The City of Subiaco is a Local Government Area of Western Australia. It covers an area of approximately 7 km² in inner western metropolitan Perth, the capital of Western Australia and lies about 3 km west of the Perth CBD.
The Subiaco Municipal Council was gazetted in 1896, and was proclaimed a city on 1 March 1952.
The town has been divided into 4 wards, each of 3 councillors. The mayor is directly elected.
* These localities are only partially contained within the LGA boundary.
An abandoned oil tanker has washed up on the shores ofLiberia in west Africa, prompting an investigation – and speculation over the fate of the ship’s crew ... On Thursday the Liberia national police and bureau of immigration inspected the ship, days after local residents first discovered it on the beach ... The ship was en route to the Senegalese port ofDakar, according to the site....
Priebus said it's true there are two Trumps – the man he's dealt with throughout the course of the primary election period and the one firing up campaign rallies with blustery speeches ... "I don't think too many people thought that Tuesday and Wednesday would be the end ofTed Cruz and John Kasich," he said....
The Sun newspaper said the court injunction was obtained five years ago to prevent it revealing the actor's identity in the UK, but a US magazine has now published his name with details of his alleged infidelity ... "Global stars seem to have fallen for the soft sell of claimant lawyers promising the earth but delivering a target to the backs of celebrities....
This is a contest for the presidency of the United States," he said ...House SpeakerPaul Ryan among them - are still expressing wariness about Trump, who became the party's presumptive nominee this week when two Republican rivals dropped out of the White House race ... "Donald Trump has not demonstrated that temperament or strength of character ... On Friday, Trump took aim at Clinton for her use of a private email server while in office....
The recent spike in the use of heroin and other opioids, sparking frightening headlines about addiction and overdose, has left families struggling to find solutions. When my family discovered I was using heroin over a decade ago, when I was in my mid-20s, they spent years trying to help, but didn’t ... ....
The CityofSubiaco strongly opposes the CityofPerthBill and the detrimental impact it will have on the whole Subiaco community ... The CityofSubiaco is committed to ... OriginalDocument. http.//’?feed=NewsMedia....
SubiacoCityCouncil). Did you know there are over 4400 parking bays in the CityofSubiaco? You just need to know where to find them ... You can even stay for the first hour free at four of the city's centrally located car parks ... This content was issued by SubiacoCity ......
SubiacoCityCouncil) Media release...CityofSubiaco announces new CEO ... "At a council meeting on Tuesday, council appointed Mr Burnett as the CityofSubiaco's new CEO, taking into account his career path and strong understandings of both regional and metropolitan councils, which place him in a great position to lead Subiaco to a bright future as a vibrant inner- ... "I am confident that Mr Burnett will be an asset to the CityofSubiaco....
CityofSubiaco residents say no to CityofPerthAct. More than sixty five per cent of respondents in areas affected by the proposed Cityof Perth Act want to remain part of the CityofSubiaco, a recent survey found ...CityofSubiacoChief ExecutiveIan Hill said that the survey results endorse the community's overwhelming desire to remain part of the CityofSubiaco....
... the part of the CityofSubiaco south ofAberdareRoad will be introduced to parliament this week ... "There is still no compelling case for the legislation, and the CityofSubiaco will be asking for the CityofPerthAct to be amended to allow Subiaco to retain its residential parts south of Aberdare Road."....
SubiacoCityCouncil). The cityofSubiaco won a sustainable transport award recently at the TravelSmart Awards on October 23... The CityofSubiaco was also recognised for sponsoring the Giro de Perth event (with the TownofVincent) during Bike Week....
SubiacoCityCouncil). The CityofSubiaco has appointed independent consultant CATALYSE to conduct a Business and community survey, as well as a Consumer behaviour survey ...Hard copies of the survey and a submission box can also be found at the city's AdministrationCentre, 241 Rokeby Road, Subiaco....
SubiacoCityCouncil) Tuesday 10 June 2014. The CityofSubiaco was recognised for its commitment to excellence in community services at the recent Aged and Community Services WA Awards....
26 March 2014CityofSubiaco votes unanimously to replace Lords roof ...CityofSubiacoCEOStephen Tindale said the decision by council was a tremendous outcome and provided certainty and continuity for more than 3500 ... The CityofSubiaco is recognised as a local government leader in a range of areas such as environmental and social initiatives, and long-term planning for the future....