ZZK Records, Buenos Aires, October 2011 (Ph Pequi Quintans QEPD)

Crowdfunding zzk records

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ZZK is in the business of creating & inspiring

Creating music.
Creating platforms for artists to grow.
Creating opportunities for dreams to come true.

Inspiring those who tune in and connect with our music, stories and ideas. We are as inspired as anyone, it’s what keeps us always moving forward.

In our now 7 years of existence we’ve helped some very special, talented, and relatively unknown artists, achieve what every artist needs: A platform on which to showcase their talents. From day one at ZZK we’ve aimed as high as possible. Ambitious much? Naaa, life is too short to not shoot for the stars.

We’ve sent La Yegros to her 1st show in Paris, sold out with the audience singing along. We’ve helped Chancha Via Circuito bring obscure South American folklore to festivals & venues around the world, and even got a remix of his heard by millions on Breaking Bad. We’ve seen the Frikstailers go from playing the backroom at our weekly party to making thousands dance around the world, from Switzerland, to Bogota, to Australia. We sent 2 guys making beats and rhymes from their bedrooms at the foothills of the Andes mountains to the Sahara tent at Coachella and Cosmopol tent at Roskilde and countless other festivals, because that’s where Fauna deserved to be. We’ve sent Tremor to a showcase at the prestigious “world music” expo WOMEX, in Copenhagen, quite possibly the biggest “industry” stage in the world for a band from Latin America. We’ve seen El Remolon write a digital cumbia anthem and then years later end up playing it for the entire country at Argentina’s emblematic Plaza de Mayo.

We took an underground, emerging and virtually unknown scene to unimaginable heights, wowing audiences in more than 150 cities around the world along the way. And you know what? The rest of the world is finally starting to catch on.

We took risks, we dreamed big, we made moves. The list goes on and on and on. Daily.

In summary, ZZK is a platform that helps artists grow.

How do we do this? Very diligently and with a lot of energy and passion. We craft the story from step one. We create or assist with the development of promotional assets for the artist. We distribute their music though the proper channels. We help them connect the dots around the world. We become an integral part of their team, devoted to helping them each step of the way.

See For Yourself

La Yegros Debut European Tour

Chancha Via Circuito Remix on Breaking Bad

Frikstailers Live @ Paleo Festival 2014

Fauna Live @ Roskilde Festival 2009

Tremor Live @ Womex 2010

El Remolon Live @ Plaza de Mayo 2014


2015 is shaping up to be an exciting year at ZZK. We have a lot of new music and new artists to share with the world. Have you heard our newest artist, the first Ecuadorian artist on the label, Nicola Cruz? Oh man, you should. He hasn’t released an album yet but is already being booked around the world and being heralded in the international press as somebody to watch out for.

We want to continue to create and inspire and help these artists achieve their dreams. As a part of our vision and passion, ZZK Films was born and we’re out there pitching our first big idea to get it made. We’ve got more ideas up our sleeves, bigger and better than the last.

ZZK is in a very interesting position to continue shedding light on some of the world’s most exciting arts and culture. We need your help to make this happen.

Here’s where you come in.

The music industry is rough out there right now, even more so in Latin America. With all of our success since starting the label, we’ve also hit a lot of road bumps. We won’t go into details but let’s just say the music industry like any industry, sucks at so many levels. We’ve fought hard, won a lot of battles, but it ain’t easy being the underdog.

In basic terms: our income stream does not match what we need to operate and grow.

We really wanna keep this train chugging forward. Our current needs include office space, personnel, budgets for marketing, promotion and more. We can’t afford half of this with what we’re currently pulling in. We’re hoping the world gives a little back to an operation who’s main job it is is to INSPIRE.

Watch a recent CNN interview where the host asks frankly “How are you able to keep this going, where’s the money?”

How do you support?

We’ve teamed up with the crowdfunding platform, IndieGoGo, where you can pledge to the campaign. It’s simple to use and you can choose exactly how much you want to help.

Of course your donations won’t come without gifts. We’ve got a smorgasbord of goodies to send to your inbox and your doorstep. We’ve even imagined some outside of the box personal experiences that will take you deep into the beating heart of ZZK Records.

Why donate to ZZK Records?

The question comes down to this:
Why do we need music in our lives? What is the function of music in society?

MUSIC in this case your favorite indie label ZZK RECORDS

  • It moves us
  • It inspires us
  • It takes us to nether regions of thought and emotion
  • It calms, relaxes and soothes us
  • It gets us excited, motivated, the adrenalin flowing
  • It makes us dance

Let’s face it. Music is everything. It’s been around since the dawn of time and it isn’t going anywhere. It’s one of the few things we have in life that we consume non-stop.

Whether it’s your commute to work, an exercise routine, earbuds at the office or a night out dancing, music accompanies our lives and in some strange, beautiful way, makes it better. Can you imagine your life without music? Neither can we.

What will your donations go towards?


  • Label Manager (handles the day to day at the label)
  • Publicists (these people help get the good word out!)
  • Radio Agents (we’d love to service our albums to radio stations, that costs money!)
  • Videographers (from music videos, to documentary videos, to EPKs and promotional stuff!)


  • Mixing, mastering, studio time, etc. (All that technical stuff that makes the music sound really good by the time it hits your ears)


  • Music videos (we love music videos, they’re needed to help promote an album and artist)
  • Artwork (from album artwork to merch ideas to promotional flyers, non-stop artwork is needed)
  • Websites (we’ve gotten in the habit of creating cool promotional websites for our releases and announcements)
  • Graphics (you’d be surprised how much of communicating what we do requires daily graphic design)
  • Merch (we’ve stepped our merch game up and we want to create more awesome things!)


  • Office Space (we currently rent a table at a co-working space in Buenos Aires)
  • Web Hosting (domain names, emails, hosting, etc)
  • Webmaster (the guy that makes all the websites, emails and databases work!)

What else can you do to help ZZK survive?

  • Buy our music (bandcamp is the most direct)
  • Buy our merch (sport a cool ZZK shirt at the next music festival you go to!)
  • Subscribe to our Drip.FM (for our superfans, lots of exclusives and firsts)
  • Go see a show (support the artists touring, go dance to their music!)
  • Like, Share, Retweet, Subscribe, spread the word (sounds obvious, but helps tons!)

Do you believe in what we do?

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Questions, doubts, thoughts: Talk to the bossman himself:
