Ben Phillips


Economics/Public Policy Associate Professor at ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods.

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  1. مُعاد تغريدها
    قبل ١١ ساعة

    : Welfare policies should be based on evidence and not myths or stereotypes, argues.

  2. مُعاد تغريدها
    ٢٥ مايو
    ردًا على و و

    thank you Qantas for your support. And Margaret - you have gone too far. Shame on you...

  3. مُعاد تغريدها
    ٢٥ مايو

    Chinese investors pull out of Melbourne apartment market - via

  4. ٢٤ مايو

    Suburb level crime rates modelling by Eco/demographic factors. Baysian modelling presentation at ANU's CSRM seminar

  5. ٢٣ مايو

    A detached house about 4kms from Brisbane CBD for under $million - imagine the equivalent price in Sydney!

  6. مُعاد تغريدها
    ٢٢ مايو

    GST revenue, like other revenue, commonly overestimated by @Treasury_AUsince the GFC. Another downward revision in

  7. مُعاد تغريدها
    ٢٢ مايو

    Final poll result: Govt should boost foreign aid spending to 0.7% of national income by 2030. Yes 55% No 41% Undecided 4%

  8. مُعاد تغريدها
    ٢٢ مايو

    My post for on how budgets papers should show how different income groups are affected

  9. مُعاد تغريدها
    ٢١ مايو

    Huge debate 8pm tonight on w/ () Have you say on our Twitter poll. Vote now!

  10. مُعاد تغريدها
    ٢٠ مايو
  11. مُعاد تغريدها
    ١٩ مايو
  12. مُعاد تغريدها
    ١٨ مايو

    It's time for a mature and apolitical welfare debate: John Hewson

  13. ١٨ مايو

    Media continues to ignore ABS efforts to use Labour Force 'trend' figs. Seas adj more interesting albeit random

  14. مُعاد تغريدها
    ١٧ مايو
  15. مُعاد تغريدها
    ١٧ مايو

    Me, on the Budget. No Super Fix to Housing, or to Super.

  16. ١٦ مايو

    Women in Economics Network @ press club talking budget matters

  17. مُعاد تغريدها
    ١٥ مايو

    Poll (Sky News) Medicare levy increase: Support 48.2 Oppose 34.1

  18. مُعاد تغريدها
    ١٥ مايو
  19. مُعاد تغريدها
    ١٥ مايو

    Shame you couldn't get the tax expert to answer the tax question

  20. ١٥ مايو

    Looking forward to ANU tax expert Prof Miranda Stewart on tonight!

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