City of Subiaco united against City of Perth Bill’s forced boundary change (Subiaco City Council) ...

Edit Public Technologies 21 Jan 2016
The City of Subiaco strongly opposes the City of Perth Bill and the detrimental impact it will have on the whole Subiaco community ... The City of Subiaco is committed to ... Original Document. http.//’?feed=NewsMedia....

New City of Subiaco parking map (Subiaco City Council)

Edit Public Technologies 03 Dec 2015
Subiaco City Council). Did you know there are over 4400 parking bays in the City of Subiaco? You just need to know where to find them ... You can even stay for the first hour free at four of the city's centrally located car parks ... This content was issued by Subiaco City ......

City of Subiaco announces new CEO (Subiaco City Council)

Edit Public Technologies 05 Aug 2015
Subiaco City Council) Media release ... City of Subiaco announces new CEO ... "At a council meeting on Tuesday, council appointed Mr Burnett as the City of Subiaco's new CEO, taking into account his career path and strong understandings of both regional and metropolitan councils, which place him in a great position to lead Subiaco to a bright future as a vibrant inner- ... "I am confident that Mr Burnett will be an asset to the City of Subiaco....

City of Subiaco residents say no to City of Perth Act (Subiaco City Council)

Edit noodls 10 Jun 2015
City of Subiaco residents say no to City of Perth Act. More than sixty five per cent of respondents in areas affected by the proposed City of Perth Act want to remain part of the City of Subiaco, a recent survey found ... City of Subiaco Chief Executive Ian Hill said that the survey results endorse the community's overwhelming desire to remain part of the City of Subiaco....

City of Subiaco committed to remaining whole (Subiaco City Council)

Edit noodls 20 May 2015
... the part of the City of Subiaco south of Aberdare Road will be introduced to parliament this week ... "There is still no compelling case for the legislation, and the City of Subiaco will be asking for the City of Perth Act to be amended to allow Subiaco to retain its residential parts south of Aberdare Road."....

City of Subiaco wins People’s Choice Award (Subiaco City Council)

Edit noodls 03 Nov 2014
Subiaco City Council). The city of Subiaco won a sustainable transport award recently at the TravelSmart Awards on October 23 ... The City of Subiaco was also recognised for sponsoring the Giro de Perth event (with the Town of Vincent) during Bike Week....

City of Subiaco commissions two surveys (Subiaco City Council)

Edit noodls 12 Sep 2014
Subiaco City Council). The City of Subiaco has appointed independent consultant CATALYSE to conduct a Business and community survey, as well as a Consumer behaviour survey ... Hard copies of the survey and a submission box can also be found at the city's Administration Centre, 241 Rokeby Road, Subiaco....

City of Subiaco recognised at community service awards (Subiaco City Council)

Edit noodls 10 Jun 2014
Subiaco City Council) Tuesday 10 June 2014. The City of Subiaco was recognised for its commitment to excellence in community services at the recent Aged and Community Services WA Awards....

City of Subiaco votes unanimously to replace Lords roof (Subiaco City Council)

Edit noodls 15 Apr 2014
26 March 2014 City of Subiaco votes unanimously to replace Lords roof ... City of Subiaco CEO Stephen Tindale said the decision by council was a tremendous outcome and provided certainty and continuity for more than 3500 ... The City of Subiaco is recognised as a local government leader in a range of areas such as environmental and social initiatives, and long-term planning for the future....