I collect the star
Watch for
Rolling Rocks in Hazy
Maze Cave using 0.5 A presses. The A press is to perform AB kicks on the rising elevators.
Without doing these kicks,
Mario would go through the elevator, and so there'd be no way to navigate out of the lake area with
QPU speed. For the record, this is
This video is an improvement from my previous video in which I collected this star in 1 A press. You can find that video here: https://youtu.be/yGic8wwhm6g. Since then, we discovered PU movement and scuttlebug raising, which made this strat possible.
For convenience, here are the informative parts of the video:
0:35 for half A presses
3:44 for scuttlebug transportation
5:01 for scuttlebug raising
8:07 for hyper speed walking (HSWing)
10:40 for parallel universes (PUs)
Here is a play by play of what I do.
First, I use scuttlebug transportation to move a scuttlebug to the corner of the Watch for Rolling Rocks platform. Then, I use scuttlebug raising to raise him to about the height of the platform.
Next, I use hyper speed walking to generate massive speed.
Finally, I use PU movement to navigate to the top of the course, launch to the scuttlebug to bounce on him, and ground pound in the misalignment of the platform to get onto it. And from there, I collect the star.
If you want to see my workspace/calculations and read about the process of TASing this,
I've chronicled it here:
.m64 stats:
Length: 13 hours and 49.5 minutes
Re-records: 6824
Frames: 2986271 (1493100 input)
This video is without a doubt the one that I've put the most time into out of all my videos. I knew this going in, and so I decided to keep a log of how much time I spent on each aspect of it (note: if my computer was doing work like compiling/recording and I could let it be, I didn't count that time). Here are the stats:
Time to TAS: 12 hours
Time to record/manage raw avis: 9 hours
Time to create uncommentated version: 31 hours
Time to add visuals/commentary: 75 hours
Apparently, PUs are more complicated than we originally believed. The route used in this particular video causes a crash on console, which we believe stems from Mario moving onto a PU triangle of too great a steepness. Hence, we are looking into alternative routes that would avoid such a crash. So while 0.5x is definitely viable on the
Wii virtual console version of
SM64, it's unclear if it can be pulled off on the console version.
Version: https://youtu.be/X-zAWbM50JM
ABC Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvvhlevqC2d6vis077yFHuLJHYtTtqe_
Routes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ypRVVRyf4x-v8GqCSmKYnicrfKSIjao3Y1ZVl52RIyM/edit
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 1116152