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(Locked )

This project is currently locked. Access to the project's tools is read-only. Until the project is unlocked, no project files or data can be modified.

Summary The world's most popular open source version control system.
Category scm
License Apache License
Owner(s) svn

This is the former website of the Subversion software project, which now calls subversion.apache.org home.

Until the transition into Apache-hood is complete, this site will continue to serve some of the purposes of the Subversion project. For example, the project is still using the issue tracker hosted here. But in time, it is expected that this site will be converted into mostly just a set of pointers to information that has moved over to the subversion.apache.org site.

If you're looking for downloads of Subversion, visit our Source Code or Packages pages.

Thanks for your patience as we work through this transition!