New Internationalist

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Independent journalism is an endangered species — together we can protect and defend it.
Saudi Arabia: Arming up…

Saudi Arabia: Arming up…

Its not just for show, as the bombing of Yemen illustrates, writes Vanessa Baird.
Bernie Sanders: Revolution beyond the ballot box

Bernie Sanders: Revolution beyond the ballot box

Mark Engler argues for acts of determination and sacrifice.
‘Our friends’: Saudi Arabia and the West

‘Our friends’: Saudi Arabia and the West

Vanessa Baird takes a look at this ‘special relationship’.
‘I’m talking about disruption’

‘I’m talking about disruption’

Rapper and poet Saul Williams talks to Chris Garrard about politics, prisoners and the power of imprecision.
The digital divide’s great leap forward

The digital divide’s great leap forward

We need to harness the innovation from today’s technology revolution to serve people’s needs, writes Chris Spannos.

Top stories

Saudi Arabia: Arming up…

Its not just for show, as the bombing of Yemen illustrates, writes Vanessa Baird.

Bernie Sanders: Revolution beyond the ballot box

Mark Engler argues for acts of determination and sacrifice.

Mostafa's story

One man’s inspiring but disturbing journey to become a rickshaw rider in Bangladesh. Photos by Ana Norman Bermudez.

'Our friends': Saudi Arabia and the West

Vanessa Baird takes a look at this ‘special relationship’.

The death of racism and the myth of white supremacy

Rapper and campaigner Akala in conversation with Dan Glazebrook.

‘I’m talking about disruption’

Rapper and poet Saul Williams talks to Chris Garrard about politics, prisoners and the power of imprecision.

Mixed Media: Books

This month’s book reviews.


Universalizing environmental and human rights

Doug Weir explains why these rights are especially important during times of armed conflict.

Help us reach our fundraising goals!

Independent journalism is an endangered species — together we can protect and defend it. Helen Wallis explains why it is important to support New Internationalist.

Planting a million trees for Malawi

Sabine Joukes reports on a project to halt deforestation in a once-fertile land.

From Google tax scandals to Taiwan havens

The Tax Justice Network examines the companies and countries that profit from lack of regulation, with host Naomi Fowler.

Climate change needs real solutions not more hot air

Are certain proposals to reduce carbon emissions based on technological hype? Almuth Ernsting asks.

Hope springs eternal

And from the most unexpected sources, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Read more past issues online

  • Book cover

    The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change

    A completely revised edition on the politics of climate in a post-Copenhagen world.

  • Book cover

    People First Economics

    Toxic debt, rising job losses, collapsing commodity prices and expanding poverty. How can we rein in these beasts unleashed by the free market economy?

  • Book cover

    The World Atlas of Sport

    This beautifully designed and fully illustrated atlas profiles the world’s major competitive sports, their political uses and abuses, and the profits that flow from their commercial development.

All books

If you would like to know something about what's actually going on, rather than what people would like you to think was going on, then read the New Internationalist.

– Emma Thompson –

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