Gears of War Ultimate Edition PC Errors and Fixes: Performance Issues, Cannot Download Game And More

A few tech tips for Gears of War Ultimate Edition.

Posted By | On 03rd, Mar. 2016 Under Video Game Tips | Follow This Author @Pramath1605

Gears of War Xbox One 1

Microsoft stealth launched the PC version of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition yesterday. This was great for those of you who like surprises- but it was terrible for a lot of other people, because it seems that a lot of drivers and software necessary to run the game without issues simply were not ready. As a result, there have been a lot of errors reported for the title- far more than are usually expected from a Microsoft PC offering.

If you have run into any of them, we can help you out. This guide will help you deal with most of the common errors and problems that the PC version of Gears of War Ultimate Edition has- and it will help you deal with them by listing out some fixes for them.

First, the requirements:

Recommended System Requirements For 1920×1080

  • OS: 64 bit Windows 10 – version 1511
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 3.5GHz+ or AMD FX 8-core
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM (4 GB VRAM)
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon R9 290X
  • Hard Drive: 60 GB available space
  • DirectX 12


  • OS: 64 bit Windows 10 – version 1511
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 @ 4Ghz or AMD FX 8-core
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM (6+ GB VRAM)
  • Graphics: Geforce GTX 980 Ti or Radeon R9 390X
  • Hard Drive: SSD + 60 GB available space
  • DirectX 12


  • OS: 64 bit Windows 10 – version 1511
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 2.7Ghz or AMD FX 6-core
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM (2 GB VRAM)
  • Graphics: Geforce GTX 650 Ti or Radeon R7 260x
  • Hard Drive: 60 GB available space
  • DirectX 12

Please be advised that the following methods are to be used at the sole discretion of the platform owner. GamingBolt or its staff members take no responsibility for problems that may arise or issues that may occur from trying the below. Always remember that official support is always the best support. 

AMD Performance

Unfortunately, AMD card users are at a significant disadvantage if they try to run the game. It’s a nightmare, basically. Microsoft is working on fixing the problems that users with AMD cards are facing- for now, they recommend those on GCN 1.1/1.2 cards to play on 1920×1080 resolutions or lower until the update.

AMD Ambient Occlusion Setting

One of the big problems with AMD cards and Gears is that Ambient Occlusion can cause significant problems. Microsoft is working on a fix for the problem- for now, they recommend that if you are running the game on an AMD card, you switch off Ambient Occlusion.

Windows Store Download Error

Make sure you are updated to the latest version of Windows 10 (64-bit version 1511 or later) to successfully download and install the game. Unless you are updated, you cannot access the Store and download the title.

Integrated Intel GPUs on Laptop Errors

If you are running your game on a laptop with an integrated Intel GPU, you will see this message when you attempt to launch Gears of War:

“Your graphics hardware is not optimized for this game. You may experience degraded visual quality. Please visit for more information”

You need to switch your laptop’s Nvidia card to resolve this issue- unless you have an Nvidia card, you cannot run the game. (Support for AMD cards is coming soon)

  • Close the Game
  • Open the NVIDIA Control Panel
  • Select Manage 3D Settings
  • Select High-Performance NVIDIA processor in the ‘Preferred graphics processor’ menu
  • Select Apply

Restart the game now. You should no longer get the message.


Gears of War does not support G-Sync. It is strongly recommended that you turn off G-Sync before you attempt to play the game. You can do this either by switching it off in the Nvidia control panel, or by switching Lock Framerate settings to Off in the Video settings.

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  • DEVILTAZ35 .

    Lock framerate settings off only affects Vsync not Gsync. You will need to turn it off in the graphics driver.

    • d0x360

      Lock frame rate off doesn’t effect vsync either. as of today uwp is always running with vsync on. The lock is to lock the game at 30 in case your system can handle a solid 60. A solid 30 is better than a frame rate that bounces all over the place between 30 and 60.

      Vsync settings in the graphics driver dont matter either. Uwp forces it no matter what. Microsoft said they will be updating uwp so it no longer forces vsync but today it does no matter what you do.

  • d0x360

    I bought it today expecting the worst instead I was met with a rock solid 60fps on my AMD 290x with only slight hitches when new areas were loading, something i expect will be fixed via patch.

    Everyone is acting like its all doom and gloom but the reality is much much simpler. This is one of the first full dx12 based games and GPU drivers need some fixing. Same things happened when every version of direct x launched. Once nvidia and AMD get used to dx12 it won’t be a problem anymore. We will always see driver optimizations for big titles but updates on this level are rare.

    Remember Rage? Remember how major driver updates were needed? That was because the game used new tech (mega textures) and it required gpu’s to work different than before so driver updates needed to be made to properly handle the differences. Same story here everyone so just relax and wait for your vendor to update. If my 290x can run it maxed out at a solid 60 so can your equivalent or more powerful GPU.

    Also keep in mind if your GPU isn’t dx12 compliant (many nvidia cards aren’t fully dx12 compliant even newer ones) you might get less than stellar performance. That’s not anyone’s fault it just means YOU need a new GPU because from here on out more and more games will be dx12 only.


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