Call 911 is a television show that premiered as a Court TV special on August 21, 2007, and began airing as a series on July 30, 2008 on Investigation Discovery. The series began airing on Discovery Fit & Health in February 2011. Each episode documents real 911 calls from people in trouble to emergency dispatchers. Call 911 was initially picked up as a twenty-episode series, but Investigation Discovery ordered a second season which consisted of 40 additional episodes.
Somebody ring the alarm, call 911
Somebody ring the alarm. aah.
This is a warning, and you heard it from me
A new virus out in the streets
People drop when they hear this beat
they drop when they hear this beat
Put the kids to bed close the doors,
Sweeping the country it's coming for y'all
No matter where you and who you are
Can't somebody, won't somebody please somebody
tell me what it is (I wanna know)
Can it be that nobody ever made a banger quite like this
(I wanna know.)
Somebody ring the alarm now
This shit is really going down now
Somebody pick up the phone, call 911
It moves from club to clyb now
This shit is really going down now
Somebody pick up the phone call 911
If somebody told you to
I wouldn't put it on if I was you
wouldn't even dare to turn up the radio
(Wouldn't even dare to turn up the radio)
Give you a chance to evakuate
Get you hotter than an earthquake
Gotta run gotta hide before it's too late
(Gotta run gotta hide before it's too late)
Hello, anybody still alive
Hello, Did you make it through the night
I'm about to lose my mind
(Somebody ring the alarm, call 911)
Call 911 is a television show that premiered as a Court TV special on August 21, 2007, and began airing as a series on July 30, 2008 on Investigation Discovery. The series began airing on Discovery Fit & Health in February 2011. Each episode documents real 911 calls from people in trouble to emergency dispatchers. Call 911 was initially picked up as a twenty-episode series, but Investigation Discovery ordered a second season which consisted of 40 additional episodes. | 17 Aug 2018 | 17 Aug 2018 | 17 Aug 2018 | 17 Aug 2018
The Times of India | 18 Aug 2018 | 17 Aug 2018