Create your own website for only 84 SEK/month

  • Quick and easy without any prior knowledge.
  • Included in all of our hosting packages.
  • Do as 10 000’s of other satisfied customers.
Get started with my website


Perfect for you who develop websites and online stores, regardless of whether you encode yourself or if you are using any tools.

From 84 SEK/month

Pia Stolt,"Loopia’s services have always worked smoothly for us, which has allowed us to spend more time and energy on our core business."
- Pia Stolt,
Read more about our hosting packages

Start your online store

Start a complete online store for all your needs with Loopia’s flexible e-commerce solutions.

From 84 SEK/month

Anna och Lina Petersson,"With Loopia, we get the chance to help vulnerable people all over the world to a better life by reselling their products in our online store."
- Anna and Lina Petersson,
Get started with my online store

Do you need help? Our popular and award winning Super Support is included in all of our services. Read more »

Three reasons to choose Loopia for your domain and your website

200 000 customers

Sweden's leading domain and hosting provider

Money back guarantee

Money back guarantee for thirty days on hosting and VPS:s

The best tech support in Sweden

Our SuperSupport helps you every day of the year

VPS - your own server

Get full control of your website/web service with LoopiaVPS. Enjoy dedicated resources and full freedom with a virtual server.

249 SEK/month

"With LoopiaVPS we gain more freedom and flexibility in terms of development and maintenance. Something we highly recommend!"
- Emil Svensson,
Read more about LoopiaVPS

Move your website and e-mail to Loopia

Get access to priceworthy products and world-class support at Sweden’s largest web hosting provider.

From 84 SEK/month

To change hosting and move your website, e-mail and your domain name to Loopia is easy if you follow the guide below. Our Super Support is of course available if necessary.
This is how you move to Loopia