimidated into silence

Support Statement of Palestinian Feminists in Palestine and Diaspora February 22, 2016 by Palestinian feminists

We, the undersigned, Palestinian feminists, human rights activists and representatives of women organizations, hereby declare our full support and deep appreciation for the decision taken by the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) to stand with the struggle of the indigenous/native Palestinians against the colonial apparatuses used by the Israeli occupation regime.

Diluted UK government position on ‘Israel boycott ban’ follows public outrage February 18, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

This is the most pro-Israel UK government in a generation and this government is going further than the Margaret Thatcher ever went to defend South African apartheid

Palestinians call on Oscar nominees to reject Israel propaganda trip February 10, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Palestinian human rights activists are calling on Oscar nominees not to accept travel vouchers supplied by the Israeli government as part of the gift bag that will be given to the nominees in the acting and directing categories.

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BDS en 2015: Siete formas en que nuestro movimiento marcó nuevos rumbos en contra del colonialismo y el apartheid israelíes January 15, 2016 by Comité Nacional Palestino de BDS

English here 2015 será recordado como el año en que la resistencia popular palestina se extendió por toda la Palestina histórica, y decenas de miles de palestinos y palestinas salieron a las calles para resistir y enfrentar al régimen israelí … Continue reading 

BDS en 2015: reseña completa January 15, 2016 by Comité Nacional Palestino de BDS

English here Enero: Israel muestra creciente preocupación ante el crecimiento del BDS El movimiento estudiantil por la desinversión florece en Estados Unidos El órgano de gobierno estudiantil de la Universidad de California en Davis vota por abrumadora mayoría a favor … Continue reading 

Activists in Palestine calling for CRH to end its complicity with the construction of Israel's Wall and settlements

Irish corporation CRH becomes latest big European firm to exit Israel January 11, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

The BDS movement has been calling for CRH to divest from Nesher Cement over its role in the construction of Israel's illegal Wall and settlements

Orange drops Israel affiliate following inspiring BDS campaign January 7, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

French telecoms giant Orange has announced the termination of its franchise relationship with Israeli company Partner Communications

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